A FW hand launch using EKF3 without a compass and with the following parameter changes to enable non-compass use does not start the EKF-GSF yaw estimator until the isFlying flag is set to true which is after the launch acceleration. Lack of launch acceleration means the EKF-GSF is slow to learn the heading and vulnerable to GPS errors.
Additionally, if there are significant yaw gyro bias errors present, then the EKF-GSF yaw estimator can be affected as it does not use the main nav EKF's learned bias values.
Issue details
A FW hand launch using EKF3 without a compass and with the following parameter changes to enable non-compass use does not start the EKF-GSF yaw estimator until the isFlying flag is set to true which is after the launch acceleration. Lack of launch acceleration means the EKF-GSF is slow to learn the heading and vulnerable to GPS errors.
Additionally, if there are significant yaw gyro bias errors present, then the EKF-GSF yaw estimator can be affected as it does not use the main nav EKF's learned bias values.
Version Master at 07ad479
Platform Plane
Airframe type SITL NanoGoblin
Hardware type MatekF765-Wing
Logs Here are the console messages from a SITL test showing the delayed yaw alignment:
2020-06-22 17:17:27 ArduPlane V4.1.0dev (07ad4798) 2020-06-22 17:17:27 842f139c1c526d45bafd9f12e8b4c5f0 2020-06-22 17:17:27 Param space used: 581/3840 2020-06-22 17:17:27 RC Protocol: SITL 2020-06-22 17:17:27 New mission 2020-06-22 17:17:27 New rally 2020-06-22 17:17:27 GPS 1: detected as u-blox at 230400 baud 2020-06-22 17:17:32 Armed AUTO, xaccel = 19.4 m/s/s, waiting 0.2 sec 2020-06-22 17:17:33 Triggered AUTO. GPS speed = 0.0 2020-06-22 17:17:33 Takeoff to 30m at 100.0m to 1.0 deg 2020-06-22 17:17:42 EKF3 IMU0 yaw aligned using GPS 2020-06-22 17:17:42 EKF3 IMU0 is using GPS
SITL was started using "sim_vehicle.py --frame plane-throw --console --map -L CMAC_PILOTSBOX" and launched using RC 7 2000 to trigger the throw.
I have fixes in place for this which are undergoing flight testing.