ArgoCanada / argoFloats

Tools for analyzing collections of oceanographic Argo floats
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need an update on CRAN #581

Closed dankelley closed 2 years ago

dankelley commented 2 years ago

We need to update for CRAN by Sept 9.

Dear maintainer, Please see the problems shown on . In particular, please see the "Found the following HTML validation problems" NOTEs in the "HTML version of manual" check for at least some of the r-devel checks results. R 4.2.0 switched to use HTML5 for documentation pages. Now validation using HTML Tidy finds problems in the HTML generated from your Rd files. To fix, in most cases it suffices to re-generate the Rd files using the current CRAN version of roxygen2. To check whether this already fixes things, or whether additional changes you made fixed the problems (e.g., if the problem is from yourself directly generating HTML output), you can grab HTML Tidy version 5.8.0 binaries from and, with FOO.Rd an Rd file for which problems were found, run R CMD Rdconv -t html /path/to/FOO.Rd -o FOO.html tidy -qe --drop-empty-elements no FOO.html (Alternatively, you can use R CMD check --as-cran using a current version of R-devel.) Can you please fix as necessary? Please correct before 2022-09-09 to safely retain your package on CRAN. Best, -k
dankelley commented 2 years ago

@j-harbin -- I will look at this for the first, and then I'll see about argoFloats If you're interested in doing this collaboratively during a zoom meeting, please let me know.

I'd like to clear it up today, given that today is a Friday, and if I leave this too long we will be into the term.

dankelley commented 2 years ago

After working with @j-harbin on this earlier this morning, I cleared up a few loose ends (e.g. the 'badge' issue) and submitted, as shown below. I will add more comments here, as we (hopefully) leap over the various CRAN hurdles.

[This was generated from [](] The following package was uploaded to CRAN: =========================================== Package Information: Package: argoFloats Version: 1.0.6 Title: Analysis of Oceanographic Argo Floats Author(s): Dan Kelley [aut, cre, cph] (), Jaimie Harbin [aut] (), Dewey Dunnington [ctb] (), Clark Richards [ctb] () Maintainer: Dan Kelley <[](> Depends: R (>= 3.5.0) Suggests: colourpicker, curl, knitr, readr, lubridate, maps, markdown, marmap (>= 1.0.4), ncdf4, ocedata, rgdal, rmarkdown, shiny, s2, sf, testthat, shinyBS Description: Supports the analysis of oceanographic data recorded by Argo autonomous drifting profiling floats. Functions are provided to (a) download and cache data files, (b) subset data in various ways, (c) handle quality-control flags and (d) plot the results according to oceanographic conventions. A shiny app is provided for easy exploration of datasets. The package is designed to work well with the 'oce' package, providing a wide range of processing capabilities that are particular to oceanographic analysis. See Kelley, Harbin, and Richards (2021) for more on the scientific context and applications. License: GPL (>= 2) Imports: oce (>= 1.3.0), methods The maintainer confirms that he or she has read and agrees to the CRAN policies. Submitter's comment: ## Local tests * local R installation, R 4.2.0 * R-CMD-check test (no errors, warnings, or notes) ## Remote tests * devtools::check_win_release() * devtools::check_win_devel() * devtools::check_win_oldrelease() * rhub::check_for_cran(show_status=FALSE) * rhub::check(platform="debian-clang-devel", show_status=FALSE) # Changes since previous CRAN submission This version, numbered 1.0.6, addresses a problem reported to us on 2022-08-19, regarding HTML pages. ================================================= Original content of DESCRIPTION file: Package: argoFloats Type: Package Title: Analysis of Oceanographic Argo Floats Version: 1.0.6 Authors@R: c( person(given="Dan", family="Kelley", email="[](", role=c("aut", "cre", "cph"), comment=c(ORCID="")), person(given="Jaimie", family="Harbin", email="[](", role=c("aut"), comment=c(ORCID="")), person(given="Dewey", family="Dunnington", email="[](", role=c("ctb"), comment=c(ORCID="")), person(given="Clark", family="Richards", email="[](", role=c("ctb"), comment=c(ORCID=""))) Maintainer: Dan Kelley <[](> Depends: R (>= 3.5.0) Suggests: colourpicker, curl, knitr, readr, lubridate, maps, markdown, marmap (>= 1.0.4), ncdf4, ocedata, rgdal, rmarkdown, shiny, s2, sf, testthat, shinyBS Imports: oce (>= 1.3.0), methods BugReports: Description: Supports the analysis of oceanographic data recorded by Argo autonomous drifting profiling floats. Functions are provided to (a) download and cache data files, (b) subset data in various ways, (c) handle quality-control flags and (d) plot the results according to oceanographic conventions. A shiny app is provided for easy exploration of datasets. The package is designed to work well with the 'oce' package, providing a wide range of processing capabilities that are particular to oceanographic analysis. See Kelley, Harbin, and Richards (2021) for more on the scientific context and applications. License: GPL (>= 2) Encoding: UTF-8 URL: LazyData: false Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE) RoxygenNote: 7.2.1 BuildVignettes: true VignetteBuilder: knitr NeedsCompilation: no Packaged: 2022-08-19 14:19:12 UTC; kelley Author: Dan Kelley [aut, cre, cph] (), Jaimie Harbin [aut] (), Dewey Dunnington [ctb] (), Clark Richards [ctb] ()
dankelley commented 2 years ago

Another hurdle is behind us.

Dear maintainer, thanks, package argoFloats_1.0.6.tar.gz is on its way to CRAN. Best regards, CRAN teams' auto-check service Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc, r-devel-windows-x86_64 Check: CRAN incoming feasibility, Result: Note_to_CRAN_maintainers Maintainer: 'Dan Kelley <[](>'