ArjanKranenburg / virtual-devices

Homey-app to add Virtual Devices that can trigger your flows.
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Cannot update measure_temperature for Virtual Thermostate Device #65

Open bassiebulk opened 5 years ago

bassiebulk commented 5 years ago

I cannot set the measured temp like this: virtual_device.setCapabilityValue('measure_temperature', currentTemp); I CAN set the target temp like this: virtual_device.setCapabilityValue('target_temperature', setTemp); I think this is because the measure_temperature-capability has: "setable = false".

ArjanKranenburg commented 5 years ago

How do you actually do this? Is this via another app or are you changing the VD app? A difference between measure and target is indeed the setable. But that is set bij Athom who defines the capabilities. There is nothing I can do about that.

But when I set the temperature in a flow like this, it works: screenshot 2018-10-22 at 21 11 58

bassiebulk commented 5 years ago

Hi Arjan,

Sorry, I wasn't really clear. I have a hacked/rooted Eneco Toon (

I wanted to use a Homeyscript-script to update the values of the Virtual Device. A flow is triggered every 5 minutes and starts this HomeyScript: `var url = "";

(async () => { const rawResponse = await fetch(url, { method: 'GET', headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, }); const content = await rawResponse.json(); //console.log(content);

if (content.currentTemp !== null && content.currentTemp != '') { //let devices = await Homey.devices.getDevices(); //var virtualtoon = .find(devices, { "id": "12345-abcde-6789-fghij" }); //console.log(virtual_toon); //virtual_toon.setCapabilityValue('measure_temperature', currentTemp); //virtual_toon.setCapabilityValue('target_temperature', setTemp);

var currentTemp = content.currentTemp/100;
var setTemp = content.currentSetpoint/100;
var states = Array("Comfort", "Thuis", "Slapen", "Weg");
var state = states[content.activeState];

await setTagValue("toon_current", {type: "number", title: "Temperatuur op Toon®"}, currentTemp);
await setTagValue("toon_set", {type: "number", title: "Ingestelde temp. op Toon®"}, setTemp);
await setTagValue("toon_status", {type: "string", title: "Status op Toon®"}, state);



return true;`

As can be seen in the script I now return the values from the HomeyScript back to the flow using Tags. With the Tags from the HomeyScript I can update the VD in the flow. But I cannot update the values directly from the script (the part that is now commented-out).

ArjanKranenburg commented 5 years ago

Just tried overriding the capability met 'settable=true', but that did not change anything. At some point Homey has to notify the app that a capability is changed, but this change is not coming through. With all changes with V2, I will leave it for now and may try it again when V2 is more stable.

bassiebulk commented 5 years ago

No worries, the Tag-option works fine for now. Yeah, I see Athom has some of your functionality now in the main app.