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Quadplane doing Early VTOL transition in Guided Mode SITL #15716

Open 07hokage opened 3 years ago

07hokage commented 3 years ago

Hi. I'm trying to navigate the Quadplane ( ArduPlane V4.1.0dev (f18585c5 ) in Mission Planner SITL in Guided Mode. The following parameters are set for it


As per the documentation in quadplane "The approach to the guided waypoint will be done as a fixed wing aircraft. The transition to VTOL flight will begin at the WP_LOITER_RAD radius in meters. This should be set appropriately for your aircraft. A value of 80 meters is good for a wide range of QuadPlanes." But the VTOL transition is happening when the vehicle is at around 150-160 meter. I even tried changing the parameters as below:

WP_RADIUS = 60 WP_LOITER_RAD = 60 . But it still the transition is happening at around 130-140 meter. Is there any parameter that i missed for this transition to take place as expected or is this a real issue ?

Attached are the pictures of flight and transition well ahead of the waypoint radius in guided mode

Inflight transition

IamPete1 commented 3 years ago

I would guess its fly such that the transition finishes at the radius, have you tried increasing Q_TRANS_DECEL?

07hokage commented 3 years ago

Hi @IamPete1 , i just increased Q_TRANS_DECEL to 4 from the default 2. But still the transition is happening from about the same distance ( 150-160m to waypoint).

robustini commented 3 years ago

So I'm not the only one, see

robustini commented 3 years ago

Try to increase Q_TRANS_DECEL to 5.

07hokage commented 3 years ago

Hi @robustini , I increased Q_TRANS_DECEL to the maximum value 5. But after doing simulations, i found that this increment has improved performing transition at the distance specified by WP_LOITER_RAD while in RTL only but not in GUIDED mode. In guided mode it's happening around the same 150 meter mark despite the increment. Would you please try a simulation in guided mode and confirm if its performing transition at near specified radius. That would be of great help to me ! Thanks

07hokage commented 3 years ago

I just tried setting the WP_LOITER_RAD and WP_RADIUS to 20m (although not desirable) each. Now it is performing the transition at 90m mark to the waypoint in guided mode.

07hokage commented 3 years ago

Hi @robustini , I increased Q_TRANS_DECEL to the maximum value 5. But after doing simulations, i found that this increment has improved performing transition at the distance specified by WP_LOITER_RAD while in RTL only but not in GUIDED mode. In guided mode it's happening around the same 150 meter mark despite the increment. Would you please try a simulation in guided mode and confirm if its performing transition at near specified radius. That would be of great help to me ! Thanks

