Arian04 / android-hid-client

Android app that allows you to use your phone as a keyboard and mouse WITHOUT any software on the other end (Requires root)
GNU General Public License v3.0
109 stars 4 forks source link

versioning issue #16

Closed IzzySoft closed 3 months ago

IzzySoft commented 3 months ago

The APK at the latest release (v1.1.0) identifies as

package: name='me.arianb.usb_hid_client' versionCode='1' versionName='1.0'

Looks like you forgot to update that in build.gradle. Hard to tell the versions apart then :wink: Can you please keep them "in sync"? versionCode should simply be increased with each new release (Android uses that internally to tell versions apart and to decide whether an APK is an update for the installed app), versionName should ideally match the tag/release name.

Thanks in advance!

Arian04 commented 3 months ago

you're so right lol I completely forgot, I'll fix that and update the APK asap. when I made all those changes I wasn't making frequent atomic commits (shame on me) so I had to de-tangle my massively changed working tree and turn it into a bunch of smaller commits. must've missed that change, I'll fix it ASAP, thank you!

Arian04 commented 3 months ago

just updated the release asset, thanks again for letting me know!

still figuring out how I wanna handle committing it since the main branch is a WIP v2.0.0. I really should adopt a proper git workflow and set up release branches or something. Maybe now is the time.

also I just realized you're Izzy as in IzzyOnDroid! I Love that repo and ty for maintaining it!

IzzySoft commented 3 months ago

I just realized you're Izzy as in IzzyOnDroid! I Love that repo and ty for maintaining it!

Thanks! :star_struck: Guess you have a clue where my question and your swift action leads to now then, right? :yum:

Arian04 commented 3 months ago

omg were you planning on adding it to the repo? that's awesome!!

IzzySoft commented 3 months ago

Sure! Almost done. One little thing:

! repo/me.arianb.usb_hid_client_2.apk contains signature block blobs: 0x504b4453 (DEPENDENCY_INFO_BLOCK; GOOGLE)

Can be avoided easily:

android {
    dependenciesInfo {
        // Disables dependency metadata when building APKs.
        includeInApk = false
        // Disables dependency metadata when building Android App Bundles.
        includeInBundle = false

For some background: that BLOB is supposed to be just a binary representation of your app's dependency tree. But as it's encrypted with a public key belonging to Google, only Google can read it – and nobody else can even verify what it really contains.

IzzySoft commented 3 months ago

OK, this goes live at around 7 pm UTC (i.e. in less than 2h):


DEPENDENCY_INFO_BLOCK can be solved with the next release :wink: Welcome aboard! :smiley:

Arian04 commented 3 months ago

awesome, ty for the information and ty again for adding me!! Just a note, I've been messing with the branches and a bit of the history to make it so main is prod-ready code and not just whatever I'm working on, so the README has just updated (moved back in time by a few commmits). Just letting you know since I wouldn't want any users to be misled in case they see that description, install the app, and get confused about why there actually isn't yet mouse support (in v1.1.0).

IzzySoft commented 2 months ago

Oof, must have been one of the "lost notification mails" – so apologies for the late reply…

in case they see that description, install the app, and get confused about why there actually isn't yet mouse support

There's a solution for many things. For things like that, may I recommend you establishing Fastlane structures here? I could send you a PR with what's currently set up in my repo, and you could use my Fastlane Cheat Sheet to build on that. Which would give you control about how your app is presented, making sure the information matches the app and the screenshots etc. do as well.

Arian04 commented 2 months ago

it's all good, since I last sent the message, I've merged the mouse support to main. I've also started using a "develop" branch for unreleased code and merge to "main" right before every release, so hopefully it wouldn't be an issue anymore.

but I'll definitely check out that link when I get a chance, thanks!

IzzySoft commented 2 months ago

My offer stands. Once you've checked the link and think it would work for you, I can send you a "starter package" – just let me know then :smiley:

Arian04 commented 2 months ago

I just got a chance to look it over really quick, and it looks great! if you get a chance I'd really appreciate the PR. but if your fastlane config is in a public repo, then I could just grab that myself if you give me a link (couldn't find it when I looked earlier).

I've been busy lately though, so it might take a bit before I can get to merging and updating it.

IzzySoft commented 2 months ago

I'd really appreciate the PR

then let me send it. No big deal, takes me maybe 5 minutes.

but if your fastlane config is in a public repo

Just not in a public git repo, so it would be harder for you to pick things and take 5..10 times longer than getting the PR ready.

I've been busy lately though, so it might take a bit before I can get to merging and updating it.

No prob. Wouldn't be pulled before the next release anyway, unless I'd trigger it manually.

Arian04 commented 2 months ago

perfect, thank you!!!