AriaFallah / WebpackTutorial

A simple webpack tutorial
MIT License
2.23k stars 213 forks source link

Eslint #51

Open aadil42 opened 2 years ago

aadil42 commented 2 years ago

@AriaFallah This is a really concise and neat tutorial. Please also make tutorials on other technologies like npm, graph-ql, etc.

Now to my question. are esLint and webpack similar. Like coca-cola and Pepsi?

yadunandanbhat commented 2 years ago

ESLint is a JS analyser, used to identify problems, which is built-in for many text editors. Webpack is a module bundler that bundles different JS files in your project, to use with a browser. So, not similar.

aadil42 commented 2 years ago

@yadunandanbhat got it.