ArduCAM / RaspberryPi

This is Arducam camera demos used on Raspberry Pi paltform
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
162 stars 97 forks source link

sudo ./run_Arducam_Demo does nothing #14

Open ItzDerock opened 4 years ago

ItzDerock commented 4 years ago

I run the command: sudo ./run_Arducam_Demo and hit enter, then it's just blank. Nothing appears.

pi@raspberry: ~/RaspberryPi/SPI_Camera $ sudo ./run_Arducam_Demo

Also will this work as a camera input? I'm trying to use this camera for an obstacle avoidance car

dlimoge commented 4 years ago

I am having a similar issue. Was a solution ever offered?

Flap-Monster commented 3 years ago

You have to change the 'peribase' to raspberry Pi 4. Take what I say with a pinch of sault but I believe the peribase is used to describe how the physical memory addresses and virtual memory addresses are translated via the arm CPU(I have come across it before when using DMA). The file that needs to be changed is this one in the /src directory bcm283x_board_driver.h. There is a #define which is commented out with //. Just comment out the non Pi 4 one by putting // in front of it and remove the // from the Pi4 specific one. Now I'm getting an SPI error but I know the camera is supported (been changing the gains/exposures etc using a software called raspicam c++.. specifically the opencv wrapper). Will update if I get past the SPI error! (Goes without saying you need to run make again to rebuild the .so)

ItzDerock commented 2 years ago

You have to change the 'peribase' to raspberry Pi 4. Take what I say with a pinch of sault but I believe the peribase is used to describe how the physical memory addresses and virtual memory addresses are translated via the arm CPU(I have come across it before when using DMA). The file that needs to be changed is this one in the /src directory bcm283x_board_driver.h. There is a #define which is commented out with //. Just comment out the non Pi 4 one by putting // in front of it and remove the // from the Pi4 specific one. Now I'm getting an SPI error but I know the camera is supported (been changing the gains/exposures etc using a software called raspicam c++.. specifically the opencv wrapper). Will update if I get past the SPI error! (Goes without saying you need to run make again to rebuild the .so)

@Flap-Monster Did you ever figure out the SPI1 Interface Error!? If not, did you find an alternative?