ArduPilot / pymavlink

python MAVLink interface and utilities
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in Python3, generator for 'char[n]' datatype is wrong #300

Open mfassler opened 5 years ago

mfassler commented 5 years ago


I'm trying to run this code:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
    raise Exception("Must be using Python 3")

import os

## TODO:  can this be an argument to dronekit.connect()?
os.environ['MAVLINK20'] = '1'

import dronekit
from dronekit import mavutil

#vehicle = dronekit.connect('/dev/ttyACM0,115200', baud=115200)
#vehicle = dronekit.connect('/dev/ttyUSB0,115200', baud=115200)
vehicle = dronekit.connect('')

tune_c_scale = b'MFT200L16<cdefgab>cdefgab>c'

#### This fails:

#### This works:
msg = mavutil.mavlink.MAVLink_play_tune_message(0, 0, tune_c_scale, tune2=b'')

The command vehicle.play_tune() fails with the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 23, in <module>
  File "/home/fassler/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/dronekit/", line 2318, in play_tune
  File "/home/fassler/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/dronekit/", line 2215, in send_mavlink
  File "/home/fassler/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/dronekit/", line 146, in newsendfn
    return sendfn(mavmsg, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/fassler/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymavlink/dialects/v20/", line 11709, in send
    buf = mavmsg.pack(self, force_mavlink1=force_mavlink1)
  File "/home/fassler/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymavlink/dialects/v20/", line 10707, in pack
    return MAVLink_message.pack(self, mav, 187, struct.pack('<BB30s200s', self.target_system, self.target_component, self.tune, self.tune2), force_mavlink1=force_mavlink1)
struct.error: argument for 's' must be a bytes object

If I manually construct the message myself, specifying tune2=b'', it works.

I believe this is because the generator is interpreting the message datatype of char[200] as an array of 200 strings, like this: tune2=['', '', '', '' ... '', ''] which is incorrect for Python3.

If I set tune2=b'' then the struct.pack() statement seems to do the correct thing.

peterbarker commented 5 years ago

On Sun, 14 Apr 2019, Mark Fassler wrote:

If I set tune2=b'' then the struct.pack() statement seems to do the correct thing.

Here's what MAVProxy does (near enough to canonical use case at the moment...):

 def cmd_playtune(self, args):
     '''send PLAY_TUNE message'''
     if len(args) < 1:
         print("Usage: playtune TUNE")
     tune = args[0]
     str1 = tune[0:30]
     str2 = tune[30:]
     if sys.version_info.major >= 3 and not isinstance(str1, bytes):
         str1 = bytes(str1, "ascii")
     if sys.version_info.major >= 3 and not isinstance(str2, bytes):
         str2 = bytes(str2, "ascii")
                                    str1, str2)


alehed commented 2 years ago

The default argument for strings has been fixed in master. This issue can probably be closed.