ArekKubacki / Hoymiles-Plant-DTU-Pro

Hoymiles-Plant-DTU-Pro via Modbus TCP
MIT License
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Pomoc w uruchomieniu. #2

Open duma93 opened 2 years ago

duma93 commented 2 years ago


Trafiłem na twój projekt i bardzo by mi się on przydał ale niestety doszedłem do kroku gdzie wgrałem do HACS twoje repotytorium i nieststy nie wie jak dalej zrobić konfiguracje.

Mógłbym prosic o pomoc ? Co zrobić dalej ?


ArekKubacki commented 2 years ago

Dzień dobry, Czy kiedykolwiek dodawałeś coś do pliku configuration.yaml? Należy dodać coś podobnego jak w moim przykładzie. Podajesz adres IP na jakim masz DTU, elementy jakie chcesz śledzić oraz liczbę paneli. Muszę znać więcej szczegółów aby pomóc.

Good morning, Have you ever added anything to your configuration.yaml file? You need to add something similar to my example. You enter the DTU IP address, items you want to track and the number of panels. I need to know more details to help.

duma93 commented 2 years ago

Witaj, próbowałem dodać jak w przykładzie podając swoje IP DTU. i zmieniłem liczbę paneli niestety po zapisaniu sprawdzajac konfigurację wyrzuca błąd "Platform error sensor.hoymiles_dtu - Integration 'hoymiles_dtu' not found." jeśli byłoby łatwiej możemy kontaktować sie mailowo :

mako777 commented 2 years ago

Cześć, Mi to wygląda jakbyś wgrał repozytorium ale nie dodał samej integracji z niego, czy jak wejdziesz w HA do zakładki HACS to widnieje tam ta integracja ?

ArekKubacki commented 2 years ago

Wyrzuć z konfiguracji wpis. Zrób restart. Dodaj do konfiguracji wpis. Zrób restart. Jeżeli dodatek nie jest wczytany do systemu to wyrzuci błąd przy sprawdzaniu składni, że taki nie istnieje.

Maximus1022012 commented 2 years ago

Mi nie działa mam Dtu-pro S . dostaje taki blad:

Logger: homeassistant.components.sensor Source: custom_components/hoymiles_dtu/ Integration: Sensor (documentation, issues) First occurred: 17:28:43 (1 occurrences) Last logged: 17:28:43

Error while setting up hoymiles_dtu platform for sensor Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 249, in _async_setup_platform await asyncio.shield(task) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/concurrent/futures/", line 58, in run result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs) File "/config/custom_components/hoymiles_dtu/", line 60, in setup_platform raise Exception('Invalid configuration for Hoymiles DTU platform') Exception: Invalid configuration for Hoymiles DTU platform

Ponowne instalowanie i wpisy w configuration,yaml nic nie daly. Przed altualizacją Core tworzyło nowe encje ale nie pobierało danych z Dtu teraz nie widac encji. Home Assistant Core 2022.6.4 Home Assistant Supervisor 2022.05.3 Home Assistant OS 8.1

Maximus1022012 commented 2 years ago

wpis do config sensor:

ArekKubacki commented 2 years ago

Moduł nie może połączyć się z DTU. DTU podpięte przez Ethernet?

dzidziaka commented 2 years ago

Moje dtu jest dziwne. Nówka wyciągnięta z pudełka nie wystawiała panelu konfiguracyjnego po wifi. Po resecie też nie. Dtu skonfigurowane w Hoymiles Cloud (w miejsce starego) wysyła dane. Ale już dwa razy przestało, pomaga wyłączenie/włączenie. Integracja z HA zadziałała za pierwszym razem, potem po restarcie dtu już nie działa. Port 502 na dtu jest otwarty, telnetuję się na niego z HA. Upgrade dtu do V00.02.14 nic nie zmieniło. Masz Arku jakieś pomysły?

K2M7L commented 2 years ago

Moduł nie może połączyć się z DTU. DTU podpięte przez Ethernet?

u mnie to samo. Mam 2 DTU Pro, podłączone po wifi oraz po Ethernet

mój błąd: Logger: homeassistant.components.sensor Source: custom_components/hoymiles_dtu/ Integration: Sensor (documentation, issues) First occurred: 11:42:24 (1 occurrences) Last logged: 11:42:24

Error while setting up hoymiles_dtu platform for sensor Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 249, in _async_setup_platform await asyncio.shield(task) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/concurrent/futures/", line 58, in run result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs) File "/config/custom_components/hoymiles_dtu/", line 60, in setup_platform raise Exception('Invalid configuration for Hoymiles DTU platform') Exception: Invalid configuration for Hoymiles DTU platform

mój config.yaml (pokazuje wszystkie sensory jakie mam): sensor:

Larson0815 commented 2 years ago

Hello all,

I also would like to follow this topic and discussions. Is it possible to stick to english please!? Or maybe two languages!?

Thank you!

dzidziaka commented 2 years ago

It is interesting that with hm-dtu-pro-modbus-python dtu is show the data. Sometimes from one inverter, sometimes from two or three. Sometimes no data with "problem reading registers": inverter number: 3 PVVoltage: 36.4 V PVCurrent: 0.03 A PVPower: 14.1 W PVTodayProd: 1009 Wh PVTotalProd: 36941 Wh GridVoltage: 229.6 V GridFreq: 50.0 Hz Temp: 42.0 oC OperatingStatus: 3 AlarmCode: 0 AlarmCount: 1 LinkStatus: 263 inverter number: 4 PVVoltage: 29.9 V PVCurrent: 0.05 A PVPower: 16.6 W PVTodayProd: 1402 Wh PVTotalProd: 38553 Wh GridVoltage: 229.4 V GridFreq: 50.0 Hz Temp: 44.0 oC OperatingStatus: 3 AlarmCode: 0 AlarmCount: 8 LinkStatus: 263 inverter number: 5 problem reading registers

So, there is a communication. I have dtu with V00.02.14 firmware.

ArekKubacki commented 2 years ago

The DTU in the config must have the IP assigned by the router for ETH, not Wifi. I had huge connectivity issues in V00.02.14. I have downgraded to V00.02.10. Support Hoymiles helped me with that. Yes, if there is no connection, e.g. with one microinverter, the connection via modbus is unstable. Stability was better on V00.02.10.

There will be some changes in the new version, which I test. But I do not have much influence on the modbus communication with DTU.

wwk-github commented 2 years ago

I have dtu with V00.02.14 firmware.

DTU PRO? I also have DTU PRO but I do not see any option to upgrade firmware up to .14. I have:

Hardware Ver. H09.02.02

Software Ver. V00.02.10

How did you manage to get the .14 software version?

dzidziaka commented 2 years ago

DTU PRO. Hardware ver.: H09.02.02 My colleague (who have installer account and created my plant in Hoymiles Cloud) upgraded my dtu to .14. I had .12 if I remember well. I heard that .15 is coming...:)

Larson0815 commented 2 years ago

I have also an DTU Pro but at the Moment only 1 inverter online. Hopefully during the next couple of days I can bring the other inverters (2 more) online.

I know from some supplier that they give like an installer account to the customer because the customer account is sooo limited.... I even don't know FW version of my DTU...

dzidziaka commented 2 years ago

Arek, what do you think of use dtu's RS485 for get more stable of modbus communictation? Or that make no sense?

wwk-github commented 2 years ago

DTU PRO. Hardware ver.: H09.02.02 My colleague (who have installer account and created my plant in Hoymiles Cloud) upgraded my dtu to .14. I had .12 if I remember well. I heard that .15 is coming...:)

I also have installer-role but I do not see any way to upgrade to .14 image

0A in hex = 10


Is there any chance to discuss this with your colleague? Maybe he would have an idea?

Larson0815 commented 2 years ago

BY the way, is it planned to get these informations to in the futuer or are they already available: 'operating_status', 'alarm_code', 'alarm_count'

ArekKubacki commented 2 years ago

BY the way, is it planned to get these informations to in the futuer or are they already available: 'operating_status', 'alarm_code', 'alarm_count'

In the firmware version, these parameters have never changed for me. I think this is a bug in the firmware. I have no way to check, so I'm not planning at the moment. It is currently solving other problems in the module :)

Arek, what do you think of use dtu's RS485 for get more stable of modbus communictation? Or that make no sense?

I heard that the RS485 interface is more stable. I have to rewrite a large part of the module to do this. I am currently checking it as a separate topic.

wwk-github commented 2 years ago

I had huge connectivity issues in V00.02.14.

I believe that might be the reason why .14 is not available. Hoymiles probably rolled this back.

Larson0815 commented 2 years ago

Don't know if this information is helpful or changing anything but I know that other addon with mqtt using these values already.

But I can somehow understand that it has no priority :-)

wwk-github commented 2 years ago

@ArekKubacki is there any simple script existing that could be used to harvest the data and put into influxdb (or any time-series db)? Something like:

ArekKubacki commented 2 years ago

Don't know if this information is helpful or changing anything but I know that other addon with mqtt using these values already.

But I can somehow understand that it has no priority :-)

If it does not require a lot of code, I will try to add it in the next version.

K2M7L commented 2 years ago

Support Hoymiles helped me with that. Yes, if there is no connection, e.g. with one microinverter, the connection via modbus is unstable. Stability was better on V00.02.10.

could you share who to contact and how to define the request what is supposed to be updated? thanks

ArekKubacki commented 2 years ago

Support Hoymiles helped me with that. Yes, if there is no connection, e.g. with one microinverter, the connection via modbus is unstable. Stability was better on V00.02.10.

could you share who to contact and how to define the request what is supposed to be updated? thanks

Larson0815 commented 2 years ago

Thank you, appreciated!

ahowito commented 1 year ago

Witam, jestem początkujący i nie umiem po angielsku. Trzeci dzień próbuję połączyć się z moim DTU pro V00.02.07 i na razie utknąłem na prze klejeniu: "This example needs custom:bar-card form HACS". Proszę o pomoc

ArekKubacki commented 1 year ago

Dodatek jest potrzebny tylko jeśli chcesz takie wykresy jak na screenie. W HACS wystarczy zainstalować dodatek bar-card w zakładce interfejs użytkownika.

alekdebski commented 1 year ago


I've downloaded and unpacked files. I've installed bar cards, I've added config to .yaml file (content below). I get on dashboard Entity not available: sensor.hoymiles_pv__pv_4_pv_power on all entities. No data feed, any idea?

  - platform: hoymiles_dtu
    host: 192.168.10.KKK (not actual value)
    name: Hoymiles PV
      - 'pv_power'
      - 'today_production'
      - 'total_production'
      - 'alarm_flag'
      - 'pv_power'
      - 'today_production'
      - 'total_production'
      - 'pv_voltage'
      - 'pv_current'
      - 'grid_voltage'
      - 'temperature'
      - 'operating_status'
      - 'alarm_code'
      - 'alarm_count'
      - 'link_status'
    panels: 16

  mode: yaml
    - url: /local/auto-entities.js
      type: module `
ArekKubacki commented 1 year ago

I have two questions.

  1. Did the integration connect to DTU and entities exist in HA?
  2. The entity does not exist because you need to enter the name from the serial number of the inverter. Check what entities the integration has created for you and adjust them accordingly in the code.
alekdebski commented 1 year ago

@ArekKubacki to answer the questions:

  1. Yes, as it for example shows correct value of total production. It shows incorrect value of todays production and incorrect value of pv_power. Entities do exist in HA.

  2. I've also added ID of microinverters into the dashboard. It started showing some random values - and that's the current problem. To summarize - only total production shows correct value, where other ones show some way too low value, right now my production on app is 2.3kW, HA integration shows:

Looking at the graph what it roughly seems is that it fetched data once and stopped following with requests (it's same on all graphs):

pv1 pv2

alekdebski commented 1 year ago

Also - just as a debugging process, I've added integration on clean instance and there is the same issue, it updates values only once and that's it - it stucks on original values.

ArekKubacki commented 1 year ago

Which firmware version?

PeterAUT commented 1 year ago


I have also problems to get sensor readings in home assistant.

Installed everthing according your information and added following code in sensor.yaml file:


DTU Pro is directly connected to router via ethernet. Running 2x HM1500 and 1x HM800 with 10 panels

Hope we can find my fault. I´m pretty new to HA and have zero coding experience.

Is it necessary to enter the micro inverter serial number?

Regards, Peter

ArekKubacki commented 1 year ago

Please send logs from HA.

PeterAUT commented 1 year ago

Hey Arec,

what is the logo? You mean the code?

File: sensor.yaml

![Uploading IMG_1575.jpeg…]()

ArekKubacki commented 1 year ago

Sorry, logs from HA.

PeterAUT commented 1 year ago

There is one warning in the log:

2023-04-23 20:08:33.707 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Setup of sensor platform hoymiles_dtu is taking over 10 seconds.

ArekKubacki commented 1 year ago

DTU is by ETH? Can you ping DTU? DTU firmware version? HA version?

PeterAUT commented 1 year ago

I will send you the required information in the evening

PeterAUT commented 1 year ago

Suddenly I have seen, that dashboard shows some data. The value for actual power, energy today and energy total are correct (energy total is lower in s-miles cloud because microinverters are running longer then dtu pro) Hoymiles


Only the single sensors are not available

ArekKubacki commented 1 year ago

You need to rename the entities on the card. The ones in the example do not have serial numbers. You have to match them with your numbers.

Maximus1022012 commented 1 year ago

Hello, what could be wrong that the values ​​today decrease after 20


ArekKubacki commented 1 year ago

This is how DTU works. In the evening, when the inverters turn off, it happens that not all of them will send the last frame. My module only fetches data from the DTU. The total variable is protected against this and is best used for the Energy tab.

Maximus1022012 commented 1 year ago

Hi image image

The total values ​​are consistent with home assistant and Hoymiles, but after 20.00 the discrepancy even as if some inverter did not send the frame. How can you block it because the readings after 20.00 from false


ArekKubacki commented 1 year ago

The answer is the same as before. Such data is provided by DTU. Maybe someday I'll protect the variable today. You can try it yourself with templates.

sanelito commented 1 year ago

Using DTU Pro S

Error while setting up hoymiles_dtu platform for sensor Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 304, in _async_setup_platform await asyncio.shield(task) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/concurrent/futures/", line 58, in run result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs) File "/config/custom_components/hoymiles_dtu/", line 82, in setup_platform dev.append(HoymilesPVSensor(name,[i-1].serial_number, i,[i-1].port_number, variable, updater)) IndexError: list index out of range

FW from DTU is V15.02.23

Any help would be aprreciated.

markopill commented 10 months ago

thanks great project, got it working! is it possible in future to add grid consumpion and house load data? or is it not open via modbus?

ArekKubacki commented 10 months ago

The module is currently downloading all available data from the inverters. To measure such values, you must use an additional meter.

MariuszSzurgot commented 9 months ago

witam mam problem z uruchomieniem integracji. o ile pojawia mi sie ona w HACS nie mam opcji "uruchom" i teraz pytanie czy powinna byc ta opcja. Czy KOD podany w instrukcji wklejam w "/config/configuration.yaml" i czy powinienem tez wkleić tam KOD "Dashboard example"?

bo do config.yaml dodalem tylko konfiguracje i dodajac urzadzenie do dashboardu nic mi sie nie wyswietla. DTU PRO S polaczone przewodowo, IP uzupelnione prawidlowo.