ArduPilot / SITL_Models

Models of aircraft for SITL
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Add the Aion R1 rover model #121

Closed itskalvik closed 5 months ago

itskalvik commented 5 months ago

@srmainwaring Taking option 2. I made a new branch and made a PR from that.



Gazebo and the plugins should be installed as per the ArduPilot Gazebo Plugin instructions.

Update the GZ_SIM_RESOURCE_PATH to include these models:

export GZ_SIM_RESOURCE_PATH=$GZ_SIM_RESOURCE_PATH:\ $HOME/SITL_Models/Gazebo/models:\ $HOME/SITL_Models/Gazebo/worlds

Run Gazebo

gz sim -v4 -r r1_rover_runway.sdf

Run ArduPilot SITL -v Rover -f JSON --add-param-file=$HOME/SITL_Models/Gazebo/config/r1_rover.param --console --map

srmainwaring commented 5 months ago

@itskalvik - thanks for the contribution. I've pushed the edits discussed in #120. Could you please review and let me know if you're happy with the changes.

The command I'm using to start SITL is: -v Rover -f rover-skid --model JSON --add-param-file=$HOME/SITL_Models/Gazebo/config/r1_rover.param --console --map

which highlights that the starting point is the rover-skid config.

Adjusting the follow camera gives a better view of the wheel slip in turns:

gz service -s /gui/follow/offset --reqtype gz.msgs.Vector3d --reptype gz.msgs.Boolean --timeout 2000 --req "x: -0.5, y: 0.5, z: 0.5"

@jmachuca77 are there updated links available for the original model and license? Those in are no longer valid.

itskalvik commented 5 months ago

This is incredible! You went way and beyond what I was expecting 🤯 Thank you So much for your work and quick response!! 😊

jmachuca77 commented 5 months ago

Unfortunately these repos have been made private. I would try contacting AION directly to see if the can be reopened.

srmainwaring commented 5 months ago

@itskalvik - added a user guided and squashed. I've sent AION an email asking about the license and access to original models. Will wait for their reply before merging, although with the PX4 model public this should not be an issue.

Update: have not received a reply. Comment in confers approval given stated conditions.