ArduPilot / MissionPlanner

Mission Planner Ground Control Station for ArduPilot (c# .net)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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MP log graphing issues with time axis and mode labels #1940

Open Kelly-Foster opened 6 years ago

Kelly-Foster commented 6 years ago

Running MP 1.3.58 build with ArduPlane master latest (from ~Sept 4th) on Matek F405-Wing on Radian Pro. I am documenting problems I've experienced for some time with MP's handling of the horizontal axis while graphing DF logs. Atttached are six screen grabs as I do the following:

  1. I rectangle zoom in on data of interest using left mouse press drag release. Using all MP defaults in log viewing, specifically "Use Time" unchecked, flight modes, messages and errors all checked. Note horizontal axis is "Line Number (10^3)". Note also that I get flight mode labels and color coding on the bottom of the graph, which is highly desirable.
  2. I then check the "Use Time" box. No change in graph, so I then roll middle mouse button forward one click, which zooms in on the current view. Horizontal axis changes to 00:00:00.000 and flight mode labels and color coding disappear. Dang. Not at all helpful.
  3. Then I right click "Set Scale To Default". 00:00:00.000 is replaced by integer # of seconds (since boot?). Well, that's more helpful than 00:00:00.000, but flight mode labels and colors still missing. A few messages appear in the pre-flight portion, but no flight modes or messages during flight.
  4. I rectangle zoom in on a region of interest, and horizontal axis is integer # of seconds, but flight modes and messages and color coding are still absent.
  5. I disable Use Time, zoom around a bit, and notice duplicate flight mode labels for RTL. None of the other flight modes are "double labelled". Not sure if that's intentional or not. Not a huge issue, but thought I would point it out in case it's not intentional.
  6. I zoom in on an area with lots of flight mode changes (perhaps during pre-fllight checklist) and confirm that only RTL is double-labeled.

Request: when "Use Time" is checked, horizontal axis is time, displayed by, perhaps with option somewhere to change that format to integer seconds. In either case, please continue to display flight mode, messages, and errors if those boxes are checked.

Second request: (much less important than first request) please consider and optional legend that tells me which horizontal band colors correspond to which flight modes. Sometimes I am zoomed in beyond the label, and have to zoom our or pan to confirm that blue is FBWA, pink is RTL, or whatever the mapping happens to be.

I find time in to be the most useful and intuitive horizontal axis by far. I think line number is more dev-centric. Users think about "2 minutes into flight I hit RTL as a test and it started diving to the ground". I will often have a video editor open looking at recorded FPV cam + OSD while reviewing logs. Line number in DF logs means nothing in video review.

Thanks for listening Michael.


mp graph 1 mp graph 2 mp graph 3 mp graph 4 mp graph 5 mp graph 6

Kelly-Foster commented 6 years ago

Additional insight: bug only occurs for me if I have data graphed on right side. I this test case, I put baro temp and airspeed temp on left side, and throttle on right side. Bug occurs in latest version build 1.3.6823.9561 which I upgraded to just now. Unfortunately that upgrade has introduced a new minor issue. Check out fonts in upper portion of main MP window.


mp upgrade font issue

meee1 commented 5 years ago

the font issue is a windows 10 update issue. with dpi scaling, and I have a feeling the other issue you are having is exactly the same issue.

Kelly-Foster commented 5 years ago

Sorry, I don't fully understand your comment. By font issue, are you referring to the grainy text in the main tabs at the top of the MP window? Or some other font issue? My main concern in creating this GIT issue is the horizontal axis in graphing, where "use time" doesn't work well if data are on right axis as well as left, and flight mode labels disappear. That can't be a Windows issue because if I only graph data on left side, it is well behaved.


meee1 commented 5 years ago

image this is in the compatibility tab of the MP shortcut icon what are yours set to?

meee1 commented 5 years ago


GrahamDyer commented 5 years ago

I have the same time issue. If I check "Use Time" then the entire scale is shown 00:00:00.000 and no actual time is shown.

Furthermore, "Show Point Values" shows the time oddly, in this case "30-Oct-50 00:00"


Font issue is not as apparent (Win 7) but the MP tab button text is rather small and not particularly clear