Ardumower / Sunray

Ardumower Sunray
73 stars 59 forks source link

docking / charging reporting #157

Open goosst opened 5 months ago

goosst commented 5 months ago

I'm not sure yet if it's an issue / some wrong parameter setting / intentionally designed like this.

Setup: ardumower with pcb1.4 - arduino due with sunray 1.0.318 - esp 32 - cassandra

Issue: 1) robot is charging (after completing its mowing) 2) I unplug / disconnect charger 3) I reposition the robot by moving it (lifting by hand) ~ 10-15 meters further --> reported position does not update and keeps reporting job==2 (charging/docked) see attached for a log with the mqtt reporting undocking2.txt).

(I had reported something similar here:, but I guess it's in the sunray firmware.)

config.h: `// ------ docking -------------------------------------- // is a docking station available?

define DOCKING_STATION true // use this if docking station available and mower should dock automatically

// #define DOCKING_STATION false // mower will just stop after mowing instead of docking automatically

define DOCK_IGNORE_GPS false // use GPS fix in docking station and IMU for GPS float/invalid

// #define DOCK_IGNORE_GPS true // ignore GPS fix in docking station and use IMU-only (use this if robot gets false GPS fixes in your docking station)

define DOCK_AUTO_START true // robot will automatically continue mowing after docked automatically

// #define DOCK_AUTO_START false // robot will not automatically continue mowing after docked automatically

// #define DOCK_RETRY_TOUCH true // robot will retry touching docking contacts (max. 1cm) if loosing docking contacts during charging

define DOCK_RETRY_TOUCH false // robot will not retry touching docking contacts (max. 1cm) if loosing docking contacts during charging

define DOCK_UNDOCK_TRACKSLOW_DISTANCE 1.5 // set distance (m) from dock for trackslow (speed limit)

define UNDOCK_IGNORE_GPS_DISTANCE 0.1 // set distance (m) from dock to ignore gps while undocking

define DOCK_SPEED 0.04 // speed in m/s to dock
