Aris-t2 / CustomJSforFx

custom scripts
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Firefox 113 an custom_scrollbars.uc.js #81

Open Endor8 opened 1 year ago

Endor8 commented 1 year ago

In Firefox 113 Nightly your Script costum_scrollbars.uc.js not works any more. It hides only the scrollbars. The reason should be this: See also this Thread on If you should have some time please take a look on it. Thank you. Best regards Endor

Aris-t2 commented 1 year ago

I doubt we can "fix" custom_scrollbars.uc.js for it to work on Firefox 113+ the way it did before, but we can try to recreate some parts of it.

After running some tests I could at least change a few colors:


Changing sizes (width/height) failed for me. Only default scrollbar-width: thin !important; changes it to a thin one.



Aris-t2 commented 1 year ago

This file offers some results based on the old file. Settings that are not compatible are marked as "[!!!] not working in Fx 113+ [!!!]".

Endor8 commented 1 year ago

Hi Aris-t2 Thank you for the new Version it works. Special thanks from my god friend 2002Andreas from forum. Best regards and have a nice weekend Endor

Speravir commented 1 year ago

I second @Endor8. I appreciate your reaction to Sören’s/@Cadeyrn’s requests/suggestions a lot.

(Separate answer because I already had given a thumb up for the first version update, yesterday :-). )

Endor8 commented 1 year ago

Hi Aris-t2. Please take a look on this thread: It could be there is a small issue in your last version 2.0.3 of this script. Thank you for your time and effort. Best regard Endor

Aris-t2 commented 1 year ago

H Endor.

The idea behind this is based on this project description:

From this projects \method 2\profile\ folder copy userChrome folder and userChrome.js file to \ PROFILENAME \chrome\ folder.

Scripts are placed inside \chrome\userChrome\, e.g. chrome\userChrome\custom_scrollbars.uc.js Icons used by custom_scrollbars.uc.js can be placed inside 'icons' (sub)folder. I meant a subfolder inside \userChrome\ folder not just inside \chrome\ folder.

I see this can cause confusion, if someone adds images to \chrome\icons\ by default.

Endor8 commented 1 year ago

Hi Aris-t2 Thank you fore the explanation. The last Version 2.0.4 of this script works perfect. Also in Firefox 114 beta and 115 Nightly.

Since i like the thumb rounded i added one option to round also the scrollbar-slider top and bottom , left and right.

This is the new option: // default: cs_background_roundness = 0 / in px const cs_background_roundness = 26;

and here i made the necessary changes:

scrollbar[orient="vertical"] slider { background-image: ${cs_background_image_vertical} !important; border-radius: ${cs_background_roundness}px !important; } scrollbar[orient="horizontal"] slider { background-image: ${cs_background_image_horizontal} !important; border-radius: ${cs_background_roundness}px !important; }

For me it looks better with rounded Thumbs.

Best regard Endor