Aris-t2 / CustomCSSforFx

Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox
GNU General Public License v3.0
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The extensions buttons, and Strata back & forward buttons with “buttons_on_navbar_aero_appearance.css” enabled in userChrome.css are glitched #603

Closed Aleksandra0056 closed 11 months ago

Aleksandra0056 commented 1 year ago

1. Does the issue occur without any files inside /chrome/ folder?

2. Issue description, userChrome.css/userContent.css 'settings' the issue occurs with and steps to reproduce the issue:

Expected results:

3. Does the issue occur with the most recent version of CustomCSSforFx (release/test/dev build)?

4. Screenshots showing the issue (drag & drop images into this post):

Strata back & forward buttons, which have three vertical lines:

Glitched Strata back forward buttons

Here is how the Strata back & forward buttons should appear without these three vertical lines:

Normal Strata back   forward buttons

Here is an example, the QR Code extension navbar button which have glitched borders (Image is zoomed):

Glitched extensions button

Here is how the navbar buttons should appear with correct borders (Image is zoomed):

This is how the buttons should normally appear

5. System information

Aleksandra0056 commented 1 year ago

I tried to disable the square corners from Firefox UI Fix, but the extensions buttons borders are the same. So, probably the Firefox UI Fix isn't causing this.

Aris-t2 commented 1 year ago

I could reproduce and fix the "aero appearance" glitch for toolbar buttons, but the one for connected "Strata" back/forward buttons does not occur for me on Fx 113 and 115.


Aleksandra0056 commented 11 months ago

Thank you, I'm closing this.