ArduPilot / ardupilot

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AP_DDS: Design the ROS2 control interface #23363

Open Ryanf55 opened 1 year ago

Ryanf55 commented 1 year ago

For a ROS2 offboard computer looking control the autopilot, there are a variety of methods.

From a high level, it could be waypoint-based, feeding waypoints and letting the autopilot figure out how to get to them.

Other control methods (acceleration, rate) control are lower level, and require more real time behavior offboard. Pending some performance metrics that need to be completed, design the generic API for ROS2 to control ardupilot.

ROS REP-147 exposes a good set of messages, but they don't have any feedback on success of commands, or progress indications.

Since the DDS interface doesn't support services or actions (yet), this ticket can be scoped on the open loop control.

Leonard's talk on guided mode is an excellent primer:

He proposes the ideal method is to control position, velocity, and acceleration at the same time. Since ardupilot has some sense of the vehicle limits with respect to WP_NAV params, and these limits are fixed at runtime on copter usually, they can be sent to the companion computer once (on boot). Later, when dynamics are more variable, such as accounting for drag with respect to velocity, or throttling the climb rate based on battery sag, the dynamics can be shared dynamically. For some more info on how to apply the acceleration limits, see this:

Once the companion computer has the vehicle limits, it will need to take its global plan, and smooth it. For a 2D smoother, see here:

The companion computer should publish PVA commands as fast as reasonably possible, even 10Hz, with the current requested command (timestamped). There is not currently any look ahead support. Since ArduCopter supports S-Curves, there is currently no need to send an entire trajectory. S-curves attempt to minimize cross track error in 3D.

Ryanf55 commented 1 year ago

Starting to refine this. I'll enclose a proposal below. Here's the rough plan of action:

  1. Define the name for control library, apparently Randy is good at naming it. For now: AP_ExternalControl
  2. Define the coordinate systems and messages for control
    • Mavlink messages will be unchanged, but must be compatable
    • ROS2 can follow REP 147
    • Internal library should not use centidegrees or cm/s, prefer SI
    • It is ok to work in degrees or radians internally, just pick one
  3. Draft up the header file for AP_ExternalControl within scope for PVA control
    • Waypoints - out of scope
  4. Define how each vehicle type will subclass the control library
  5. Implement the interface with unit tests (no mavlink or DDS)
  6. Add the DDS messages for PVA control and hook them up to AP_ExternalControl
  7. Create backends for the control, such as AP_ExternalControlGCS and AP_ExternalControlDDS and AP_ExternalControlScripting
  8. Replace mavlink direct control to go through AP_ExternalControl, perhaps called AP_ExternalControlGCS
slim71 commented 1 year ago

Some (hopefully useful) feedback.

I've reviewed REP147 with control algorithms in mind, not only for the project I'll build but also from a general point of view. I'd say the most important stuff, which should take higher priority, is

  1. the pose interface, using messages of type geometry_msgs/PoseStamped on topic command_pose ⇨ this would allow the simplest control (which I guess is maybe the most desirable to the average user): provide a pose to the vehicle and let its autopilot reach it autonomously
  2. the rate interface, with messages geometry_msgs/TwistStamped on topic command_velocity ⇨ as REP147 states for ROS, this is one standard way to control robots (and so vehicles too). For example, it could be extremely useful for "manual" controls (i.e. as if a joystick is used)
  3. the odometry info, using messages nav_msgs/Odometry on topic odom or the proposed and more complete nav_msgs/OdometryWithAcceleration on topic odometry ⇨ data estimation is crucial for any real application

The following would instead add information that is not strictly crucial, but really useful to add more functionalities

Finally, some more stuff for additional debug purposes or even more functionalities:

I realize this last list is a bit long, but as I said in my opinion these would have lower priority compared to the ones above.

A couple more things.

  • Internal library should not use centidegrees or cm/s, prefer SI
  • It is ok to work in degrees or radians internally, just pick one
  1. I completely agree on using SI units, since it's universal. That would also settle the degree vs radians argument, but the important stuff is being consistent. The same applies for Euler angles vs quaternions when it comes to rotations, but I guess that's not an issue here.
  2. Just as an added info, in my case the auto mode would be crucial, since I plan to control a fleet later on. I think it is also very useful to the general user in both simulations and real applications (just think about "follow me" missions)
  3. The update rates would change drastically depending on hardware/simulation, application, vehicle velocity, etc... As a general rule of thumb, average applications should be good with a frequency in the 20Hz-100Hz range (with 20Hz and a max velocity of 0.5m/s, the vehicle would move 0.025m=2.5cm between two updates and I think that's fairly acceptable)
Ryanf55 commented 1 year ago

Controls interface


Velocity Controller

Acceration Controller

Trajectory and Waypoint Control

Let's skip these for now (at least in scope of GSoC)

Interfacing with ArduPilot libraries

If we want to do AP_ExternalControl, it would likely involve making lots of changes to the vehicle code, which could take longer.

Instead, Randy initially proposes we use the utilities the scripting interface, by changing the define to be something like this:


Note, the scripting interface does not currently expose an acceleration control yet, but we could add it for DDS (later).

This provides an advantage also because we don't have to worry about Mavlink at all yet, and all development would be constrained to the AP_DDS library which reduces the risk of breaking unrelated things.

Later the down the line, we can get help integrating AP_ExternalControl and doing it the "right" way.

Handing over controls

In general, a companion computer shouldn't change the flight mode, unless the developer is very sure they know what they are doing. This is dangerous, and should likely be protected.

If the companion computer wants to request control (switch to guided), should it be allowed? Yes, it will need to be added, and obey the protections. IN mavlink, this is the message, which allows arming, takeoff, but not a command to go into guided. In the auto mode mission list, one item would be this guided enabled command. See this for a nice video. OR this for obstacle avoidance.