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2009/03/11/model-based-testing #3

Open utterances-bot opened 8 months ago

utterances-bot commented 8 months ago

Model based testing | Arjan’s take on Testing

Model Based Testing (MBT) is a term frequently used these days. It sounds well and just from the words seems like a good thing to do. But is it really worth the hype?

blog-visitor commented 8 months ago

John (2009-03-12 AT 9:02 AM) Hi Arjan, I agree with the points you give in the post. I would recommend that people learning about MBT consider creating models specifically for tests, in stead of trying to derive tests from the system model only. When one creates a model specifically for a test, it is quite easy to make it a little bit more elaborate and to apply techniques to derive multiple test cases from that model. Deriving the test cases is very fast when automated, and this makes it feasible to have many test cases (or test situations) and improved test coverage without high maintenance costs. This makes a test model more powerful than individually scripted tests.


blog-visitor commented 8 months ago

Alan (2009-03-13 AT 9:00 AM) Hi Arjan, I do see your points and came to the same conclusions when looking at MBT in real-life. However, instead of dismissing MBT as a whole, I would rather suggest combining it with test case modelling as you call it. Actually, we are currently experimenting that concept and it seems quite promising, although we have not addressed the automated test generation part of it.