Closed jlopatec closed 12 months ago
File contents
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import os
import tiktoken
import glob
import json
from langchain.evaluation import load_evaluator
from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
from anthropic import AsyncAnthropic, Anthropic
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import numpy as np
from openai import AsyncOpenAI
import pandas as pd
import random
import nest_asyncio
import requests
import asyncio
from phoenix.experimental.evals import (
from datetime import datetime, timezone
import time
class LLMNeedleHaystackTester:
This class is used to test the LLM Needle Haystack.
def __init__(self,
retrieval_question="What is the special magic San Francisco number?",
results_version = 1,
context_lengths_min = 1000,
context_lengths_max = 126000,
#context_lengths_num_intervals = 5,
context_lengths_num_intervals = 35,
context_lengths = None,
document_depth_percent_min = 0,
document_depth_percent_max = 100,
#document_depth_percent_intervals = 5,
document_depth_percent_intervals = 35,
document_depth_percents = None,
document_depth_percent_interval_type = "linear",
model_provider = "OpenAI",
anthropic_api_key = None,
num_concurrent_requests = 1,
save_results = True,
save_contexts = True,
final_context_length_buffer = 200,
seconds_to_sleep_between_completions = None,
print_ongoing_status = True):
:param needle: The needle to be found in the haystack. Default is None.
:param haystack_dir: The directory of text files to use as background context (or a haystack) in which the needle is to be found. Default is Paul Graham Essays.
:param retrieval_question: The question which with to prompt the model to do the retrieval.
:param results_version: In case you would like to try the same combination of model, context length, and depth % multiple times, change the results version other than 1
:param num_concurrent_requests: Due to volume, this object is set up to run concurrent requests, default = 1. Be careful of rate limits.
:param save_results: Whether or not you would like to save your contexts to file. Warning: These will get long! Default = True
:param save_contexts: Whether or not you would like to save your contexts to file. Warning: These will get long! Default is True.
:param final_context_length_buffer: The amount of cushion you'd like to leave off the input context to allow for the output context. Default 200 tokens
:param context_lengths_min: The minimum length of the context. Default is 1000.
:param context_lengths_max: The maximum length of the context. Default is 200000.
:param context_lengths_num_intervals: The number of intervals for the context length. Default is 35.
:param context_lengths: The lengths of the context. Default is None.
:param document_depth_percent_min: The minimum depth percent of the document. Default is 0.
:param document_depth_percent_max: The maximum depth percent of the document. Default is 100.
:param document_depth_percent_intervals: The number of intervals for the document depth percent. Default is 35.
:param document_depth_percents: The depth percentages of the document. Default is None.
:param document_depth_percent_interval_type: The type of interval for the document depth percent. Must be either 'linear' or 'sigmoid'. Default is 'linear'.
:param model_provider: The provider of the model. Must be either 'OpenAI' or 'Anthropic'. Default is 'OpenAI'.
:param openai_api_key: The API key for OpenAI. Default is None.
:param anthropic_api_key: The API key for Anthropic. Default is None.
:param model_name: The name of the model. Default is 'gpt-4-1106-preview'.
:param seconds_to_sleep_between_completions: The number of seconds to sleep between completions. Default is None.
:param print_ongoing_status: Whether or not to print the ongoing status. Default is True.
self.needle_rnd_number = str(random.randint(1000000, 9999999))
needle="\nThe special magic San Francisco number is: " + self.needle_rnd_number + "\n"
self.needle = needle
if not needle or not haystack_dir or not retrieval_question:
raise ValueError("Needle, haystack, and retrieval_question must be provided.")
self.haystack_dir = haystack_dir
self.retrieval_question = retrieval_question
self.results_version = results_version
self.num_concurrent_requests = num_concurrent_requests
self.save_results = save_results
self.final_context_length_buffer = final_context_length_buffer
self.save_contexts = save_contexts
self.seconds_to_sleep_between_completions = seconds_to_sleep_between_completions
self.print_ongoing_status = print_ongoing_status
self.model_provider = model_provider
self.testing_results = []
if context_lengths is None:
if context_lengths_min is None or context_lengths_max is None or context_lengths_num_intervals is None:
raise ValueError("Either context_lengths_min, context_lengths_max, context_lengths_intervals need to be filled out OR the context_lengths_list needs to be supplied.")
self.context_lengths = np.round(np.linspace(context_lengths_min, context_lengths_max, num=context_lengths_num_intervals, endpoint=True)).astype(int)
self.context_lengths = context_lengths
if document_depth_percents is None:
if document_depth_percent_min is None or document_depth_percent_max is None or document_depth_percent_intervals is None:
raise ValueError("Either document_depth_percent_min, document_depth_percent_max, document_depth_percent_intervals need to be filled out OR the document_depth_percents needs to be supplied.")
if document_depth_percent_interval_type == 'linear':
self.document_depth_percents = np.round(np.linspace(document_depth_percent_min, document_depth_percent_max, num=document_depth_percent_intervals, endpoint=True)).astype(int)
elif document_depth_percent_interval_type == 'sigmoid':
self.document_depth_percents = [self.logistic(x) for x in np.linspace(document_depth_percent_min, document_depth_percent_max, document_depth_percent_intervals)]
self.document_depth_percents = document_depth_percents
if document_depth_percent_interval_type not in [None, "linear", "sigmoid"]:
raise ValueError("document_depth_percent_interval_type must be either None, 'linear' or 'sigmoid'. If you'd like your own distribution give a list of ints in via document_depth_percent_intervals")
if model_provider not in ["OpenAI", "Anthropic"]:
raise ValueError("model_provider must be either 'OpenAI' or 'Anthropic'")
if model_provider == "Anthropic" and "claude" not in model_name:
raise ValueError("If the model provider is 'Anthropic', the model name must include 'claude'. See for more details on Anthropic models")
self.openai_api_key = openai_api_key or os.getenv('OPENAI_API_KEY')
self.model_name = model_name
if not self.openai_api_key and not os.getenv('OPENAI_API_KEY'):
raise ValueError("Either openai_api_key must be supplied with init, or OPENAI_API_KEY must be in env. Used for evaluation model")
self.openai_api_key = openai_api_key or os.getenv('OPENAI_API_KEY')
self.anthropic_api_key = anthropic_api_key or os.getenv('ANTHROPIC_API_KEY')
if self.model_provider == "Anthropic":
if not self.anthropic_api_key and not os.getenv('ANTHROPIC_API_KEY'):
raise ValueError("Either anthropic_api_key must be supplied with init, or ANTHROPIC_API_KEY must be in env.")
self.anthropic_api_key = anthropic_api_key or os.getenv('ANTHROPIC_API_KEY')
if not self.model_name:
raise ValueError("model_name must be provided.")
if model_provider == "OpenAI":
self.model_to_test = AsyncOpenAI(api_key=self.openai_api_key)
self.enc = tiktoken.encoding_for_model(self.model_name)
elif model_provider == "Anthropic":
self.model_to_test = AsyncAnthropic(api_key=self.anthropic_api_key)
self.enc = Anthropic().get_tokenizer()
self.model_to_test_description = model_name
self.evaluation_model = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4", temperature=0, openai_api_key = self.openai_api_key)
def logistic(self, x, L=100, x0=50, k=.1):
if x == 0:
return 0
if x == 100:
return 100
return np.round(L / (1 + np.exp(-k * (x - x0))), 3)
async def bound_evaluate_and_log(self, sem, *args):
async with sem:
await self.evaluate_and_log(*args)
Human: You are a close-reading bot with a great memory who answers questions for users. I'm going to give you the text of some essays. Amidst these essays ("the haystack") I've inserted a sentence ("the needle") that contains an answer to the user's question. Here's the question:
Here's the text of the essays. The answer appears in it somewhere.
Now that you've read the context, please answer the user's question, repeated one more time for ease of reference:
To do so, first find the sentence from the haystack that contains the answer (there is such a sentence, I promise!) and put it inside <most_relevant_sentence> XML tags. Then, put your answer in <answer> tags. Base your answer strictly on the context, without reference to outside information. Thank you.
If you can't find the answer return the single word UNANSWERABLE.
You are a helpful AI bot that answers questions for a user. Keep your response short and direct.
The following is a set of context and a question that will relate to the context.
{question} You are looking for a number from the context. Don't give information outside the document or repeat your findings
def run_test(self):
# Run through each iteration of context_lengths and depths
contexts = []
# Check if the file already exists
# URL of the file to download
file_url = ""
# Local filename to save the downloaded file
local_filename = "save_results_df.csv"
if os.path.exists(local_filename):
print(f"The file {local_filename} already exists.")
# Download the file
response = requests.get(file_url)
with open(local_filename, 'wb') as f:
print(f"Downloaded {local_filename}")
#Set this load file to true for easy reproduction
load_file = True
if load_file:
df = pd.read_csv("save_results_df.csv")
self.needle_rnd_number = str(df.iloc[0].needle_rnd_number)
full_context = self.read_context_files()
for context_length in self.context_lengths:
trim_context = self.encode_and_trim(full_context, context_length)
for depth_percent in self.document_depth_percents:
print("context length: " + str(context_length))
print("depth_percent : " + str(depth_percent))
results = self.create_contexts(trim_context, context_length, depth_percent)
df = pd.DataFrame(contexts)
df['question'] = self.retrieval_question
df['needle_rnd_number'] = self.needle_rnd_number
rail_map = {True:(self.needle_rnd_number), False:"UNANSWERABLE"}
#Evaluation of the model performance
#Uses Phoenix Evals
if self.model_provider == "":
model = OpenAIModel(model_name="gpt-4-1106-preview")
template =self.OPENAI_TEMPLATE
model = OpenAIModel(model_name="gpt-4-1106-preview")
template =self.OPENAI_TEMPLATE
# The rails is used to hold the output to specific values based on the template
# It will remove text such as ",,," or "..."
# Will ensure the binary value expected from the template is returned
model._rate_limiter._verbose = True
model._rate_limiter._throttler.rate_reduction_factor= 0.6
model._rate_limiter._throttler.rate_increase_factor = 0.05
rails = list(rail_map.values())
relevance_classifications = llm_classify(
return contexts
def create_contexts(self, trim_context, context_length, depth_percent):
# Checks to see if you've already checked a length/percent/version.
# This helps if the program stop running and you want to restart later
if self.save_results:
if self.result_exists(context_length, depth_percent):
# Go generate the required length context and place your needle statement in
context = self.generate_context(trim_context, context_length, depth_percent)
results = {
'context' : context, # Uncomment this line if you'd like to save the context the model was asked to retrieve from. Warning: This will become very large.
'model' : self.model_to_test_description,
'context_length' : int(context_length),
'depth_percent' : float(depth_percent),
'version' : self.results_version,
'needle' : self.needle,
return results
# self.testing_results.append(results)
# if self.print_ongoing_status:
# print (f"-- Test Summary -- ")
# print (f"Duration: {test_elapsed_time:.1f} seconds")
# print (f"Context: {context_length} tokens")
# print (f"Depth: {depth_percent}%")
# print (f"Score: {score}")
# print (f"Response: {response}\n")
# context_file_location = f'{self.model_name.replace(".", "_")}_len_{context_length}_depth_{int(depth_percent*100)}'
# if self.save_contexts:
# results['file_name'] : context_file_location
# # Save the context to file for retesting
# if not os.path.exists('contexts'):
# os.makedirs('contexts')
# with open(f'contexts/{context_file_location}_context.txt', 'w') as f:
# f.write(context)
# if self.save_results:
# # Save the context to file for retesting
# if not os.path.exists('results'):
# os.makedirs('results')
# # Save the result to file for retesting
# with open(f'results/{context_file_location}_results.json', 'w') as f:
# json.dump(results, f)
# if self.seconds_to_sleep_between_completions:
# await asyncio.sleep(self.seconds_to_sleep_between_completions)
def result_exists(self, context_length, depth_percent):
Checks to see if a result has already been evaluated or not
results_dir = 'results/'
if not os.path.exists(results_dir):
return False
for filename in os.listdir(results_dir):
if filename.endswith('.json'):
with open(os.path.join(results_dir, filename), 'r') as f:
result = json.load(f)
context_length_met = result['context_length'] == context_length
depth_percent_met = result['depth_percent'] == depth_percent
version_met = result.get('version', 1) == self.results_version
model_met = result['model'] == self.model_name
if context_length_met and depth_percent_met and version_met and model_met:
return True
return False
def generate_context(self, trim_context, context_length, depth_percent):
# Load up tiktoken so we navigate tokens more easily
# Get your Paul Graham files loaded into a string
#context = self.read_context_files()
# Truncate the Paul Graham essays to the context length you desire
#context = self.encode_and_trim(full_context, context_length)
# Insert your random statement according to your depth percent
context = self.insert_needle(trim_context, depth_percent, context_length)
return context
def encode_text_to_tokens(self, text):
if self.model_provider == "OpenAI":
return self.enc.encode(text)
elif self.model_provider == "Anthropic":
# Assuming you have a different encoder for Anthropic
return self.enc.encode(text).ids
raise ValueError("model_provider must be either 'OpenAI' or 'Anthropic'")
def insert_needle(self, context, depth_percent, context_length):
tokens_needle = self.encode_text_to_tokens(self.needle)
tokens_context = self.encode_text_to_tokens(context)
# Reducing the context length by 150 buffer. This is to account for system message, the user question, and response.
context_length -= self.final_context_length_buffer
# If your context + needle are longer than the context length (which it will be), then reduce tokens from the context by the needle length
if len(tokens_context) + len(tokens_needle) > context_length:
tokens_context = tokens_context[:context_length - len(tokens_needle)]
if depth_percent == 100:
# If your depth percent is 100 (which means your needle is the last thing in the doc), throw it at the end
tokens_new_context = tokens_context + tokens_needle
# Go get the position (in terms of tokens) to insert your needle
insertion_point = int(len(tokens_context) * (depth_percent / 100))
# tokens_new_context represents the tokens before the needle
tokens_new_context = tokens_context[:insertion_point]
# We want to make sure that we place our needle at a sentence break so we first see what token a '.' is
period_tokens = self.encode_text_to_tokens('.')
# Then we iteration backwards until we find the first period
while tokens_new_context and tokens_new_context[-1] not in period_tokens:
insertion_point -= 1
tokens_new_context = tokens_context[:insertion_point]
# Once we get there, then add in your needle, and stick the rest of your context in on the other end.
# Now we have a needle in a haystack
tokens_new_context += tokens_needle + tokens_context[insertion_point:]
# Convert back to a string and return it
new_context = self.decode_tokens(tokens_new_context)
return new_context
def get_context_length_in_tokens(self, context):
if self.model_provider == "OpenAI":
return len(self.enc.encode(context))
elif self.model_provider == "Anthropic":
# Assuming you have a different encoder for Anthropic
return len(self.enc.encode(context).ids)
raise ValueError("model_provider must be either 'OpenAI' or 'Anthropic'")
def read_context_files(self):
context = ""
max_context_length = max(self.context_lengths)
while self.get_context_length_in_tokens(context) < max_context_length:
for file in glob.glob(f"{self.haystack_dir}/*.txt"):
with open(file, 'r') as f:
context +=
return context
def get_tokens_from_context(self, context):
if self.model_provider == "OpenAI":
return self.enc.encode(context)
elif self.model_provider == "Anthropic":
# Assuming you have a different encoder for Anthropic
return self.enc.encode(context).ids
raise ValueError("model_provider must be either 'OpenAI' or 'Anthropic'")
def decode_tokens(self, tokens, context_length=None):
if self.model_provider == "OpenAI":
return self.enc.decode(tokens[:context_length])
elif self.model_provider == "Anthropic":
# Assuming you have a different decoder for Anthropic
return self.enc.decode(tokens[:context_length])
raise ValueError("model_provider must be either 'OpenAI' or 'Anthropic'")
def encode_and_trim(self, context, context_length):
tokens = self.get_tokens_from_context(context)
if len(tokens) > context_length:
context = self.decode_tokens(tokens, context_length)
return context
def get_results(self):
return self.testing_results
def print_start_test_summary(self):
print ("\n")
print ("Starting Needle In A Haystack Testing...")
print (f"- Model: {self.model_name}")
print (f"- Context Lengths: {len(self.context_lengths)}, Min: {min(self.context_lengths)}, Max: {max(self.context_lengths)}")
print (f"- Document Depths: {len(self.document_depth_percents)}, Min: {min(self.document_depth_percents)}%, Max: {max(self.document_depth_percents)}%")
print (f"- Needle: {self.needle.strip()}")
print ("\n\n")
def start_test(self):
if self.print_ongoing_status:
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Tons of defaults set, check out the LLMNeedleHaystackTester's init for more info
ht = LLMNeedleHaystackTester()
There is a bug in the new concurrency rate limit that was added. There looks to be more than one bug.
To reproduce, clone this repository:
Add replace with my supplied file:
1st Bug: Negative in cool down. Its possible for the cool down value to be negative (I printed the values) when you have a lot of threads and a lot of pacing events.
Need to add this to handle (I edited and tested) **if (request_start_time - self.last_error) < 0:
do not reduce the rate for concurrent requests
2nd Bug: It seems to hang and go slow, when running in a notebook with the same key runs fine (not really rate limited). There is some other bug that looks related to worker requeue (maybe threads are getting killed?)