Arjun-Ar91 / WebdriverIO-V6-appium-cucumber-boilerplate

Boilerplate project to run native and browser for android and ios using cucumber with page object pattern
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Can webdriverio support Firefox browser on Android mobile? #13

Open MonoAutomation opened 3 years ago

MonoAutomation commented 3 years ago

Hello, Can this framework /webdriverio support to automate on mobile firefox browser? Can you share configuration, dependent libraries for this? Thanks in advance

Arjun-Ar91 commented 3 years ago

@MonoAutomation Update the androidBrowser.config.js inside config folder to below config.capabilities = [ { platformName: 'Android', browserName: 'firefox', maxInstances: 1, automationName: 'uiautomator2', deviceName: AndroidInfo.deviceName(), platformVersion: AndroidInfo.platFormVersion() } ];

MonoAutomation commented 3 years ago

@Arjun-Ar91 Thank you, I have done this change along with downloaded geckodriver,wdio gecko services whenever I run it says unsupported webdriver capabilities