Argo-OSS / argo-cd

Declarative Continuous Deployment for Kubernetes
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ISSUE-19867 - Fluent argocd context command #12

Open eugene70 opened 1 month ago

eugene70 commented 1 month ago

In Argo-CD CLI, cluster context is managed through argocd context and argocd login commands. However, these context management commands are a bit different from other command systems, so they can be confusing for beginners. So I want to provide rich functionality by providing various subcommands for the argocd context command, such as the argocd app command. Example:

argocd context list
argocd context delete <context>
argocd context use <context>
argocd context login <context> [<server>]
argocd context login <context> --core
argocd context logout <context>
argocd context # for compatibility = context list
argocd context —delete <server> # for compatibility = context delete
argocd login <server> —name <context> # for compatibility = context login
argocd logout <context> # for compatibility = context logout