Aris-t2 / CustomCSSforFx

Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.86k stars 181 forks source link

GENERAL discussion, feedback, questions belong here! (v13) #404

Closed Aris-t2 closed 3 years ago

Aris-t2 commented 3 years ago

Make sure you have updated your configuration to the most recent version of this projects files and are using the latest version of the "options" required by your Firefox version >before< reporting problems!

Continued from,,,,,,,,,, and

Instead of opening new "issues" for general talk we can use this area for discussions, feedback and questions. Open new "issues" for real bugs and problems.

Custom JS scripts to restore more classic features

Things this project will not target/recreate

Things not possible with CSS

nicolaasjan commented 3 years ago

Classic squared tabs do not provide an container indicator (on purpose)

Why is that, if I may ask? The code I found works as far as I can see.

#tabbrowser-tabs .tab-context-line {display: none;} /* 2px container line */

#tabbrowser-tabs .tab-background {border-bottom: solid 2px var(--identity-icon-color) !important;} /* 2px highlight line for active tab  */
jack-ii commented 3 years ago


Try this for toolbar buttons and new-tab tab icons:
#TabsToolbar toolbarbutton .toolbarbutton-icon {
  fill: red !important;

That works, thank you :) But because the "tab_background_text" also sets the new-tab brackground hover color, it is too bright when I uninstall the addon. But it would be really good if I didn't have to use it because it causes a couple of other problems. 01 custom_tab_color_settings.css

TabsToolbar #tabbrowser-tabs :-moz-any(.tabs-newtab-button,#tabs-newtab-button):hover {

background: #363953 !important;} Doesn’t work properly bc some white transparent thing is overlaying it and I don't know how that can be colored or removed. The position, offset, etc. are not important, it will have a very low contrast and not really be visible like in fx88.

Not very important, but maybe you know how to recolor this 1px border. It's darker than in fx88. I've tried a few classes and ids but nothing happens. In themes it is called "toolbar_bottom_separator". 02

WDenda commented 3 years ago

One question came up, since reading the new 4.x compatibility. Using FF78.12.xESR, I wonder how does ESR fit into this release scheme? Is using latest ESR with 4.x safe because I use only 78. compatible settings in custom_css_for_fx_v3.3.1 right now, (TabsBelowContent "/ - Fx 74+ Windows/Linux"). Which version setting should I use in ESR, on 4.x?

Sounds dumb, but I am only a user with limited knowledge.

Aris-t2 commented 3 years ago

@nicolaasjan Container tabs did not exist back then, when "classic squared tabs" were the "current tabs" used by Firefox. You also see an container indicator inside location bar, so I never bothered adding a line for classic squared tabs. Your code works fine. I might add something like that in a future update as a separate option.

@jack-ii Replace the content of custom_tab_color_settings.css with this an report how it is working:

css ```css /* Firefox userChrome.css tweaks ********************************************************/ /* Github: ************************************/ /****************************************************************************************/ /* color names, hexcodes, rgb(a) and hsl(a) and gradients can be used */ :root { --default_tabs_bg_selected: linear-gradient(to bottom,#FF8800,#FFCC99); --default_tabs_toolbar_background: linear-gradient(to bottom,#FFCC99,#FFCC99); --default_tabs_bg_default: linear-gradient(to bottom,#FFCC99,#CCCCCC); --default_tabs_bg_hovered: linear-gradient(to bottom,#FF9900,#FF6600); --default_tabs_bg_unloaded: linear-gradient(to bottom,#FFCC99,#CCCCCC); --default_tabs_bg_newtab: linear-gradient(to bottom,#FFCC99,#CCCCCC); --default_tabs_bg_newtab_hovered: linear-gradient(to bottom,#FF9900,#FF6600); } /* selected tab ****************************/ #TabsToolbar #tabbrowser-tabs .tabbrowser-tab[selected] .tab-content { background: var(--default_tabs_bg_selected) !important; } /* background color on toolbars */ /*#main-window #navigator-toolbox toolbar:not(#TabsToolbar):not(#toolbar-menubar) { background: var(--default_tabs_toolbar_background) !important; }*/ /* background color for 'tabs below navigation toolbar' option */ /*#main-window #navigator-toolbox #TabsToolbar { background: var(--default_tabs_toolbar_background) !important; }*/ /* default tab *****************************/ #TabsToolbar #tabbrowser-tabs .tabbrowser-tab .tab-content { background: var(--default_tabs_bg_default) !important; } /* hovered tab ****************************/ #TabsToolbar #tabbrowser-tabs .tabbrowser-tab:hover:not([selected]) .tab-content { background: var(--default_tabs_bg_hovered) !important; } /* unloaded/pending tab ********************/ #TabsToolbar #tabbrowser-tabs .tabbrowser-tab[pending] .tab-content { background: var(--default_tabs_bg_unloaded) !important; } /* new tab *********************************/ #TabsToolbar #tabbrowser-tabs #tabs-newtab-button .toolbarbutton-icon { background: unset !important; } #TabsToolbar #tabbrowser-tabs #tabs-newtab-button { background: var(--default_tabs_bg_newtab) !important; } /* hovered new tab *************************/ #TabsToolbar #tabbrowser-tabs #tabs-newtab-button:hover { background: var(--default_tabs_bg_newtab_hovered) !important; } ```

Firefox uses this rule to color navigator toolboxes bottom border. Replace the color with your own.

#navigator-toolbox {
  border-bottom: 1px solid var(--chrome-content-separator-color);

@WDenda v4 is also for ESR, but ESR 91.

jack-ii commented 3 years ago

@Aris-t2 Yes remove :-moz-any solves the problem. Now everything is okay so far and I can update my Fox, thank you very much for your great work!

WDenda commented 3 years ago

@Aris-t2 v4 is also for ESR, but ESR 91.

Ok, I thank you very much for this answer and your further going work. When FF_ESR 91 arrives here, I'll upgrade my v3.3.1/2 to 4.x, and everything is fine.

Aris-t2 commented 3 years ago

91/91esr will be officially released tomorrow:

They are even already inside "release" area on Mozillas server:

M7amma commented 3 years ago

Hello how can I make this window have square corners instead of rounded corners? image

Jee-Hex commented 3 years ago

Yellow star button on favicon is not showing up on Fx89+ when ./css/locationbar/starbutton_alternative_icon_v2.css is active.

.urlbarView-row[type="bookmark"] > .urlbarView-row-inner > .urlbarView-no-wrap > .urlbarView-type-icon {
    fill: var(--toolbarbutton-icon-fill-attention);

seems to be the culprit and adding the following to my_userChrome.css fixed the issue on my end.

.urlbarView .urlbarView-row[type=bookmark] > .urlbarView-row-inner > .urlbarView-no-wrap > .urlbarView-type-icon {
  fill: #ffd100 !important;
spacesynth commented 3 years ago


@import "./css/locationbar/megabar_expanding_breakout_disabled.css";
@import "./css/tabs/tabs_below_navigation_toolbar_default_tabs.css";
@import "./css/tabs/tabs_container_indicator_for_classic_squared_tabs.css";
#editBookmarkPanelImage, #editBookmarkPanelFaviconContainer {
  display: none !important;
@namespace url("");
#urlbar .urlbar-history-dropmarker {
  display: none !important;
#page-action-buttons #pageActionButton {
  display: none !important;
#PanelUI-menu-button {
  display: none !important;
menupopup.textbox-contextmenu :-moz-any(menu,menuitem),
popupset > menupopup :-moz-any(menu,menuitem),
popupset >*:not(menupopup) menupopup :-moz-any(menu,menuitem),
toolbarbutton:not(#bookmarks-menu-button):not(#alltabs-button):not(.bookmark-item)  menupopup :-moz-any(menu,menuitem),
#PlacesToolbar :-moz-any(menu,menuitem),
#main-menubar menupopup :-moz-any(menu,menuitem),
#sourceeditor-context :-moz-any(menu,menuitem) {
  -moz-appearance: none !important;
  color: black !important;
  background: #f2f2f2 !important;
menupopup.textbox-contextmenu :-moz-any(menu,menuitem)[_moz-menuactive="true"],
popupset > menupopup  :-moz-any(menu,menuitem)[_moz-menuactive="true"]:not([id^="BMB"]),
popupset > menupopup  menupopup :-moz-any(menu,menuitem)[_moz-menuactive="true"]:not([id^="BMB"]),
popupset >*:not(menupopup) menupopup :-moz-any(menu,menuitem)[_moz-menuactive="true"],
toolbarbutton:not(#bookmarks-menu-button):not(#alltabs-button):not(.bookmark-item)  menupopup :-moz-any(menu,menuitem)[_moz-menuactive="true"],
#PlacesToolbar :-moz-any(menu,menuitem)[_moz-menuactive="true"],
#main-menubar menupopup :-moz-any(menu,menuitem)[_moz-menuactive="true"],
#sourceeditor-context :-moz-any(menu,menuitem)[_moz-menuactive="true"] {
  -moz-appearance: none !important;
  background-color:LightSkyBlue !important;
/*  font-weight: bold !important;*/
menuseparator {
  -moz-appearance: none !important;
  border-top: solid 1px #d7d7d7 !important;
  margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px !important;
menupopup > menuitem, menupopup > menu {
  padding-block: 2px !important;
#tabbrowser-tabs {
  --tab-min-height: 22px !important;
#main-window:not([chromehidden*="toolbar"]) #navigator-toolbox {
  padding-bottom: 30px !important;

Proton is disabled. Now how could I get rid of the tiny black bar between the tab-row and the viewport with the grey website? It is about 1px in size and part of the Firefox-UI. Any wizard here who can spare me just a moment of their time? Please.

Aris-t2 commented 3 years ago


.dialogBox {
  border-radius: 0 !important;

@Jee-Hex This will be fixed on next update.

@vaporwave9 Remove the line using this:

#navigator-toolbox {
  border-bottom: 0px !important;

or change color using this:

#navigator-toolbox {
  border-bottom: 1px solid grey !important;
spacesynth commented 3 years ago

@Aris-t2 Thank you Zen master of CSS! I am off to a good run with ESR 91. At least 1 year of peace now thanks to v4.0.1pre1 🙏

9jkh commented 3 years ago

Hi Aris,

For the 90.0.2, Mac, with Proton fully enabled, had location bar and separate search bar outlines mostly resolved using the following, found by chance elsewhere: (Note: haven't found a way to transpose the first CSS to Search Bar. Although for some reason, this happened anyway in the 90.0.2. Btw, not seeing anything for this in the 4.0.1pre1.)

#urlbar-background {
border-width: 1px !important;
border-radius: 1px !important;

/*remove URL bar shadow*/
#urlbar-background, #searchbar {
    box-shadow: none !important;

However, now with the 91ESR (using the 90.0.2 Profile, updated) no black outline on either URL bar or Search bar until hover. Clicking outside both fields shows no outline at all - they both just "float." Clicking inside either does produce blue outline.

I'm wondering if you might be able to suggest something that produces the previous behavior with the 90.0.2. Or ideally, the way these fields appear in the 78.12ESR before the arrival of Proton, where there is a black outline without hover, and blue outline with same 1px appears stronger on clicking inside on both fields.

91ESR click outside no outline/floats 91 click outside no outline

78.12 click outside black outline shows

78 12 click outside:black border

91ESR click inside/focus/blue border 91 click inside:in focus:blue border

78.12 click inside/in focus/blue border

78 12 click inside:in focus:blue border

EdwardKiefer commented 3 years ago

91.0 using version 4.0.0 now and option "@import "./css/generalui/context_bfrsb_labels_with_icons.css"; /**/" seems to have a bug now where the icon size next to back, forward, refresh etc is about 1/4 the size of text. This was working fine in FF 90.0/4.0pre10 and I looked at the files but can't figure whats changed.

Edit: Ok, I figured out iwhat messes with context menu icon size when you enable "@import "./css/generalui/popup_compact_menus.css"; /**/"

Edit2 Seems to be something in this section.

context-navigation :is(#context-back,#context-forward,#context-reload,#context-stop,#context-bookmarkpage) {

padding: 2px !important; margin-inline-start: -6px !important; height: 16px !important; }

The best I could do is this

context-navigation :-moz-any(#context-back,#context-forward,#context-reload,#context-stop,#context-bookmarkpage) {

padding: 0 !important; margin-inline-start: -6px !important;

} but still has little to much padding, I just don't know how to fix it.

Aris-t2 commented 3 years ago

@9jkh & @EdwardKiefer

Test 4.0.1pre2.

nicolaasjan commented 3 years ago

I have the following code for a thin border around the urlbar and the seachbar, which worked in Fx 90, but now in Fx 91 the urlbar has a thick border again... The searchbar is OK. 4.0.1pre2.

#urlbar-background, #searchbar {
border-width: 1px !important;
/* border-radius: 1px !important; */
#urlbar-background, #searchbar {
box-shadow: none !important;



Aris-t2 commented 3 years ago


This should override browsers default code:

#urlbar-background, #searchbar {
  border-width: 1px !important;

#urlbar[focused="true"] > #urlbar-background,
#urlbar[open] > #urlbar-background,
#searchbar:focus-within {
  box-shadow: unset !important;
nicolaasjan commented 3 years ago

That did the trick. Thanks!

9jkh commented 3 years ago

Hi Aris,


For the URL bar/Search bar outline issue, as described here

I have now tried your latest:

#urlbar-background, #searchbar {
  border-width: 1px !important;

#urlbar[focused="true"] > #urlbar-background,
#urlbar[open] > #urlbar-background,
#searchbar:focus-within {
  box-shadow: unset !important;

and what I had been using

#urlbar-background {
border-width: 1px !important;
border-radius: 1px !important;

/*remove URL bar shadow*/
#urlbar-background, #searchbar {
    box-shadow: none !important;

But the issue persists. Both fields float without any border until hovering or clicking.

Would appreciate a suggestion to restore the thin black outline, which had been present in the 90.0.2 prior to updating to the 91ESR. You can see the thin black outline I'm referring to in the screenshot "78.12 click outside black outline shows" in my post above.


Screenshot both fields just float with no border at all:

Screen Shot 2021-08-10 at 8 14 51 AM

Aris-t2 commented 3 years ago


Current 4.0.1pre builds offer this by default (urlbar_restore_visible_border.css):

#urlbar:not([focused="true"]) #urlbar-background,
#urlbar[open="true"] #urlbar-background,
#urlbar[focused="true"][open="true"] #urlbar-background,
#searchbar:not(:focus-within) {
  border: 1px solid var(--chrome-content-separator-color) !important;

I did not test this on macOS yet.

Edit (4.0.1pre3 - default setup - only enabled appbutton_in_titlebar_macOS_fix.css) image

EdwardKiefer commented 3 years ago

@Aris-t2 4.0.1 pre3 working now fine with "@import "./css/generalui/context_bfrsb_labels_with_icons.css"

Acid-Crash commented 3 years ago

Hi @Aris-t2 Thank you for the latest update A quick observation. On Win10 FF91 (Custom CSS v4.0.0) when enabling _./css/toolbars/top_toolbarcolors.css and opening Browser toolbox, browsers main window turns gray

hopalongrock commented 3 years ago

For me Bookmarks sidebar and download window is grayed (same versions)

hopalongrock commented 3 years ago

In Menu button/History the recent history list has light blue background. Disabling all 4 "application/hamburger button popup" option, or using the default userChrome.css doesn't help Without CustomCSSforFx it's the usual white background. How can I re-set to white background?

Aris-t2 commented 3 years ago

@Acid-Crash / @hopalongrock Have you set colors for active and inactive windows inside general_variables.css?

001 002

You might also try to use top_toolbar_OS_accent_colors.css. It uses default Firefox variables and offers correct accent colors, if the window ist active. It switches back to "gray", once the window is inactive.

@hopalongrock Please always post screenshots. I'm not sure what you mean. Where you do have a "light blue background"?

Edit image

9jkh commented 3 years ago



Current 4.0.1pre builds offer this by default (urlbar_restore_visible_border.css):

#urlbar:not([focused="true"]) #urlbar-background,
#urlbar[open="true"] #urlbar-background,
#urlbar[focused="true"][open="true"] #urlbar-background,
#searchbar:not(:focus-within) {
  border: 1px solid var(--chrome-content-separator-color) !important;

That did it! Black border is back. Many thanks!

hopalongrock commented 3 years ago


I don't know what causes this color:

20210810 214051  Window

hopalongrock commented 3 years ago


I'm sorry, the

toolbarbutton.bookmark-item { background-color:PaleTurquoise !important;

code in my_userChrome.css causes this, I somehow overlooked.

I thought that that the code only changes the bookmark toolbar background color. 20210810 222359  Release 91 0 _ GENERAL discussion, feedback, questions belong here! (v13) · Issu

EdwardKiefer commented 3 years ago

Very minor issue with @import "./css/generalui/context_bfrsb_labels_without_icons.css"; // @import "./css/generalui/context_bfrsb_labels_with_icons.css"; //

With either enabled the mouse over hover (back, fowared, refresh and stop) have a blue highlight were all other are light gray. I am on 91.0 with dark theme in OS, so FF is dark too.

Aris-t2 commented 3 years ago


4.0.1pre5 should fix that.

EdwardKiefer commented 3 years ago


4.0.1pre5 should fix that.

Yes, fixed now :)

p1nkyy commented 3 years ago

Hi please help, I'm using FF 91, custom_css_for_fx_v4.0.0, proton is enabled. My tab becomes transparent and a bit too tall IMO, also space in page context menu becomes too big. These are 2 main problems I'd like to fix first if possible. Do I have to change to 4.0.1pre5? Do I need to change values in general_variables? Thanks before!

context menu firefox_y4wW5Z78Y9

EdwardKiefer commented 3 years ago

Try setting this one on "@import "./css/generalui/popup_compact_menus.css"; /**/". That will help with spacing so not so much padding.

rebop commented 3 years ago

Hi @Aris-t2

Updated to 4.0 and 90 FF. I am AMAZED how quickly this is going and how few errors. Right now would say half through and only one issue:

I KNOW you helped me with this exact issue a long time ago, but cannot find the solution. The first image is 4.0 right now. The second from 3.1.7. You showed me how to color the back button and add the drop shadows. Would love that again.


4 0 back button


OK, done! So much easier than ever before.

Three more "things". Can't say issues exactly.

Mega bar roundness does not work for me. It is ether square or VERY round. Would like a small radius. Cannot figure why I cannot do that.

Would like location and search bars a few pixels less high. Match the height of the icons.

And last, there is a tracking icon and page icon in the location bar. Can these be changed?

That's it!

Screenshots if needed.

AndersOhrt commented 3 years ago

Hi @Aris-t2

I updated to Firefox 91 today, and now Proton is forced on. I'm trying to get my tabs and location bar back to the Photon look, and need some help.

My goal is to get back to this:


I've updated to 4.0.1pre5, but there are so many options that I'm not sure which are correct for my case. I have enabled classic_squared_tabs and classic_squared_tabs_fully_squared, and now it looks like this:


What I'm missing is:

Can I get closer with other imports, or does that require custom css?

Acid-Crash commented 3 years ago

@Acid-Crash / @hopalongrock Have you set colors for active and inactive windows inside general_variables.css?

001 002

You might also try to use top_toolbar_OS_accent_colors.css. It uses default Firefox variables and offers correct accent colors, if the window ist active. It switches back to "gray", once the window is inactive.

Hmmm, seems like I did exactly the same. Enabled the top_toolbar_OS_accent_colors.css (everything else inside general_variables.css is default) Once I activate dev tools, the main window turns gray. Actually, it makes some sense since DevTools window is active and the main window turns inactive. Also I am able to click throught (DevTools inspector) the gray color.


UPD. This also seems to be affecting Savefile PopUp (background now has different color) изображение

here is my config, also if needed i can create a separate ticket if thir requires additional attention

```css /* Firefox userChrome.css tweaks ****************************************************************/ /* code mostly taken from 'Classic Theme Restorer' & 'Classic Toolbar Buttons' add-ons **********/ /* Github: ********************************************/ /************************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************************/ /* Custom CSS for Firefox 91+ *******************************************************************/ /* version 4.0.0 ********************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************************* Full changelog of every version: [!] Firefox requires this preference to be enabled or custom styles will not be loaded: 'about:config > toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets > true' *************************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************************* README Finding profile folder: address bar > about:support > Profile Folder > Open Folder CSS files and sub-folders belong into \PROFILEFOLDER\chrome\ directory. \chrome\config\ \chrome\css\ \chrome\image\ \chrome\userChrome.css \chrome\userContent.css ENABLING options: remove the combination of / and * in front of '@import' DISABLING options: add the combination of / and * in front of '@import' macOS issues / glitches / fixes -> look for 'macOS fix' additions inside this file - tabs toolbar spaces in 'toolbars' category - tabs not on top mode in 'tabs toolbar position' category - page context items in 'general ui' category EXPERIMENTAL settings are for testing only! BASIC OVERVIEW - settings this file contains: CONFIGURATION FILES - general variables / color variables (default browser theme only) TOOLBAR BUTTONS - toolbar button / icon appearance - bookmarks menu button / popup - other button settings - custom BACK and FORWARD buttons appearance - APPLICATION/HAMBURGER BUTTON -- visibility / popup -- buttons appearance on navigation toolbar / in Firefox titlebar TABS - custom tab appearance / old squared tabs - TABS TOOLBAR POSITION -- below titlebar / navigation and bookmarks toolbar / main content - TAB TEXT - colors/shadow/weight/style for default/active/hovered/unloaded tabs - MULTIROW / multi lined tabs - TAB TITLE IN FIREFOX TITLEBAR - empty tab favicon / custom tab loading animation / tab close icon settings - settings for DEFAULT TABS / other tab settings GENERAL UI - general settings / close icons / page context menu items - overflow menu / sidebar / findbar - SEARCHBAR -- general settings for default search -- OLD SEARCH + old search 'about:config' settings - MENUBARS bookmarks menu popup items TOOLBARS - ADDONS BAR (simulated bottoms toolbar) - GENERAL TOOLBAR settings -- toolbar context menu settings - MENUBAR settings - bookmarks toolbar settings - BOOKMARKS TOOLBAR - MULTIPLE LINES - AeroGlass TOOLBARS / WIN10 fix for GLASS8 - TOOLBAR TEXT MODES -- icons+text / text only LOCATION BAR / urlbar / awesomebar - general location bar tweaks / identity box / padlock icons icon/button tweaks - 'autocomplete popup' appearance / result item settings/appearance *************************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************************/ /* CONFIGURATION FILES - edit target files to change general values *****************************/ /************************************************************************************************/ /* GENERAL VARIABLES ****************************************************************************/ /* [!] set global variables for font and tab size options and more inside target file ***********/ @import "./config/general_variables.css"; /**/ /* COLOR VARIABLES FOR DEFAULT BROWSER THEME ONLY - MAIN UI - [only use one at a time] **********/ /* [!] set own colors for tabs & toolbars inside 'color_variables.css' or use available presets */ /* [!] enabled 'menubar_color.css' and 'statusbar_color.css' might be required in some cases ****/ /* @import "./config/color_variables.css"; /**/ /* <- default 'grey' colors */ /* @import "./config/color_variables_aero.css"; /**/ /* <- 'AeroBlue' colors (Win 7 Aero) */ /* @import "./config/color_variables_classic-grey.css"; /**/ /* <- 'classic grey' colors (Win Classic) */ /* @import "./config/color_variables_fx3.css"; /**/ /* <- 'Firefox 3-like' blueish colors */ /* @import "./config/color_variables_transparent.css"; /**/ /* <- (semi-)'transparent' colors */ /* @import "./config/color_variables_aeroglass.css"; /**/ /* <- 'AeroGlass' colors / Win10+Glass8 fix can be found in 'toolbars' area */ /* @import "./config/color_variables_deved.css"; /**/ /* <- based on 'Developer Edition' colors */ /* @import "./config/color_variables_noia4_grey.css"; /**/ /* <- based on 'Noia 4 themes' grey colors */ /* @import "./config/color_variables_noia4_lightgrey.css"; /**/ /* <- based on 'Noia 4 themes' lightgrey colors */ /* @import "./config/color_variables_noia4_dark.css"; /**/ /* <- based on 'Noia 4 themes' dark colors */ /* Darker "Dark" default theme - [only use one at a time] ***************************************/ /* @import "./css/toolbars/default_dark_theme_darker.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/toolbars/default_dark_theme_darker_v2.css"; /**/ /* CUSTOM SCROLLBARS VARIABLES - EXPERIMENTAL ***************************************************/ /* [!] Might not work on every page! This issue is for Mozilla to solve. ************************/ /* [!] Not compatible with custom scrollbar JavaScript userChrome scripts. **********************/ /* [!] Custom size values only compatible with 'web content' scrollbars at the moment. **********/ /* [!] More info inside 'custom_scrollbar_appearance.css' file. *********************************/ /* @import "./config/custom_scrollbar_appearance.css"; /**/ /* <--- EXPERIMENTAL */ /************************************************************************************************/ /* TOOLBAR BUTTONS ******************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************************/ /* icon appearance - [only use one at a time] (custom icons do not scale in HiDPI modes) ********/ /* @import "./css/buttons/icons_colorized.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/icons_white_icons.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/icons_custom_icons.css"; /**/ /* aka "Mozilla Mix" from CTB */ /* @import "./css/buttons/icons_custom_icons_fx1.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/icons_custom_icons_fx2.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/icons_custom_icons_fx3.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/icons_custom_icons_fx3strata.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/icons_custom_icons_fx12_colorized.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/icons_custom_icons_crystal.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/icons_custom_icons_firebird.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/icons_custom_icons_kempelton.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/icons_custom_icons_noia.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/icons_custom_icons_ie6.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/icons_custom_icons_seamonkey.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/icons_custom_icons_old_chrome.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/icons_custom_icons_old_osx.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/icons_custom_icons_tango.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/icons_custom_icons_fx45.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/icons_custom_icons_fx45_inverted.css"; /**/ /* PROTON: 'classic' pre-Proton button padding **************************************************/ /* @import "./css/buttons/classic_button_padding.css"; /**/ /* navigation toolbar buttons appearance - [only use one at a time] *****************************/ @import "./css/buttons/buttons_on_navbar_classic_appearance.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/buttons_on_navbar_classic_appearance_v2.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/buttons_on_navbar_windows_classic_theme_appearance.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/buttons_on_navbar_glass_appearance.css"; /* <--- good for Dark themes */ /* @import "./css/buttons/buttons_on_navbar_osx_appearance.css"; /**/ /* navigation toolbar buttons - button roundness (edit file to set different roundness) *********/ /* @import "./css/buttons/buttons_on_navbar_button_roundness.css"; /**/ /* squared buttons / button size - [only use one at a time] *************************************/ /* "rectangular shape" - normal size ************************************************************/ @import "./css/buttons/buttons_on_navbar_squared_buttons.css"; /**/ /* "normal shape" - large size (huge 48x48px buttons with 36x36px icons) ************************/ /* [!] not compatible with 'custom icon' options ************************************************/ /* [!] not compatible with 'custom back & forward buttons' appearance options *******************/ /* [!] not compatible with 'text mode' option ***************************************************/ /* [!] partly compatible with 'icons+text' option, if in 'compact mode' *************************/ /* @import "./css/buttons/buttons_on_navbar_huge_48px_size.css"; /**/ /* <--- EXPERIMENTAL */ /* smaller button spaces in 'compact' mode - 'Classic Toolbar Buttons' add-ons 'small' mode *****/ /* @import "./css/buttons/buttons_on_navbar_more_compact_mode.css"; /**/ /* bookmarks toolbar - buttons appearance - [only use one at a time] ****************************/ /* old bookmarks toolbar button appearance ******************************************************/ /* @import "./css/buttons/buttons_on_bookmarks_toolbar_old_size_and_appearance.css"; /**/ /* Windows only */ /* @import "./css/buttons/buttons_on_bookmarks_toolbar_classic_appearance.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/buttons_on_bookmarks_toolbar_classic_appearance_items.css"; /**/ /* menubar - toolbar button appearance **********************************************************/ /* @import "./css/buttons/buttons_on_menubar_toolbar_classic_appearance.css"; /**/ /* tabs toolbar - toolbar button appearance *****************************************************/ /* @import "./css/buttons/buttons_on_tabs_toolbar_classic_appearance.css"; /**/ /* <--- EXPERIMENTAL */ /* bookmarks menu button - 'button & popup' appearance ******************************************/ /* @import "./css/buttons/bookmarks_menu_button_localized_label_on_bookmarks_toolbar.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/bookmarks_menu_button_popup_showall_top_hidden.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/bookmarks_menu_button_popup_showall_bottom_hidden.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/bookmarks_menu_button_popup_sidebar_item_hidden.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/bookmarks_menu_button_popup_toolbar_item_hidden.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/bookmarks_menu_button_popup_other_item_hidden.css"; /**/ /* other button settings ************************************************************************/ /* @import "./css/buttons/whatnew_button_always_hidden.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/forward_button_hide_when_disabled.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/back_and_forward_separated_history_popups.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/back_and_forward_leftclick_history_popup_hidden.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/zoom_buttons_hide_reset.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/overflow_button_rotate_on_open.css"; /**/ /* CUSTOM BACK & FORWARD BUTTONS appearance - [only use one at a time] **************************/ /* @import "./css/buttons/custom_backforward_large_ff2.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/custom_backforward_large_ff3.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/custom_backforward_large_ff3_strata.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/custom_backforward_large_ff3_strata_v2.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/custom_backforward_large_ff3_strata_orange.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/custom_backforward_large_ff3_strata_red.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/custom_backforward_large_ie8.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/custom_backforward_large_ie9.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/custom_backforward_large_kempelton.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/custom_backforward_small_ff3.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/custom_backforward_small_ff3_strata.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/custom_backforward_small_ff3_strata_orange.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/custom_backforward_small_ff3_strata_red.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/custom_backforward_small_ie8.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/custom_backforward_small_ie9.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/custom_backforward_small_kempelton.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/buttons/custom_backforward_connected.css"; /**/ /* round */ /* @import "./css/buttons/custom_backforward_connected_to_location_bar.css"; /**/ /* round */ /* @import "./css/buttons/custom_backforward_connected_alt.css"; /**/ /* squared*/ /* @import "./css/buttons/custom_backforward_connected_to_location_bar_alt.css"; /**/ /* squared*/ /************************************************************************************************/ /* APPLICATION/HAMBURGER BUTTON *****************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************************/ /* application/hamburger button hidden - disable all other appbutton options when using this ****/ /* @import "./css/appbutton/appbutton_hidden.css"; /**/ /* application/hamburger button popup ***********************************************************/ /* @import "./css/appbutton/appbutton_popup_icons.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/appbutton/appbutton_popup_icons_colorized.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/appbutton/appbutton_popup_sync_hidden.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/appbutton/appbutton_popup_logins_and_passwords_hidden.css"; /**/ /************************************************************************************************/ /* button on navigation toolbar *****************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************************/ @import "./css/appbutton/appbutton_on_navbar_start_position.css"; /**/ /* button color - [only use one at a time] ******************************************************/ /* @import "./css/appbutton/appbutton_on_navbar_color_autocolor.css"; /**/ @import "./css/appbutton/appbutton_on_navbar_color_autocolor57p.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/appbutton/appbutton_on_navbar_color_orange.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/appbutton/appbutton_on_navbar_color_aurora.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/appbutton/appbutton_on_navbar_color_nightly.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/appbutton/appbutton_on_navbar_color_deved57p.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/appbutton/appbutton_on_navbar_color_nightly57p.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/appbutton/appbutton_on_navbar_color_palemoon.css"; /**/ /* button icon - [only use one at a time] *******************************************************/ @import "./css/appbutton/appbutton_on_navbar_icon_white.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/appbutton/appbutton_on_navbar_icon_dark.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/appbutton/appbutton_on_navbar_icon_grey.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/appbutton/appbutton_on_navbar_icon_browser_logo.css"; /**/ /* button label (show label besides icon) *******************************************************/ /* @import "./css/appbutton/appbutton_on_navbar_icon_and_label.css"; /**/ /************************************************************************************************/ /* button in Firefox titlebar *******************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************************/ /* button in titlebar - [only use one at a time] ************************************************/ /* @import "./css/appbutton/appbutton_in_titlebar.css"; /**/ /* <-- label only */ /* @import "./css/appbutton/appbutton_in_titlebar_icon_only.css"; /**/ /* for 'appbutton in titlebar icon only' - [only use one at a time] *****************************/ /* @import "./css/appbutton/appbutton_in_titlebar_icon_only_dark.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/appbutton/appbutton_in_titlebar_icon_only_grey.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/appbutton/appbutton_in_titlebar_icon_only_browser_logo.css"; /**/ /* for 'appbutton in titlebar icon only' ********************************************************/ /* @import "./css/appbutton/appbutton_in_titlebar_label_and_icon.css"; /**/ /* macOS fix - appbutton in titlebar gets moved to the right ************************************/ /* @import "./css/appbutton/appbutton_in_titlebar_macOS_fix.css"; /**/ /* button color - [only use one at a time] ******************************************************/ /* @import "./css/appbutton/appbutton_in_titlebar_autocolor.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/appbutton/appbutton_in_titlebar_autocolor57p.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/appbutton/appbutton_in_titlebar_transparent.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/appbutton/appbutton_in_titlebar_semi_transparent.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/appbutton/appbutton_in_titlebar_aurora.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/appbutton/appbutton_in_titlebar_nightly.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/appbutton/appbutton_in_titlebar_deved57p.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/appbutton/appbutton_in_titlebar_nightly57p.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/appbutton/appbutton_in_titlebar_palemoon.css"; /**/ /************************************************************************************************/ /* TABS - appearance and position ***************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************************/ /* custom tab appearance - [only use one at a time] *********************************************/ /* @import "./css/tabs/classic_squared_tabs.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/tabs/classic_squared_tabs_australized.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/tabs/default_tabs_enhanced.css"; /**/ /* custom tab colors are set inside color_variables***.css file(s) ******************************/ /* remove top corner roundness ******************************************************************/ /* @import "./css/tabs/classic_squared_tabs_fully_squared.css"; /**/ /************************************************************************************************/ /* TABS TOOLBAR POSITION (below titlebar / below navigation toolbar / below main content) *******/ /************************************************************************************************/ /* [only use one at a time] - BELOW TITLEBAR or BELOW NAVIGATION BAR or BELOW MAIN CONTENT ******/ /* - TABS BELOW TITLEBAR (Fx56-like) ************************************************************/ /* @import "./css/tabs/tabs_below_titlebar_above_navigation_toolbar.css"; /**/ /* - TABS BELOW NAVIGATION AND BOOKMARKS TOOLBARS / TABS NOT ON TOP *****************************/ /* [!] Note: do not use OS titlebar with 'tabs not on top' code on macOS ************************/ /* [!] Note: only 'alt' works with multi-tab lines option. **************************************/ /* - Windows/Linux ******************************************************************************/ /* [!] might require overriding url bars 'selection color' --> see corresponding area ***********/ /* @import "./css/tabs/tabs_below_navigation_toolbar.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/tabs/tabs_below_navigation_toolbar_default_tabs.css"; /**/ /* - macOS **************************************************************************************/ /* @import "./css/tabs/tabs_below_navigation_toolbar_macOS.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/tabs/tabs_below_navigation_toolbar_macOS_default_tabs.css"; /**/ /* - Alternative for multi-lined tabs (Glitches with inactive menubar!) ******************/ /* <- use this for multiple tab lines support */ /* @import "./css/tabs/tabs_below_navigation_toolbar_alt.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/tabs/tabs_below_navigation_toolbar_alt_force_hidden_menubar.css"; /**/ /* no menubar when OS titlebar is active */ /* @import "./css/tabs/tabs_below_navigation_toolbar_alt_macOS.css"; /**/ /* - TABS BELOW MAIN CONTENT (tabs on bottom) - EXPERIMENTAL ************************************/ /* [!] SUPPORT THREAD: **********************/ /* [!] not compatible to 'tabs toolbar - multiple tab lines' option *****************************/ /* - Windows/Linux ***********************************************************************/ /* @import "./css/tabs/tabs_below_main_content.css"; /**/ /* - MOVE NAVIGATION TOOLBAR TO HIGHER POSITON (for tabs not on top) - [only use one at a time] */ /* @import "./css/tabs/tabs_below_navigation_toolbar_higher_navbar_positon.css"; /**/ /* <--- EXPERIMENTAL */ /* @import "./css/tabs/tabs_below_navigation_toolbar_higher_navbar_positon_with_appbutton.css"; /**/ /* <--- EXPERIMENTAL */ /* @import "./css/tabs/tabs_below_navigation_toolbar_higher_navbar_positon_with_appbutton_icon_only.css"; /**/ /* <--- EXPERIMENTAL */ /* TAB BACKGROUND COLORS for default/active/hovered/unloaded tabs and 'new tab' tab *************/ /* edit target file to set own custom colors ****************************************************/ /* @import "./config/custom_tab_color_settings.css"; /**/ /* TAB TEXT colors/shadow/weight/style for default/active/hovered/unloaded tabs *****************/ /* edit target file to set own custom colors ****************************************************/ /* @import "./config/custom_tab_text_settings.css"; /**/ /* MULTIROW / multi lined tabs - [only use one at a time] ***************************************/ /* [!] EXPERIMENTAL (any Fx update might break this highly experimental feature) ****************/ /* [!] SUPPORT THREAD: **********************/ /* [!] BUG: dragging tabs does not work with multi lined tabs ***********************************/ /* [!] Original authors: --> **********************************/ /* [!] --> ***********/ /* [!] not compatible with 'tabs toolbar - below main content' option ***************************/ /* [!] only compatible with 'tabs below navigation toolbar alt version' *************************/ /* @import "./css/tabs/tabs_multiple_lines.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/tabs/tabs_multiple_lines_force_newtab_button_visibility.css"; /**/ /* restore empty/missing tab favicon - [only use one at a time] *********************************/ /* @import "./css/tabs/missing_tab_favicon_restored_default.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/tabs/missing_tab_favicon_restored_globe_v2.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/tabs/missing_tab_favicon_restored_sheet.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/tabs/missing_tab_favicon_restored_dotted.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/tabs/missing_tab_favicon_restored_dotted_white.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/tabs/missing_tab_favicon_restored_brand_logo.css"; /**/ /* custom tab loading animation - [only use one at a time] **************************************/ /* @import "./css/tabs/tab_throbber_blue_fx56.css"; /**/ /* known from Fx 56 */ /* @import "./css/tabs/tab_throbber_blue.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/tabs/tab_throbber_grey_classic.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/tabs/tab_throbber_green.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/tabs/tab_throbber_orange_ubuntu.css"; /**/ /* tab close icon settings - [only use one at a time] *******************************************/ /* @import "./css/tabs/tab_close_always_visible.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/tabs/tab_close_on_active_tab_only.css"; /**/ @import "./css/tabs/tab_close_show_on_hover_only.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/tabs/tab_close_hidden.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/tabs/tab_close_hidden_for_only_one_visible_tab.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/tabs/tab_close_at_tabs_start.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/tabs/tab_close_icon_size.css"; /**/ /* tab title - [only use one at a time] *********************************************************/ /* @import "./css/tabs/tab_title_left.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/tabs/tab_title_centered.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/tabs/tab_title_right.css"; /**/ /* DEFAULT TABS - use only, if 'classic squared tabs' are disabled ******************************/ /* tab line settings - [only use one at a time] *************************************************/ /* @import "./css/tabs/default_tabs_no_tab_line.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/tabs/default_tabs_tab_line_red_for_unloaded_tabs.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/tabs/default_tabs_tab_line_purple_in_private_mode.css"; /**/ /* other tab settings ***************************************************************************/ /* @import "./css/tabs/tab_icon_colors.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/tabs/tab_audio_icon.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/tabs/newtab_tab_size_equals_tab_size.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/tabs/newtab_button_always_visible.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/tabs/tab_icon_inactive_tabs_lower_opacity.css"; /**/ @import "./css/tabs/tab_icon_unloaded_tabs_lower_opacity.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/tabs/tab_maxwidth.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/tabs/tab_titles_remove_blur.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/tabs/alltabs_button_always_visible.css"; /**/ /* <--- hidden, if multiple tab rows are used */ /* @import "./css/tabs/pinnedtab_empty_favicon_hidden.css"; /**/ /* [!] edit target file to select which items to hide *******************************************/ /* @import "./css/tabs/tab_context_menuitems_visibility.css"; /**/ /************************************************************************************************/ /* GENERAL UI ***********************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************************/ /* context menus / menupopups / panels **********************************************************/ /* @import "./css/generalui/popup_compact_menus.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/generalui/popup_compact_menus_squared.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/generalui/popup_animation_fade_time_reduced.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/generalui/popup_items_hover_appearance_aero.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/generalui/popup_menupopup_with_scrollbars.css"; /**/ /* <- this removes tab scroll buttons, no CSS fix possible atm */ @import "./css/generalui/private_mode_indicator_hidden.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/generalui/bookmark_icons_colorized.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/generalui/bookmarks_smaller_more_bookmarks_icon.css"; /**/ @import "./css/generalui/send_to_device_menuitems_hidden.css"; /**/ @import "./css/generalui/set_as_desktop_background_menuitems_hidden.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/generalui/increase_ui_font_size.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/generalui/flex_space_on_navbar_replace_with_separator.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/generalui/statusbar_color.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/generalui/classic_drop_indicator.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/generalui/notification_old_size.css"; /**/ /* overflow menu - [only use one at a time] *****************************************************/ /* @import "./css/generalui/overflow_menu_remove_text.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/generalui/overflow_menu_horizontal_remove_text.css"; /**/ /* sidebar **************************************************************************************/ /* @import "./css/generalui/sidebar_items_compact.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/generalui/sidebar_header_icons_colorized.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/generalui/sidebar_header_lwtheme.css"; /**/ /* sidebar dimensions - [only use one at a time] ************************************************/ /* @import "./css/generalui/sidebar_show_on_hover.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/generalui/sidebar_width_unrestricted.css"; /**/ /* sidebar appearance - [only use one at a time] ************************************************/ /* @import "./css/generalui/sidebar_appearance_grey.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/generalui/sidebar_appearance_grey_v2.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/generalui/sidebar_appearance_dark.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/generalui/sidebar_appearance_dark_v2.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/generalui/sidebar_appearance_lwtheme_bright.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/generalui/sidebar_appearance_lwtheme_dark.css"; /**/ /* FINDBAR **************************************************************************************/ /* @import "./css/generalui/findbar_on_top.css"; /**/ @import "./css/generalui/findbar_on_top_close_at_findbars_start.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/generalui/findbar_compact.css"; /**/ /* page context menu items: 'back', 'forward', 'reload', 'stop', 'bookmarks' ********************/ /* @import "./css/generalui/context_bfrsb_icons_colorized.css"; /**/ /* menuitem labels - [only use one at a time] ***************************************************/ /* @import "./css/generalui/context_bfrsb_labels_without_icons.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/generalui/context_bfrsb_labels_with_icons.css"; /**/ /* close icons for general ui and tabs - [only use one at a time] *******************************/ /* @import "./css/generalui/close_icon_windows7.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/generalui/close_icon_windows7inverted.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/generalui/close_icon_windows7v2.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/generalui/close_icon_gchrome.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/generalui/close_icon_red.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/generalui/close_icon_windows10.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/generalui/close_icon_windows10inverted.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/generalui/close_icon_windows10red.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/generalui/close_icon_windows10redv2.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/generalui/close_icon_firefox3.css"; /**/ /* SEARCHBAR ************************************************************************************/ @import "./css/generalui/searchbar_glassplus_indicator_hidden.css"; /**/ @import "./css/generalui/searchbar_go_button_hidden.css"; /**/ /* searchbar popup ******************************************************************************/ /* @import "./css/generalui/searchbar_popup_current_engine_hidden.css"; /**/ /* searchbar popup - search engine settings - [only use one at a time] **************************/ /* @import "./css/generalui/searchbar_popup_engines_hidden.css"; /**/ @import "./css/generalui/searchbar_popup_engines_show_labels.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/generalui/searchbar_popup_engines_show_labels_scrollbars.css"; /**/ /* MENUBARS bookmarks popup (not compatible to macOS/Linux) *************************************/ /* @import "./css/generalui/menubar_bookmarks_popup_bookmark_page_item_hidden.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/generalui/menubar_bookmarks_popup_subscribe_item_hidden.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/generalui/menubar_bookmarks_popup_toolbar_item_hidden.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/generalui/menubar_bookmarks_popup_other_item_hidden.css"; /**/ /************************************************************************************************/ /* TOOLBARS *************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************************/ /* ADDON BAR - simulate add-on bar by moving bookmarks toolbar to the bottom ********************/ /* [!] move 'Bookmarks Toolbar Items' to navigation bar to get a top toolbar with bookmarks *****/ /* [!] not compatible to 'bookmarks toolbar - multiple lines' option ****************************/ /* [!] not compatible to 'bookmarks toolbar autohide' option ************************************/ /* [!] SUPPORT THREAD: **********************/ /* @import "./css/toolbars/addonbar_move_bookmarks_toolbar_to_bottom.css"; /**/ /* <--- EXPERIMENTAL */ /* @import "./css/toolbars/addonbar_move_bookmarks_toolbar_to_bottom_tabs_on_bottom_compatibility.css"; /**/ /* <--- EXPERIMENTAL */ /* @import "./css/toolbars/addonbar_content_on_the_right.css"; /**/ /* <--- EXPERIMENTAL */ /* @import "./css/toolbars/addonbar_status_in_addonbar.css"; /**/ /* <--- EXPERIMENTAL */ /* @import "./css/toolbars/addonbar_fullscreen_autohide.css"; /**/ /* <--- EXPERIMENTAL */ /* [!] create additional toolbar for 'bookmarks toolbar items' on navigation toolbar ************/ /* @import "./css/toolbars/addonbar_extra_bookmarks_toolbar_below_navbar.css"; /**/ /* <--- EXPERIMENTAL */ /* GENERAL TOOLBAR SETTINGS *********************************************************************/ @import "./css/toolbars/top_toolbar_OS_accent_colors.css"; /**/ /* restore window accent color managed by the OS */ /* @import "./css/toolbars/top_toolbar_colors.css"; /**/ /* override tabs toolbar / titlebar colors forced by Proton UI */ /* @import "./css/toolbars/toolbars_old_padding.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/toolbars/tabs_toolbar_adjustments.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/toolbars/tabs_toolbar_adjustments_macOS_fix.css"; /**/ /* <-- macOS fix */ /* edit target file to select which items to hide ***********************************************/ /* @import "./css/toolbars/toolbar_context_menuitems_visibility.css"; /**/ /* MENUBAR **************************************************************************************/ /* @import "./css/toolbars/menubar_fog_hidden.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/toolbars/menubar_alternative_menu_hover_color.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/toolbars/menubar_in_fullscreen_mode.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/toolbars/menubar_in_fullscreen_mode_alt.css"; /**/ /*'tabs not on top alt' */ /* menubar color - ******************************************************************************/ /* @import "./css/toolbars/menubar_color.css"; /**/ /* BOOKMARKS TOOLBAR ****************************************************************************/ @import "./css/toolbars/bookmarks_toolbar_old_height.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/toolbars/bookmarks_toolbar_fixed_width.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/toolbars/bookmarks_toolbar_autohide.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/toolbars/bookmarks_toolbar_bookmark_labels_hidden.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/toolbars/bookmarks_toolbar_in_fullscreen_mode.css"; /**/ /* [!] simulate second bookmarks toolbar while "Bookmarks Toolbar Items" element is on nav-bar **/ /* @import "./css/toolbars/bookmarks_toolbar_simulate_second_bm_toolbar.css"; /**/ /* BOOKMARKS TOOLBAR above navigation toolbar - [only use one at a time] ************************/ /* @import "./css/toolbars/bookmarks_toolbar_above_navigation_toolbar.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/toolbars/bookmarks_toolbar_above_navigation_toolbar_when_tab_not_top.css"; /**/ /* BOOKMARKS TOOLBAR - MULTIPLE LINES - [only use one at a time] ********************************/ /* [!] the amount of visible bookmark items is limited internally to ~90-110 bookmarks **********/ /* [!] not compatible to 'bookmarks toolbar autohide' option ************************************/ /* [!] not compatible to 'simulated second bookmarks toolbar' option ****************************/ /* [!] not compatible to 'simulated addon-bar' option *******************************************/ /* [!] SUPPORT THREAD: **********************/ /* @import "./css/toolbars/bookmarks_toolbar_multiple_lines.css"; /**/ /* <--- EXPERIMENTAL */ /* TOOLBAR COLORS *******************************************************************************/ /* @import "./css/toolbars/general_toolbar_colors.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/toolbars/tab_toolbar_colors_force_menubar_color.css"; /**/ /* AeroGlass TOOLBARS - separated - set per toolbar / WIN10 fix for GLASS8 **********************/ /* @import "./css/toolbars/general_toolbar_colors_navigation_toolbar_aeroglass.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/toolbars/general_toolbar_colors_bookmarks_toolbar_aeroglass.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/toolbars/general_toolbar_colors_tabs_toolbar_aeroglass.css"; /**/ /* Windows 10 fix for Glass8 - Glass8 required for 'Windows 7'-like window transparency */ /* @import "./css/toolbars/general_toolbar_colors_aeroglass_windows10_glass8.css"; /**/ /* <--- EXPERIMENTAL */ /* TOOLBAR TEXT MODES - [only use one at a time] ************************************************/ /* @import "./css/toolbars/toolbar_mode_icons_and_text.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/toolbars/toolbar_mode_icons_and_text_macOS.css"; /**/ /* -> also offers alternative appearance on Linux */ /* @import "./css/toolbars/toolbar_mode_text.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/toolbars/toolbar_mode_text_macOS.css"; /**/ /* -> also offers alternative appearance on Linux */ /************************************************************************************************/ /* LOCATION BAR / MEGABAR - Settings for both 'about:config > browser.urlbar.update1' cases *****/ /************************************************************************************************/ /* remove color formatting of the url: about:config > browser.urlbar.formatting.enabled > false */ /* @import "./css/locationbar/compact_mode_reduce_fontsize.css"; /**/ /* identity box / page identity button **********************************************************/ /* @import "./css/locationbar/identitybox_colors.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/locationbar/identitybox_labels_hidden.css"; /**/ /* padlock icons in identity box / page identity button - [only use one at a time] **************/ /* @import "./css/locationbar/identitybox_padlock_icon_classic.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/locationbar/identitybox_padlock_icon_classic2.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/locationbar/identitybox_padlock_icon_modern.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/locationbar/identitybox_padlock_icon_modern2.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/locationbar/identitybox_padlock_icon_hidden.css"; /**/ /* additional icons/buttons and tweaks for third party page action buttons **********************/ /* @import "./css/locationbar/reader_alternative_icon.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/locationbar/popup_blocked_button_hidden.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/locationbar/zoom_button_hidden.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/locationbar/go_button_in_location_bar_hidden.css"; /**/ /* star button / bookmarks star *****************************************************************/ @import "./css/locationbar/starbutton_popup_preview_image_hidden.css"; /**/ /* alternative yellow star icon - [only use one at a time] **************************************/ /* @import "./css/locationbar/starbutton_alternative_icon.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/locationbar/starbutton_alternative_icon_v2.css"; /**/ /* general popup/results settings ***************************************************************/ /* @import "./css/locationbar/ac_popup_result_font_size.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/locationbar/ac_popup_firefox_background_logo.css"; /**/ /* selection color / force selection color on themes without predefined selection color *********/ /* @import "./css/locationbar/selection_color_for_dark_bg.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/locationbar/selection_color_for_bright_bg.css"; /**/ /************************************************************************************************/ /* MEGABAR - settings for 'megabar' & 'megabar popup' *******************************************/ /************************************************************************************************/ @import "./css/locationbar/megabar_expanding_breakout_disabled.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/locationbar/megabar_disable_openviewonfocus.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/locationbar/megabar_border_roundness.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/locationbar/megabar_background_color_dark.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/locationbar/urlbar_background_color.css"; /**/ /* Fx89+ */ /* popup content order/appearance - [only use one at a time] ************************************/ /* @import "./css/locationbar/ac_popup_megabar_title_and_url_50percent_width.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/locationbar/ac_popup_megabar_url_and_title_50percent_width.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/locationbar/ac_popup_megabar_title_and_url_two_lines.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/locationbar/ac_popup_megabar_url_only.css"; /**/ /* result menuitem settings/appearance **********************************************************/ /* @import "./css/locationbar/ac_popup_megabar_compact_results.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/locationbar/ac_popup_megabar_searchwith_and_visit_items_hidden.css"; /**/ @import "./css/locationbar/ac_popup_megabar_search_engines_hidden.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/locationbar/ac_popup_megabar_result_highlighting_aero.css"; /**/ /* @import "./css/locationbar/ac_popup_megabar_result_separator.css"; /**/ /************************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************************/ /* Create a new file "my_userChrome.css" and add own/custom code to it. *************************/ @import "./my_userChrome.css"; /**/ /************************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************************/ ```
Aris-t2 commented 3 years ago

To shrink tab size, you have to change density inside "customizing mode". You might also want to unlock compact button mode in about:config: > true

Also test default_tabs_enhanced.css for more prominent tab visibility of non-active tabs.

@repop The is no 100% solution to get everything back pixel by pixel the way it was before. At least this projects files do not offer that.

You might want to test different box-shadows inside e.g. buttons_on_navbar_classic_appearance.css.

  box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba(255,255,255,.3) inset,
              0 0 0 2px rgba(255,255,255,.1) inset,
              0 0 0 1px rgba(0,0,0,.4) inset !important;


  box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba(255,255,255,.3) inset,
              0 0 0 2px rgba(255,255,255,.1) inset,
              0 0 0 1px rgba(0,0,0,.4) inset,
              1px 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15) !important;

"Mega bar roundness" Change --megabar_border_roundness value inside general_variables.css. There is no perfect solution.

"Would like location and search bars a few pixels less high." Enable compact mode. Besides that there are no other options to change location and search bars height.

"tracking icon and page icon in the location bar" This project does not offer different icons for those two.

@AndersOhrt This project does not offer the tab appearance present in Fx56-88(/90). Your config is the closest to it atm.

classic_squared_tabs_fully_squared.css will be renamed to tabs_fully_squared.css and modified to affect top and bottom corners of current default tabs too.

Tab border color on top, not sides --> there is no option present to achieve that, try:

#main-window #TabsToolbar .tabbrowser-tab .tab-content {
  border-left: 0 !important;
  border-right: 0 !important;

Larger tab margin

#main-window #TabsToolbar .tabbrowser-tab {
  margin-left: 2px !important;
  margin-right: 2px !important;

Tab separator 1px, or 2px. This one will require much tweaking. Start with this:

#main-window #TabsToolbar .tabbrowser-tab:not([last-visible-tab])::after {
  display: block !important;
  visibility: visible !important;
  opacity: 1 !important;
  content: "" !important;
  border-right: 1px solid black !important;
  border-radius: 0 !important;
  padding-left: 5px !important;

Hide new tab button Remove it from tabs toolbar in customizing mode.

Square urlbar borders Use urlbar_border_roundness.css and set values inside general_variables.css.

Urlbar borders 1px on focus Look through this topic. A solution was posted a short while ago.

@Acid-Crash The gray window glitch seen in your animation and on downloads window was already fixed in 4.0.1pre4.

p1nkyy commented 3 years ago

Hello, thanks for responding. Tab has gotten a bit clearer but it still looks quite weak.

  1. What is the customizing mode that you meant where I can tinker with my tab height please?
  2. My tabs are now so close to its bookmark toolbar, how to create a space?
  3. There's a tiny space between tabs and my main browser content, how to eliminate this? Thanks before

DavyRay commented 3 years ago


I have a couple of issue since upgrading to FF91 and installing the latest project files..

1) the padding when right clicking or viewing bookmarks is back to being huge. In the past i went to about:config and set browser.proton.contextmenus.enabled to false. Now this switch does nothing regardless if i set it to true or false.

2) I use an addon called multi-account containers. It used to have a color bar on the top (or bottom) of each tab to indicate which container was open for that tab. Now the color bar is no longer there. No idea how to get that color bar to show up. Perhaps if i made the tabs taller, that would fix the issue.

Any ideas?


Fixed issue #1 by enabling @import "./css/generalui/compact_menus_proton.css"; /**/

Fixed issue #2 by adding the following code:

tabbrowser-tabs .tab-context-line {display: none;} / 2px container line /

tabbrowser-tabs .tab-background {border-bottom: solid 2px var(--identity-icon-color) !important;} / 2px highlight line for active tab /

Found another issue....

The close tab "x" seems to be invisible. I can click where it should be and the tab does close. Is there a way to get that "x" to reappear?

rebop commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the reply @Aris-t2 . I wil not be able to look at your reply / suggestions until tonight.

Must say that my last posts were at 2 AM after 4 hours of making CSS work. Today I found two more issues to post.

Will post more tonight.

Aris-t2 commented 3 years ago


  1. Right-click on your main toolbar and select "Customize Toolbar". image

2-3. You are most likely using the wrong file. Switch from tabs_below_navigation_toolbar.css to tabs_below_navigation_toolbar_default_tabs.css


The close tab "x" seems to be invisible. I can click where it should be and the tab does close. Is there a way to get that "x" to reappear?

Post a screenshot. Using default config with or without "closeicon*" settings works fine. Maybe you did enable tab_close_hidden.css.

@rebop Take your time, no need to hurry.

OnScoobySnacks commented 3 years ago

macOS Big Sur 11.5.1 - using the latest 4.0.1 and Firefox 91.0 (same issue with 4.0.0)

Using appbutton_in_titlebar_macOS_fix.css along with appbutton_in_titlebar.css and appbutton_in_titlebar_aurora.css ALL tabs are slightly larger than a pinned tab, even a single tab. I only changed a few settings prior to the 4.0.x update so I was able to find the issue rather quickly.

In appbutton_in_titlebar_macOS_fix.css the last block of code is causing the issue: #TabsToolbar .titlebar-spacer[type="pre-tabs"] { display: initial !important; }

When commented out all is good. I can supply screen shots if required.


DavyRay commented 3 years ago


The close tab "x" seems to be invisible. I can click where it should be and the tab does close. Is there a way to get that "x" to reappear?

Post a screenshot. Using default config with or without "closeicon*" settings works fine. Maybe you did enable tab_close_hidden.css.

@Aris-t2 I have attached a screenshot of the tab


I went to this section "/* close icons for general ui and tabs - [only use one at a time] ***/" and all was disabled. As an example i enabled the "@import "./css/generalui/close_icon_red.css"; /**/" option and restarted. All i saw was a red dash that 90% vanished when i hovered my mouse over it.

As for tab_close_hidden.css It is disabled. I do have "@import "./css/tabs/tab_close_always_visible.css"; /**/" enabled. I tried to disable that as well, but nothing changed so far as I could tell.

rebop commented 3 years ago

Got one :)

""Mega bar roundness" Change --megabar_border_roundness value inside general_variables.css. There is no perfect solution"

Did not realize that general radius setting overrode the setting in the megabar roundness css. Now works as desired. Learned something.

More to come.

ThiefMaster commented 3 years ago

With FF 92 this stupid "Firefox Suggest" label showed up. Is there already a rule to disable it? If not that'd be a nice new feature.

TW462 commented 3 years ago

Hello Aris-t2,

I have updated to the latest 4.0.1 release and I am wondering if the background for the browser window is suppose to be a light background as per my screenshot? Using the previous updates like 4.0.0pre10 had a darker (greyish or dark) I don't recall, but I know it wasn't this light. I tried looking thru the user.Chrome & userContent files but I can't find any coding for background coloring for the browser main window. Is this something Mozilla had a hand in?

I think I was on version 89 or 90 of FF with the background being darker. I don't know if the version of FF matters.

Keep up the excellent work, and let me (us) know.

Thank you in advance.

Screen Shot 2021-08-11 at 1 47 15 PM

rebop commented 3 years ago

@Aris-t2 you said:

""Would like location and search bars a few pixels less high." Enable compact mode. Besides that there are no other options to change location and search bars height."

I can only find compact by editing about:config and then when enabling get a warning "not supported".. It does give me EXACTLY what I would like. I tend to recall you warned against it as well.

What are the risks?

Aris-t2 commented 3 years ago

@OnScoobySnacks Thanks for the note. I will look into this glitch.

@DavyRay Its hard to pinpoint what is causing this on your end. Try to a fresh version of your chromefolder with just the latest unmodified files of this project. Also make sure layout.css.devPixelsPerPx is set to -1.0 during your tests.


  display: none !important;

@TW462 This is not how it has to look. Seems like you have some sort of contrast theme/settings enabled somewhere. Not sure why your titlebar is white and why there is a white gap between tabs toolbar and navigation toolbar.

Try a clean setup of this projects files without modifications.

@rebop Mozilla wanted to drop compact mode and earned a huge shitstorm. As a temporary solution they hid compact mode behind the about:config switch option for all users, that did not use compact mode before updating to a certain Firefox version.

The "risk" using it is the same as using any other Firefox feature. Mozilla is going to change or remove it eventually.

EdwardKiefer commented 3 years ago

@Aris-t2 There still a small issue with these two options (ver4.0.1) @import "./css/generalui/popup_compact_menus.css"; // and @import "./css/generalui/context_bfrsb_labels_with_icons.css"; //

The problem now is the icons are much smaller with back, forward, refresh etc. Also the text padding vertically seems to close and I think it is clamping down the size of the icon image.

I fixed it on my end by editing the @import "./css/generalui/popup_compact_menus.css"; /**/ file here.

context-navigation :is(#context-back,#context-forward,#context-reload,#context-stop,#context-bookmarkpage) {

padding: 2px !important; margin-inline-start: -6px !important; height: 24px !important; } note the 24 was a 16px before but I don't know if this is right way to fix it, seems to be ok visually now. Any value from 22-24 seems about right.

re11ding commented 3 years ago

I just wanted to point out it is in fact possible to fix the windows accent color issue that came with proton. Super sorry if this has already been mentioned, but basically I was able to replace the titlebar and menu bar with the appropriate color schemes to return the windows accent color to the program. Probably can be optimized or done better, but here it is none the less.

#TabsToolbar:not(:-moz-window-inactive) {
  background: -moz-accent-color;
  color: -moz-accent-color-foreground;
toolbox#navigator-toolbox:not(:-moz-window-inactive) {
    background: -moz-accent-color;
    color: -moz-accent-color-foreground;

.toolbarbutton-animatable-box:not(:-moz-window-inactive), .toolbarbutton-1:not(:-moz-window-inactive) {
    fill: currentColor !important;

toolbarbutton[id^="scrollbutton"]:not(:-moz-window-inactive) {
    fill: currentColor !important;

EDIT: Apparently this has already been discussed, but I'll keep this here to show how I achieved it, if that matters at all. This makes it so it's only applied when active and reverts if not. Make of that what you will!