Arisego / UnrealLive2D

UE4 plugin for live2d model
MIT License
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What might cause the render target stop ticking after few PlayMotion called? #14

Closed OkazakiNaoki closed 2 years ago

OkazakiNaoki commented 2 years ago

Instead using blueprint like what was in the sample. I created UCubismObject inside my C++ actor class. After given RenderTarget and the model path, it seems working properly. But then after some inputs to play those motion from TapBody, it stop ticking. Like play the TapBody motion few times and stop update the RenderTarget. And input to call PlayMotion no longer work. I did not call SetUpdatePaused function. Did I miss any setting?

What I did was only create UCubismObject in my BeginPlay then set RenderTarget and give model path. And call PlayMotion by some inputs.

Update: Well...I forget to add UPROPERTY above UCubismObject data member.