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🌳 Discuss subtree minigames #45

Closed ArielMant0 closed 1 month ago

ArielMant0 commented 5 months ago
Follow up issue: Answer open questions and check definition again.

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ArielMant0 commented 1 month ago

04.08 Discussion

In this Issue we discuss these main questions:

What qualifies as a minigame?

Basic Definition

Firstly we discussed the basic understanding of a minigame. Generally speaking a minigame can be understood as a game within a game, made to break up the gameplay and entertain over a short period. [wikipedia]( In most cases the minigame appears differently than the maingame, for example by altering the UI, disableing physics or a different control sceme. While there are minigames that have near trivial content there are also those that still have complex rules for example in form of a card game. Additionally a minigame can be seen as a task of lesser importance and with a low frequency of repetition, meaning that the player is not forced to play the minigame multiple times or over a long period.


Following this we discussed if a minigames needs to be optional content or if such a gameelement can still be called minigame if it is manditory. Often minigames are required to gain access to specific rewards (unlocking chests) but these rewards are usually not required to end or progress in a game. **It is still unclear if there are games that would softlock the player when not able to win a minigame, we specifically mentioned BioShock in this case and if that changes if something is a minigame.** Similarly Skyrim has a lockpicking minigame, but it is not needed to complete the game, while it is manditory for some questlines. !!! Rewrite: Minigames can be mandatory but there might exist some


Furthermore we discussed quicktimeevents (for example L.A. Noire). These have similar attributes like minigames like the usually small timeframes in which the player encounters them. For the moment we decided to exclude quicktimeevents from minigames and tag them seperatly. **WHY?** Therefore it should also not be part of the minigames subtree.
es ist schwierig die abgrenzung von minigame zu gamecontent zufinden, aber auch von trivialer gamemechanic zu minigame
ist es mechnisch anders vom spiel, design anders vom spiel

hinreichende und notwendige kriterien!


For clarification we decided that it must be possible to provide evidence for a minigame, for example in form of a screenshot (@HendrikBrueckler). It is to be expected that a person who played the game would recognize the display scene and would understand why it might be a minigame. Generally the screenshot should suggest a subgame inside of the actual game.

How should features be tagged, that have similarities to minigames can not be categorized as such?

Homogen vs Heterogen

Our discussion revealed a direct connection between the game structure and minigames. A game which is packed with minigames would most likely also be tagged as heterogen (Professor Layton, vario ware). The combinations of tags will allow to differentiate between games for example with homogen + minigames and heterogen + minigames.
To clarify this we specifically discussed A Short Hike which is homogen (@HendrikBrueckler) but still contains minigames that are directly embedded in the game. The game qualifies as a minigame because it changes the mechanics of the game to a more skill oriented focus.
Another example would be Animal Crossing or Pokemon (fishing) where the player also encounters directly embedded gamecomponents without special windows or UI elemens. **For these cases it is especially difficult to define if they are a minigame.**

Lesser Gamecomponents

Finally we began discussing the use of this tag for gamecomponents that are part of the game but are of low relevance or only secondary. For example if a game might contain skill based sections but these would be overrepresented if one would tag the game with motor skill tags, since this would it make difficult to differentiate between continously high skill games and those that only have a small portion or section of it. **For the moment we concluded that this should not be represented by minigames to prevent multiple meanings for these tags. Therefore a new tag will be needed!**

In what granularity should minigames be tagged?


It is allowed for a game to be tagged with multiple minigame tags, but for each tag the game needs a seperate minigame, meaning that a minigame can either be _mini: skill_ or _mini: busywork_ but not both. Ergo if a game has n minigames the game can but does not need to have n minigame tags.
We opted to iterate multiple games and their minigames to get an overview of minigames that exist. Using this we would decide which cathegories are needed to adequatly portray these.
Game minigame tag
LA Noiare quicktimeevents quicktimeevents
Deus Ex Human Revolution socialising its a skill/hack SO NO MINIGAME
Skyrim lockpicking mini: skill (vom design her), mini: busywork, PASST DAS ??
bioshock lockpicking mini: skill, mini: luck, mini: logic
Skyrim taschendiebstahl (mini: skill), mini: luck, mini: busywork eher mechanic
among us mini: skill, mini: busywork, mini: logic
plants vs zombies minigame level heterogen, level based, mini: skill, gleiches level aber mechanic ändert sich - !!! additional content, challenges, portal, bastion mit waffen üben / perfektionieren, aber in der welt platziert nicht außerhalb --- verschieden modi des selben spiels, verschiedene level des selben spiels
plants vs zombies gießen mini: busywork, weniger spiel als eine aktivität, misserfolg exitiert nicht wirklich, außerhalb des spiels
pokemon glücksspielautomaten mini: luck
pokemon angeln kein wahrnehmbarer kontextwechsel --- aktivität ??? @HendrikBrueckler sagt nein Nein NEIN NEIN @ArielMant0 sagt mini: aktivität @HendrikBrueckler is very verzweifelt
risen 2 lockpicking mini busy
Harvest Moon fishing mini: activity metamechanic: fishing?
Spiritfarer fishing mini: activity metamechanic: fishing?
Animal Crossing fishing mini: activity metamechanic: fishing?
Animal Crossing bug catching mini: activity metamechanic: fishing?
Pokémon fishing mini-skill
Pokémon beauty competition mini-luck, mini-strategy??
Deus Ex: Human Revolution hacking mini-busy, mini-strategy eigentlich braindead aber die gui schreit strategy das es zu eiunfach ist ist ja eher einbalancing issue, mini-speed
Skyrim lockpicking mini-skill
Bioshock hacking mini-logic
Detroit: Become Human qte -
Professor Layton puzzles mini-logic?
Pyre basketball ??? levelbased, langer übergang, übergang zwischen spiel und story, HETEROGEN
Dave the Diver sushi bar, etc. mini-busy, mini-rhythm, jede art von minigame?
GTA IV minigame heavy --- @rwarnking findet das doof, weiß aber auch nicht wie genau man damit umgehen soll. @rwarnking unterscheidung zwischen hauptspiel und minigame fällt mir schwer, das spiel ist an sich zu heterogen (@HendrikBrueckler sagt die experience ist zu nahtlos um es heterogen zu nennen) als das ich mir nicht vorstellen kann, dass es sich nicht generel um eine Mission handelt (z.b. differnt gui elemtns)
GTA san andreas sport machen max activität, kein minigame
GTA san andreas missionen im allgemeinen
GTA san andreas areal befreien
The Witcher: Wild Hunt gwent mini: strategy
Kingom Come: Deliverance würfeln mini: luck
Kingom Come: Deliverance taschendiebstahl mini: skill, (mini: busy)
Day of the Tentacle maniac mansion mini: game oder gameception tag (vorschlag von @HendrikBrueckler, spiel ist nicht mini, sind schach oder gwent mini? wie legt sich der scope fest für das eine oder andere?) unterscheide zwischen game in a game und minigame, wann wird ein minigame zum game in a game. Nutze Copyrighted IP um das abzugrenzen. IGNORIEREN für den moment. es ist zu schwer zu entscheiden ob eine gameception vorliegt. z.b. easteregg game in a game - deutet auf klaren intent hin das der entwickler ein spiel im spiel einbringen wollte.
Doom Eternal Doom mini: game oder gameception tag
Pokemon Fishing Mini-Skill
Fallout NV Caravan Mini-Strategy (Card Game)
Witcher Dingens Mini-Strategy (Card Game)
Wario Ware Mini-Skill
GTA SA/4/5 Sport-Minigames Tendenz zu Mini-Skill
GTA SA/4/5 Stunt-Sprünge Mini-Skill
Professor Layton Puzzles/Point and Click Mini-Busywork/Mini-Logic
Maniac Mansion II: Day of the tentacle Maniac Mansion 1 Mini-logic/Mini-Busywork
Undertale Dodging Mini-Skill eher Mechanik
Sonic The Hedgehog Chaos Emerald Level Mini-Skill weil zu ähnlich zu restlichen Levels
Henry Hatsworth Puzzling Adventure Puzzling Mini-Strategy weil zentrale Spielmechanik

Beispiel für untergeordnete rolle einer gamecomponent Beispiel für untergeordnete rolle einer gamecomponent

Game minigame tag
Tomb raider dungeons abgeschlossene level, anfang und ende, kein kontext wechsel
Legend of zelda abgeschlossene level, anfang und ende, kein kontext wechsel


We concluded by adding the following tags for minigames:

We furthermore added follow up issues for gameception which was a major difficulty when discussing games that contain complete games as a minigame and activities. Further idea were added to issue #61.
ArielMant0 commented 1 month ago

Follow up issues:

These ideas were added to issue #61: