Open Hwurzburg opened 5 years ago
On Sat, 2 Nov 2019, Henry Wurzburg wrote:
my current understanding: -there are basically two types of avoidance triggers: ADSB and Rangefinder
Actually, there are essentially two entirely separate avoidance schemes used in ArduPilot, traditionally "macro" and "micro".
ADSB is the only real trigger for macro avoidance, 'though you can also trigger based on mavlink vehicle position messages IIRC. We'll probably also add AIS in for this. Rangefinders are unused in "macro" avoidance mode.
Micro avoidance takes data from a lot of places - Proximity sensors, fences, rangefinders, ....
Plane only does "macro" avoidance at this point. Copter, Rover and Sub can all do micro-avoidance too. Tracker does neither :-)
-once triggered, until the threat is passed, the current flight mode is changed (change allowed only with limitations) to a guided one to avoid, then returned to previous mode after threat is passed
This is true of the "macro" avoidance stuff. "micro" avoidance just tries to steer around things in the current mode.
The enabling params are: ADSB_ENABLE param: enables collection of targets via adsb receiver AVD_ENABLE param: enables/disables entry into the avoidance mode (I think currently mis-labeled as AVOID_ADSB in modes, since I believe it forces the guided avoidance mode for ADSB or Object, ie Rangefinders), and is incorrectly described in flight mode params
AvoidADSB is a mode used by Copter to handle the macro avoidance. Plane may get one eventually, how it's been restructired.
if the above is correct, I will create the PRs in code and wiki, otherwise, please educate me....thanks
I think we might need to clear up the distinction between the two avoidance regimes before we attach your other issues in here. Additionally, I'm not sure if we've now added code into the micro-avoidance stuff for ADSB vehicles (via the OA Database stuff). @MagicRub?
I think Plane already has the AVOID_ADSB mode....
@Hwurzburg is this resolved?
Ping @Hwurzburg - NeedAnswer
@peterbarker @tridge @rmackay9 ...I am trying to understand a few ADSB/Object Avoidance things in order to better document, as well as make sure there are desireable user controls on its enabling by RC option switches...I have spoken to Tridge and Randy some, but am afraid that I may be still confused
my current understanding: -there are basically two types of avoidance triggers: ADSB and Rangefinder -once triggered, until the threat is passed, the current flight mode is changed (change allowed only with limitations) to "AVOID_ADSB", a guided one (other actions possible in this mode) to avoid, then returned to previous mode after threat is passed
The enabling params are: ADSB_ENABLE param: enables collection of targets via adsb receiver AVD_ENABLE param: enables/disables entry into the avoidance mode (I think currently mis-labeled as AVOID_ADSB in modes, since I believe it forces the avoidance actions for ADSB or Object, ie Rangefinders), and is incorrectly described in flight mode params
vehicle.adsb.enable() returns ADSB_ENABLE param value vehicle.avoidance.enable() returns value of AVD_ENABLE param vehicle.avoidance_adsb.enable() /.disable() enables/disables entry into "AVOID_ADSB" modes from ADSB triggers vehicle.proximity_avoidance.enable (bool) is used for enabling/disabling entry for rangefinders triggers.
if my understanding is correct, I need to do the following:
if the above is correct, I will create the PRs in code and wiki, otherwise, please educate me....thanks
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