Argonne-National-Laboratory / node-red-contrib-modbustcp

Node-Red nodes for communicating with a Modbus TCP server
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Request time out #38

Open NicolaiWrt opened 3 years ago

NicolaiWrt commented 3 years ago


I am able to read values from the Modbus via the Modbus TCP Client Read Node. But when I try to write data to the Modbus this error occurs: grafik This happens when the read AND write Nodes are active. If I delete the Read-Node, the Write-Node works. How can I fix this problem?

Best regards and thanks in advance


jhalag commented 3 years ago

This seems similar to #35 - this node currently creates a new TCP connection for each node (read or write) that you create in NodeRED. Some targets cannot support more than a few (or one) TCP connection.