ArjanKranenburg / virtual-devices

Homey-app to add Virtual Devices that can trigger your flows.
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No icons #77

Closed Strike2001 closed 4 years ago

Strike2001 commented 5 years ago

I'm running Homey beta 2 with your app beta app version 0.8.1 and there are no icons by adding new devices .

ArjanKranenburg commented 5 years ago

Thanks for reporting. Since I'm not running Homey 2, I need some more info than this. E.g. screen shots, console-log from the browser or the output when the app is installed from the command-line.

Strike2001 commented 5 years ago

some screens

Von meinem iPhone gesendet

Am 23.12.2018 um 00:19 schrieb M.Abels

Hi , i send you some screen video from the new app installed on ios device

hope this helps you , old devices before update to v2 show the correct icon , lg web os for example , all new devices shown with this empty symbol , the function of each device are still correct . turn on off or flows still works fine , there is only a homekit export problem for example a new motion sensor or contact sensor will show as switch but i think thats a problem of athom , but i don t know if there is a new opinon for you to give this devices a pre config list for homey homekit device import . for example that a virtual motion device with the option on/off and motion detect would be two devices in homekit one as switch and one as motion detection. p.s. export to alexa works since before.

if more infos needed no problem , i like your app , the two new virtual devices from homey itself are not the same ;) Von meinem iPhone gesendet > Am 22.12.2018 um 23:22 schrieb Arjan Kranenburg : > > Thanks for reporting. > Since I'm not running Homey 2, I need some more info than this. E.g. screen shots, console-log from the browser or the output when the app is installed from the command-line. > > — > You are receiving this because you authored the thread. > Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread.
Strike2001 commented 5 years ago

@GitHawk Upload by Strike2001 GitHawk Upload by Strike2001 GitHawk Upload by Strike2001GitHawk Upload by Strike2001

some screens , if the could not open

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Strike2001 commented 5 years ago

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daneedk commented 5 years ago

@ArjanKranenburg This has to do with how the images are added to the device properties:

Compair a 'real' Device: image

and a virtual device from your app: image

Somehow the image is written to the icon property instead of the iconObj property when added. For Heimdall it is written to the iconObj property automatically, I have made no changes to the devices so I don't know why it's not working for your app while it is for mine.


(Screenshots are the result of Homey.devices.getDevices({ online: true }); in the API Playground )

dewenni commented 5 years ago

just to confirm that this is not an issue of one user. I have the same problem. No icons are displayed.

ArjanKranenburg commented 5 years ago

@daneedk Thanks! Do you also have Virtual Devices that were added before going to Homey V2? Could it be that in the upgrade, the iconObj was created/added. If so, with what is it set? The icons seem to be copied to a different location and given an id. I've no clue what that id is (and the V2 documentation is excelling in absence).

daneedk commented 5 years ago

No, this is on my brand new development Homey, it's been updated to V2 before anything else. It seems indeed to be something in the process of adding a device where the icons are copied to a new path so I think it's something Athom should be fixing, you can report it here:

dverstaen commented 5 years ago


i have the same problem, but i can confirm when i upgraded to v2 i already had VirtualDevices and after the upgrade these devices still had their icon, only if i add new Devices no icon is shown

PeetersJan commented 5 years ago

Hi, Same problem here. Icons do not show. I hope images help: (V2.0/RC11; Virtual: 0.8.1):

2019-01-06 20 03 45

2019-01-06 20 03 56

ArjanKranenburg commented 5 years ago

I may have a fix for this, but cannot test this myself as I'm still on 1.5. I've released an alpha-version and already invited @daneedk. If others want to test as well, please send me your e-mail-adres on slack (@arielaxed) or mail (

Note: the icons will not appear on the already created devices, so you need to create a new ones.

daneedk commented 5 years ago

Just installed the Alpha, removed the virtual sensors and added them again:

Devices overview:


In Heimdall:


And on the developer pages:


ArjanKranenburg commented 5 years ago

Thanks! I didn't change anything to the icons of the sub-modes in the multi-mode. Are they shown?

PeetersJan commented 5 years ago

Hi Arjan, Just to let you know; I have installed RC12 and the beta 0.8.2, created a new multi-mode. Icons are not showing. I have deleted the multi-mode and am now restarting my homey (to be sure). I'll create a new multi-mode once again and will keep you posted.

Is there an alpha (CLI) available?


PeetersJan commented 5 years ago

... no cigar; still no icons

2019-01-07 21 42 36 2019-01-07 21 42 44

ArjanKranenburg commented 5 years ago

@PeetersJan send me your e-mail-adres on slack (@arielaxed) or mail ( and I'll give you access to the alpha.

Strike2001 commented 5 years ago

hi , so Icons on , devices and mode are shown in the device overview by multimode the device icon works but the icons of the sub modes not shown GitHawk Upload by Strike2001

and the name of the sub modes are not correct i added : Home and Away as example. but till now nice work .

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Strike2001 commented 5 years ago

its the 0.8.3 alpha on RC 13

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daneedk commented 5 years ago

@ArjanKranenburg I've made a Multi Mode device on V1 and V2 and selected the same options.

Attached are the results from the developer pages. I hope it is of help. Multi-Mode V1.txt Multi-Mode V2.txt

Emile posted on slack today he's working on documentation and he was asked to include Specific changes for V2 app UI; ie the replacement of the mobile card and all its options and he responded with a screenshot showing just that so documentation is underway.

ArjanKranenburg commented 5 years ago

Just published a new alpha-version 0.8.4 with hopefully a fix for the sub-mode icons. But it's a long-shot.

Strike2001 commented 5 years ago

no icons multimode 0.8.4 ( can you please add alarm_contact + alarm_motion to the sensors so that they can used with homekit.? )

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ArjanKranenburg commented 5 years ago

Logged issue on the Homey-SDK (V2):

ArjanKranenburg commented 5 years ago

Athom's answer:

You can set an icon for a custom capability using the button component.

That requires a rewrite of the app and I doubt if those icon's can be set during pairing. But then I could use default button's and perhaps set the name with:

"capabilitiesOptions": {
 "my_sensor": {
    "titleTrue": {
       "en": "True Value"
    "titleFalse": {
       "en": "False Value"

(See also )

ArjanKranenburg commented 4 years ago

Multi-modes will be deprecated from the app in the next release. I'll remove the functionality after that. I believe the other icons are working correctly.