Argonne-National-Laboratory / node-red-contrib-ocpp

Open Charge Point Protocol Node-Red Nodes
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Charge box virtual physical chargers no connect to CS #57

Open nsilvatula opened 1 year ago

nsilvatula commented 1 year ago

I have installed the latest version (1.3.5) and the version of node is v19.9.0, nodered is 3.0.2, npm is 9.6.3. What happens is the following: it does not establish communication with virtual cacheboxes, just as it does not establish communication with physical cacheboxes.

I am testing example1, the centralsystem server logs are: 6/20/2023, 2:13:18 PM node: CentralSystem@9090 type: info data: Ready to receive websocket requests on /ocpp/:cbid 6/20/2023, 2:22:33 PM node: CentralSystem@9090 type: info data: Ready to receive websocket requests on /ocpp/:cbid

bnystrom commented 12 months ago

Sorry, what is a "cachebox"? I'm unfamiliar with that.

Also, I assume you have this set up to use ocpp1.6j? The central system does not attempt to attach to anything. The charge box (EVSE / CP) needs to establish the connection to the server instead. OCPP1.6j uses websockets to communicate, and the EVSE is the client that initiates the connection.