ArduPilot / ardupilot

ArduPlane, ArduCopter, ArduRover, ArduSub source
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Open vgrsystems opened 8 months ago

vgrsystems commented 8 months ago

COPTER version V4.4.2 Pixracer R15 When configuring Bicopter (Frame_class=10), Mission Planner report a VTOL-DUALROTOR in the top right and yaw is indeed acting like a vtol birotor. Image1 Thanks a lot, Regards,

IamPete1 commented 8 months ago

I don't understand the problem. A bicopter is a VTOL-dual rotor? It sounds like the vehicle is behaving correctly? Just the com port name is not as you would have expected?

vgrsystems commented 8 months ago

Hi, The bicopter is not a VTOL dual rotor. It's a birotor without fix wing and it belongs to the copter firmware. So the comport name seems wrong because the VTOL Duo rotor is a fixed wing and it belongs to arduplane firmware. Moreover, when I configure copter frame as a bicopter, there are FWBA and FWBB in the flight modes that are related to FW frame. It's why I suspect a confusion between FW VTOL and Birotor? Txs,rgds

IamPete1 commented 8 months ago

If you update to beta mission planner you should get the correct mode names. I agree that VTOL is typically only used to refer to vehicles with wings but being capable of vertical takeoff and landing does not require wings

vgrsystems commented 8 months ago

Great, Iwill do it, Many thanks Rgds

vgrsystems commented 8 months ago

I updated mission planner with no luck, it stays with VTOL-DUOROTOR name of the comport anf flight modes didn't change. I noticed that some flight modes are in capital letter (they work) and others are in lower case (they don't work and show "no such mode").

IamPete1 commented 8 months ago

Sorry, which modes are you looking at? These work for me, its correctly showing the copter modes.


However you will spot that the mode in the HUD says manual, which is a plane mode and we get the plane icon on the map.

Once I change modes the HUD mode name is correct and works normally.

vgrsystems commented 8 months ago

I've got this one for my part Image1 The flight modes in uppercase are not available. The HUD displays "no such mode". Maybe it's a problem of the 1MB firmware limitation. I will check with another pixracer and tell you. But do you have a plane icon on the map even when you switch the mode? For me, even when I switch to a copter flight mode, the plane icon doesn't change. Thanks, François

vgrsystems commented 8 months ago

Pete, I tried with different pixracer with the same results. The only available modes are those in capital letter. The others (loiter for example) are not available (no such mode in HUD). I will try to use QLOITER to see if it's ok but it's strange that I'm in quadplane mode and you in copter mode with the same FRAME_CLASS. Txs.

vgrsystems commented 8 months ago

EDIT: I tried with different pixracer (STM32F427 with some 1MB flash limitations), but no difference the revision of the chip (rev 0-4). same results. USB Mission planner -> bug with wrong plane flight modes USB Qgroundcontrol -> no bugs as long as usb connected Radio telemetry Qgroundcontrol -> bug with wrong plane flight modes Radio telemetry Mission planner -> bug with wrong plane flight modes So it seems to depend on the link with the GCS software.