Arize-ai / phoenix

AI Observability & Evaluation
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[BUG] Concurrency Rate Limit #1851

Closed jlopatec closed 12 months ago

jlopatec commented 12 months ago

There is a bug in the new concurrency rate limit that was added. There looks to be more than one bug.

To reproduce, clone this repository:

Add replace with my supplied file:

1st Bug: Negative in cool down. Its possible for the cool down value to be negative (I printed the values) when you have a lot of threads and a lot of pacing events.

Need to add this to handle (I edited and tested) **if (request_start_time - self.last_error) < 0:

do not reduce the rate for concurrent requests

    if self.cooldown > abs(request_start_time - self.last_error):
        # do not reduce the rate for concurrent requests

2nd Bug: It seems to hang and go slow, when running in a notebook with the same key runs fine (not really rate limited). There is some other bug that looks related to worker requeue (maybe threads are getting killed?)

mikeldking commented 12 months ago

File contents

from dotenv import load_dotenv
import os
import tiktoken
import glob
import json
from langchain.evaluation import load_evaluator
from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
from anthropic import AsyncAnthropic, Anthropic
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import numpy as np
from openai import AsyncOpenAI
import pandas as pd
import random
import nest_asyncio
import requests
import asyncio
from phoenix.experimental.evals import (

from datetime import datetime, timezone
import time


class LLMNeedleHaystackTester:
    This class is used to test the LLM Needle Haystack.
    def __init__(self,
                 retrieval_question="What is the special magic San Francisco number?",
                 results_version = 1,
                 context_lengths_min = 1000,
                 context_lengths_max = 126000,
                 #context_lengths_num_intervals = 5,
                 context_lengths_num_intervals = 35,
                 context_lengths = None,
                 document_depth_percent_min = 0,
                 document_depth_percent_max = 100,
                 #document_depth_percent_intervals = 5,
                 document_depth_percent_intervals = 35,
                 document_depth_percents = None,
                 document_depth_percent_interval_type = "linear",
                 model_provider = "OpenAI",
                 anthropic_api_key = None,
                 num_concurrent_requests = 1,
                 save_results = True,
                 save_contexts = True,
                 final_context_length_buffer = 200,
                 seconds_to_sleep_between_completions = None,
                 print_ongoing_status = True):
        :param needle: The needle to be found in the haystack. Default is None.
        :param haystack_dir: The directory of text files to use as background context (or a haystack) in which the needle is to be found. Default is Paul Graham Essays.
        :param retrieval_question: The question which with to prompt the model to do the retrieval.
        :param results_version: In case you would like to try the same combination of model, context length, and depth % multiple times, change the results version other than 1
        :param num_concurrent_requests: Due to volume, this object is set up to run concurrent requests, default = 1. Be careful of rate limits.
        :param save_results: Whether or not you would like to save your contexts to file. Warning: These will get long! Default = True
        :param save_contexts: Whether or not you would like to save your contexts to file. Warning: These will get long! Default is True.
        :param final_context_length_buffer: The amount of cushion you'd like to leave off the input context to allow for the output context. Default 200 tokens
        :param context_lengths_min: The minimum length of the context. Default is 1000.
        :param context_lengths_max: The maximum length of the context. Default is 200000.
        :param context_lengths_num_intervals: The number of intervals for the context length. Default is 35.
        :param context_lengths: The lengths of the context. Default is None.
        :param document_depth_percent_min: The minimum depth percent of the document. Default is 0.
        :param document_depth_percent_max: The maximum depth percent of the document. Default is 100.
        :param document_depth_percent_intervals: The number of intervals for the document depth percent. Default is 35.
        :param document_depth_percents: The depth percentages of the document. Default is None.
        :param document_depth_percent_interval_type: The type of interval for the document depth percent. Must be either 'linear' or 'sigmoid'. Default is 'linear'.
        :param model_provider: The provider of the model. Must be either 'OpenAI' or 'Anthropic'. Default is 'OpenAI'.
        :param openai_api_key: The API key for OpenAI. Default is None.
        :param anthropic_api_key: The API key for Anthropic. Default is None.
        :param model_name: The name of the model. Default is 'gpt-4-1106-preview'.
        :param seconds_to_sleep_between_completions: The number of seconds to sleep between completions. Default is None.
        :param print_ongoing_status: Whether or not to print the ongoing status. Default is True.

        self.needle_rnd_number = str(random.randint(1000000, 9999999))
        needle="\nThe special magic San Francisco number is: " + self.needle_rnd_number + "\n"
        self.needle = needle
        if not needle or not haystack_dir or not retrieval_question:
            raise ValueError("Needle, haystack, and retrieval_question must be provided.")

        self.haystack_dir = haystack_dir
        self.retrieval_question = retrieval_question
        self.results_version = results_version
        self.num_concurrent_requests = num_concurrent_requests
        self.save_results = save_results
        self.final_context_length_buffer = final_context_length_buffer
        self.save_contexts = save_contexts
        self.seconds_to_sleep_between_completions = seconds_to_sleep_between_completions
        self.print_ongoing_status = print_ongoing_status
        self.model_provider = model_provider
        self.testing_results = []

        if context_lengths is None:
            if context_lengths_min is None or context_lengths_max is None or context_lengths_num_intervals is None:
                raise ValueError("Either context_lengths_min, context_lengths_max, context_lengths_intervals need to be filled out OR the context_lengths_list needs to be supplied.")
                self.context_lengths = np.round(np.linspace(context_lengths_min, context_lengths_max, num=context_lengths_num_intervals, endpoint=True)).astype(int)
            self.context_lengths = context_lengths

        if document_depth_percents is None:
            if document_depth_percent_min is None or document_depth_percent_max is None or document_depth_percent_intervals is None:
                raise ValueError("Either document_depth_percent_min, document_depth_percent_max, document_depth_percent_intervals need to be filled out OR the document_depth_percents needs to be supplied.")
                if document_depth_percent_interval_type == 'linear':
                    self.document_depth_percents = np.round(np.linspace(document_depth_percent_min, document_depth_percent_max, num=document_depth_percent_intervals, endpoint=True)).astype(int)
                elif document_depth_percent_interval_type == 'sigmoid':
                    self.document_depth_percents = [self.logistic(x) for x in np.linspace(document_depth_percent_min, document_depth_percent_max, document_depth_percent_intervals)]
            self.document_depth_percents = document_depth_percents

        if document_depth_percent_interval_type not in [None, "linear", "sigmoid"]:
            raise ValueError("document_depth_percent_interval_type must be either None, 'linear' or 'sigmoid'. If you'd like your own distribution give a list of ints in via document_depth_percent_intervals")

        if model_provider not in ["OpenAI", "Anthropic"]:
            raise ValueError("model_provider must be either 'OpenAI' or 'Anthropic'")

        if model_provider == "Anthropic" and "claude" not in model_name:
            raise ValueError("If the model provider is 'Anthropic', the model name must include 'claude'. See for more details on Anthropic models")

        self.openai_api_key = openai_api_key or os.getenv('OPENAI_API_KEY')
        self.model_name = model_name

        if not self.openai_api_key and not os.getenv('OPENAI_API_KEY'):
            raise ValueError("Either openai_api_key must be supplied with init, or OPENAI_API_KEY must be in env. Used for evaluation model")
            self.openai_api_key = openai_api_key or os.getenv('OPENAI_API_KEY')

        self.anthropic_api_key = anthropic_api_key or os.getenv('ANTHROPIC_API_KEY')

        if self.model_provider == "Anthropic":
            if not self.anthropic_api_key and not os.getenv('ANTHROPIC_API_KEY'):
                raise ValueError("Either anthropic_api_key must be supplied with init, or ANTHROPIC_API_KEY must be in env.")
                self.anthropic_api_key = anthropic_api_key or os.getenv('ANTHROPIC_API_KEY')

        if not self.model_name:
            raise ValueError("model_name must be provided.")

        if model_provider == "OpenAI":
            self.model_to_test = AsyncOpenAI(api_key=self.openai_api_key)
            self.enc = tiktoken.encoding_for_model(self.model_name)
        elif model_provider == "Anthropic":
            self.model_to_test = AsyncAnthropic(api_key=self.anthropic_api_key)
            self.enc = Anthropic().get_tokenizer()

        self.model_to_test_description = model_name
        self.evaluation_model = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4", temperature=0, openai_api_key = self.openai_api_key)

    def logistic(self, x, L=100, x0=50, k=.1):
        if x == 0:
            return 0
        if x == 100:
            return 100
        return np.round(L / (1 + np.exp(-k * (x - x0))), 3)

    async def bound_evaluate_and_log(self, sem, *args):
        async with sem:
            await self.evaluate_and_log(*args)

    Human: You are a close-reading bot with a great memory who answers questions for users. I'm going to give you the text of some essays. Amidst these essays ("the haystack") I've inserted a sentence ("the needle") that contains an answer to the user's question. Here's the question:
                    Here's the text of the essays. The answer appears in it somewhere.
                    Now that you've read the context, please answer the user's question, repeated one more time for ease of reference:

                    To do so, first find the sentence from the haystack that contains the answer (there is such a sentence, I promise!) and put it inside <most_relevant_sentence> XML tags. Then, put your answer in <answer> tags. Base your answer strictly on the context, without reference to outside information. Thank you.
                    If you can't find the answer return the single word UNANSWERABLE.

    You are a helpful AI bot that answers questions for a user. Keep your response short and direct.
    The following is a set of context and a question that will relate to the context. 

    {question} You are looking for a number from the context. Don't give information outside the document or repeat your findings

    def run_test(self):
        # Run through each iteration of context_lengths and depths
        contexts = []
        # Check if the file already exists
        # URL of the file to download
        file_url = ""

        # Local filename to save the downloaded file
        local_filename = "save_results_df.csv"
        if os.path.exists(local_filename):
            print(f"The file {local_filename} already exists.")
            # Download the file
            response = requests.get(file_url)
            with open(local_filename, 'wb') as f:
            print(f"Downloaded {local_filename}")

        #Set this load file to true for easy reproduction
        load_file = True
        if load_file:
            df = pd.read_csv("save_results_df.csv")
            self.needle_rnd_number = str(df.iloc[0].needle_rnd_number)
            full_context = self.read_context_files()
            for context_length in self.context_lengths:
                trim_context = self.encode_and_trim(full_context, context_length)
                for depth_percent in self.document_depth_percents:
                    print("context length: " + str(context_length))
                    print("depth_percent : " + str(depth_percent))
                    results = self.create_contexts(trim_context, context_length, depth_percent)
            df = pd.DataFrame(contexts)
            df['question'] = self.retrieval_question
            df['needle_rnd_number'] = self.needle_rnd_number
        rail_map = {True:(self.needle_rnd_number), False:"UNANSWERABLE"}
        #Evaluation of the model performance 
        #Uses Phoenix Evals
        if self.model_provider == "":
            model = OpenAIModel(model_name="gpt-4-1106-preview")
            template =self.OPENAI_TEMPLATE
            model = OpenAIModel(model_name="gpt-4-1106-preview")
            template =self.OPENAI_TEMPLATE
        # The rails is used to hold the output to specific values based on the template
        # It will remove text such as ",,," or "..."
        # Will ensure the binary value expected from the template is returned
        model._rate_limiter._verbose = True
        model._rate_limiter._throttler.rate_reduction_factor= 0.6
        model._rate_limiter._throttler.rate_increase_factor = 0.05
        rails = list(rail_map.values())
        relevance_classifications = llm_classify(
        return contexts

    def create_contexts(self, trim_context, context_length, depth_percent):
        # Checks to see if you've already checked a length/percent/version.
        # This helps if the program stop running and you want to restart later
        if self.save_results:
            if self.result_exists(context_length, depth_percent):

        # Go generate the required length context and place your needle statement in
        context = self.generate_context(trim_context, context_length, depth_percent)

        results = {
        'context' : context, # Uncomment this line if you'd like to save the context the model was asked to retrieve from. Warning: This will become very large.
        'model' : self.model_to_test_description,
        'context_length' : int(context_length),
        'depth_percent' : float(depth_percent),
        'version' : self.results_version,
        'needle' : self.needle,
        return results

        # self.testing_results.append(results)

        # if self.print_ongoing_status:
        #     print (f"-- Test Summary -- ")
        #     print (f"Duration: {test_elapsed_time:.1f} seconds")
        #     print (f"Context: {context_length} tokens")
        #     print (f"Depth: {depth_percent}%")
        #     print (f"Score: {score}")
        #     print (f"Response: {response}\n")

        # context_file_location = f'{self.model_name.replace(".", "_")}_len_{context_length}_depth_{int(depth_percent*100)}'

        # if self.save_contexts:
        #     results['file_name'] : context_file_location

        #     # Save the context to file for retesting
        #     if not os.path.exists('contexts'):
        #         os.makedirs('contexts')

        #     with open(f'contexts/{context_file_location}_context.txt', 'w') as f:
        #         f.write(context)

        # if self.save_results:
        #     # Save the context to file for retesting
        #     if not os.path.exists('results'):
        #         os.makedirs('results')

        #     # Save the result to file for retesting
        #     with open(f'results/{context_file_location}_results.json', 'w') as f:
        #         json.dump(results, f)

        # if self.seconds_to_sleep_between_completions:
        #     await asyncio.sleep(self.seconds_to_sleep_between_completions)

    def result_exists(self, context_length, depth_percent):
        Checks to see if a result has already been evaluated or not

        results_dir = 'results/'
        if not os.path.exists(results_dir):
            return False

        for filename in os.listdir(results_dir):
            if filename.endswith('.json'):
                with open(os.path.join(results_dir, filename), 'r') as f:
                    result = json.load(f)
                    context_length_met = result['context_length'] == context_length
                    depth_percent_met = result['depth_percent'] == depth_percent
                    version_met = result.get('version', 1) == self.results_version
                    model_met = result['model'] == self.model_name
                    if context_length_met and depth_percent_met and version_met and model_met:
                        return True
        return False

    def generate_context(self, trim_context, context_length, depth_percent):
        # Load up tiktoken so we navigate tokens more easily

        # Get your Paul Graham files loaded into a string
        #context = self.read_context_files()

        # Truncate the Paul Graham essays to the context length you desire
        #context = self.encode_and_trim(full_context, context_length)

        # Insert your random statement according to your depth percent
        context = self.insert_needle(trim_context, depth_percent, context_length)

        return context

    def encode_text_to_tokens(self, text):
        if self.model_provider == "OpenAI":
            return self.enc.encode(text)
        elif self.model_provider == "Anthropic":
            # Assuming you have a different encoder for Anthropic
            return self.enc.encode(text).ids
            raise ValueError("model_provider must be either 'OpenAI' or 'Anthropic'")

    def insert_needle(self, context, depth_percent, context_length):
        tokens_needle = self.encode_text_to_tokens(self.needle)
        tokens_context = self.encode_text_to_tokens(context)

        # Reducing the context length by 150 buffer. This is to account for system message, the user question, and response.
        context_length -= self.final_context_length_buffer

        # If your context + needle are longer than the context length (which it will be), then reduce tokens from the context by the needle length
        if len(tokens_context) + len(tokens_needle) > context_length:
            tokens_context = tokens_context[:context_length - len(tokens_needle)]

        if depth_percent == 100:
            # If your depth percent is 100 (which means your needle is the last thing in the doc), throw it at the end
            tokens_new_context = tokens_context + tokens_needle
            # Go get the position (in terms of tokens) to insert your needle
            insertion_point = int(len(tokens_context) * (depth_percent / 100))

            # tokens_new_context represents the tokens before the needle
            tokens_new_context = tokens_context[:insertion_point]

            # We want to make sure that we place our needle at a sentence break so we first see what token a '.' is
            period_tokens = self.encode_text_to_tokens('.')

            # Then we iteration backwards until we find the first period
            while tokens_new_context and tokens_new_context[-1] not in period_tokens:
                insertion_point -= 1
                tokens_new_context = tokens_context[:insertion_point]

            # Once we get there, then add in your needle, and stick the rest of your context in on the other end.
            # Now we have a needle in a haystack
            tokens_new_context += tokens_needle + tokens_context[insertion_point:]

        # Convert back to a string and return it
        new_context = self.decode_tokens(tokens_new_context)
        return new_context

    def get_context_length_in_tokens(self, context):
        if self.model_provider == "OpenAI":
            return len(self.enc.encode(context))
        elif self.model_provider == "Anthropic":
            # Assuming you have a different encoder for Anthropic
            return len(self.enc.encode(context).ids)
            raise ValueError("model_provider must be either 'OpenAI' or 'Anthropic'")

    def read_context_files(self):
        context = ""
        max_context_length = max(self.context_lengths)

        while self.get_context_length_in_tokens(context) < max_context_length:
            for file in glob.glob(f"{self.haystack_dir}/*.txt"):
                with open(file, 'r') as f:
                    context +=
        return context

    def get_tokens_from_context(self, context):
        if self.model_provider == "OpenAI":
            return self.enc.encode(context)
        elif self.model_provider == "Anthropic":
            # Assuming you have a different encoder for Anthropic
            return self.enc.encode(context).ids
            raise ValueError("model_provider must be either 'OpenAI' or 'Anthropic'")

    def decode_tokens(self, tokens, context_length=None):
        if self.model_provider == "OpenAI":
            return self.enc.decode(tokens[:context_length])
        elif self.model_provider == "Anthropic":
            # Assuming you have a different decoder for Anthropic
            return self.enc.decode(tokens[:context_length])
            raise ValueError("model_provider must be either 'OpenAI' or 'Anthropic'")

    def encode_and_trim(self, context, context_length):
        tokens = self.get_tokens_from_context(context)
        if len(tokens) > context_length:
            context = self.decode_tokens(tokens, context_length)
        return context

    def get_results(self):
        return self.testing_results

    def print_start_test_summary(self):
        print ("\n")
        print ("Starting Needle In A Haystack Testing...")
        print (f"- Model: {self.model_name}")
        print (f"- Context Lengths: {len(self.context_lengths)}, Min: {min(self.context_lengths)}, Max: {max(self.context_lengths)}")
        print (f"- Document Depths: {len(self.document_depth_percents)}, Min: {min(self.document_depth_percents)}%, Max: {max(self.document_depth_percents)}%")
        print (f"- Needle: {self.needle.strip()}")
        print ("\n\n")

    def start_test(self):
        if self.print_ongoing_status:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Tons of defaults set, check out the LLMNeedleHaystackTester's init for more info
    ht = LLMNeedleHaystackTester()
