ArkCase / arkcase-ce

Packer configuration and Ansible plays to create a Vagrant virtual machine with services required to run ArkCase.
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Open Laddergrowth opened 2 years ago

Laddergrowth commented 2 years ago

I am using windows 10, to boot the VM, I add the arkcase-ce.local (configured using the correct output by the VM), when going to https://arkcase-ce.local/arkcase/

i am getting the following...

Proxy Error The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. The proxy server could not handle the request GET /arkcase/.

Reason: Error reading from remote server

I tried adding new rules for the firewall but that dint work either.

What am i missing? as all the other pages are working well..

david-oc-miller commented 2 years ago

@Laddergrowth, was this the first time you booted the ArkCase VM? First-time startup can be very lengthy. If you left the VM running, ArkCase should have started.

If you still get the proxy error, can you ssh into the VM ("vagrant ssh" if you started the VM with vagrant), and run the command "systemctl status arkcase" and post the output of that command here?

Laddergrowth commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the reply @david-oc-miller , I experienced that length booting when trying to vagrant up inside a VM. But after many moons decided to try in the host machine and that worked well with not a so length booting.

"vagrant ssh" status is up and running; image

i can seee the contents of https://arkcase-ce.local/ image

But when going to https://arkcase-ce.local/arkcase still showing the same message;


the site have all the allowed functions, image

The following are opening fine and showing the contents:

https://arkcase-ce.local/solr/#/ https://arkcase-ce.local/share/page/user/admin/dashboard



is not log me in with the " Log in as an evaluator" provided - (this might be related to the 502 proxy error?) image

Laddergrowth commented 2 years ago

I am using brave but tried with Firefox and Microsoft edge.

Laddergrowth commented 2 years ago

I tried to access the app with Foxy Proxy, i used the ports 8843 and 8443. Port 8843 in this scenario do not go past the warning security message.

david-oc-miller commented 2 years ago

@Laddergrowth , for Pentaho you can login with the arkcase-admin user (not, but just plain arkcase-admin).

Port 8843 connects you directly to the ArkCase Tomcat service (not going through haproxy). If you get the untrusted certificate error it means the ArkCase Tomcat did start. In this case the non-8843 URL https://arkcase-ce.local/arkcase should also work. If you still get the proxy error from HAProxy, it means Tomcat started, but the ArkCase web app did not start.

If that is the case, can you send me the ArkCase catalina.out? In the VM it should be at /opt/arkcase/log/arkcase/catalina.out, or possibly at /opt/app/arkcase/log/arkcase/catalina.out. You can get it from the VM by something like this: scp -P 2222 vagrant@arkcase-ce.local:/opt/app/arkcase/log/arkcase/catalina.out .. This is assuming you have the scp command ... on Windows you could use WinSCP to take the equivalent steps. In case the vagrant user isn't able to read the log file, you could ssh into the VM ("vagrant ssh") and "sudo cp /opt/app/arkcase/log/arkcase/catalina.out /tmp" and "sudo chmod 644 /tmp/catalina.out" and then use scp to copy /tmp/catalina.out.

Laddergrowth commented 2 years ago

@david-oc-miller appreciate the instructions, managed to log in to Pentaho dashboard.

That's interesting because ArkCase show as up and running.

I tried with the scp but was getting an error "file do not exist", I ssh into the VM and traced the file.

I am unable to cp the content as there is no /log/ , in this case there is /logs/ but no catalina.out or the folder /arkcase/.


Laddergrowth commented 2 years ago

@david-oc-miller It seems the file we are after is locate at /opt/log/arkcase - Would this be the one? or it should be one at that location you mentioned?


I am pasting the results here just in case it is.

Laddergrowth commented 2 years ago

Here is the file - the file extension is not allowed here, so there is a .txt in the end.

catalina - Copy.out.txt

JBHarris commented 2 years ago

I'm having this same issue. Looking at maybe using ArkCase-CE for a project, but can't even test-drive it right now. The only thing remotely "error" looking is related to checking for mail: 2021-12-15 20:53:14,806 [ERROR] [task-scheduler-6] org.springframework.integration.handler.LoggingHandler - failure occurred while polling for mail; nested exception is javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException: AUTHENTICATE failed. 2021-12-15 20:53:15,486 [ERROR] [task-scheduler-2] org.springframework.integration.handler.LoggingHandler - failure occurred while polling for mail; nested exception is javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException: AUTHENTICATE failed.

david-oc-miller commented 2 years ago

@Laddergrowth , @JBHarris , sorry for the delayed responses. Can you ssh into the Vagrant VM (vagrant ssh) then run the command: wget --no-check-certificate https://localhost:8843/arkcase, and post the response here? That will tell us whether the ArkCase web app started normally. Based on your findings we will take the next step.

david-oc-miller commented 2 years ago

@Laddergrowth , @JBHarris ,

I pushed an update to this repository (#362).

If you remove your existing VM via vagrant destroy, and git pull to pull these changes, you should be able to deploy ArkCase 2021.02 by using the instructions in the updated README. Be sure to export ARKCASE_WEBAPP_VERSION=2021.02 before vagrant up. Also follow the other updated instructions in terms of setting the hostname correctly.

Thanks, Dave

toninhas commented 2 years ago

Hi @david-oc-miller I have followed the instruction and still having the same error

Proxy Error The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. The proxy server could not handle the request GET /arkcase/.

Reason: Error reading from remote server

But I'm able run and login Pentaho, Solr admin and Alfresco.

I checked the arkcase error file and saw this:

, {"thread":"main","level":"ERROR","loggerName":"com.armedia.acm.scheduler.AcmScheduler","message":"Either bean with name arkcase-alfrescoSyncScheduledBean does not exist or does not implement com.armedia.acm.scheduler.AcmSchedulableBean.","thrown":{"commonElementCount":0,"localizedMessage":"No bean named 'arkcase-alfrescoSyncScheduledBean' is defined","message":"No bean named 'arkcase-alfrescoSyncScheduledBean' is defined","name":"org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException"},"endOfBatch":false,"loggerFqcn":"org.apache.logging.slf4j.Log4jLogger","instant":{"epochSecond":1642020343,"nanoOfSecond":671000000},"threadId":1,"threadPriority":5} , {"thread":"notificationTaskScheduler-1","level":"ERROR","loggerName":"","message":"Cannot send notifications to the users: null","thrown":{"commonElementCount":0,"name":"java.util.ConcurrentModificationException"},"endOfBatch":false,"loggerFqcn":"org.apache.logging.slf4j.Log4jLogger","instant":{"epochSecond":1642020369,"nanoOfSecond":604000000},"threadId":238,"threadPriority":5} , {"thread":"main","level":"ERROR","loggerName":"com.armedia.acm.service.identity.service.AcmArkcaseIdentityServiceImpl","message":"Couldn't set global identity. [Not implemented yet!]","endOfBatch":false,"loggerFqcn":"org.apache.logging.slf4j.Log4jLogger","instant":{"epochSecond":1642020416,"nanoOfSecond":418000000},"threadId":1,"threadPriority":5} {"thread":"main","level":"ERROR","loggerName":"com.armedia.acm.scheduler.AcmScheduler","message":"Either bean with name arkcase-alfrescoSyncScheduledBean does not exist or does not implement com.armedia.acm.scheduler.AcmSchedulableBean.","thrown":{"commonElementCount":0,"localizedMessage":"No bean named 'arkcase-alfrescoSyncScheduledBean' is defined","message":"No bean named 'arkcase-alfrescoSyncScheduledBean' is defined","name":"org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException"},"endOfBatch":false,"loggerFqcn":"org.apache.logging.slf4j.Log4jLogger","instant":{"epochSecond":1642022311,"nanoOfSecond":676000000},"threadId":1,"threadPriority":5} , {"thread":"main","level":"ERROR","loggerName":"com.armedia.acm.scheduler.AcmScheduler","message":"Either bean with name arkcase-alfrescoSyncScheduledBean does not exist or does not implement com.armedia.acm.scheduler.AcmSchedulableBean.","thrown":{"commonElementCount":0,"localizedMessage":"No bean named 'arkcase-alfrescoSyncScheduledBean' is defined","message":"No bean named 'arkcase-alfrescoSyncScheduledBean' is defined","name":"org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException"},"endOfBatch":false,"loggerFqcn":"org.apache.logging.slf4j.Log4jLogger","instant":{"epochSecond":1642022334,"nanoOfSecond":306000000},"threadId":1,"threadPriority":5} , {"thread":"main","level":"ERROR","loggerName":"com.armedia.acm.scheduler.AcmScheduler","message":"Either bean with name arkcase-alfrescoSyncScheduledBean does not exist or does not implement com.armedia.acm.scheduler.AcmSchedulableBean.","thrown":{"commonElementCount":0,"localizedMessage":"No bean named 'arkcase-alfrescoSyncScheduledBean' is defined","message":"No bean named 'arkcase-alfrescoSyncScheduledBean' is defined","name":"org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException"},"endOfBatch":false,"loggerFqcn":"org.apache.logging.slf4j.Log4jLogger","instant":{"epochSecond":1642022334,"nanoOfSecond":471000000},"threadId":1,"threadPriority":5} , {"thread":"main","level":"ERROR","loggerName":"com.armedia.acm.scheduler.AcmScheduler","message":"Either bean with name arkcase-alfrescoSyncScheduledBean does not exist or does not implement com.armedia.acm.scheduler.AcmSchedulableBean.","thrown":{"commonElementCount":0,"localizedMessage":"No bean named 'arkcase-alfrescoSyncScheduledBean' is defined","message":"No bean named 'arkcase-alfrescoSyncScheduledBean' is defined","name":"org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException"},"endOfBatch":false,"loggerFqcn":"org.apache.logging.slf4j.Log4jLogger","instant":{"epochSecond":1642022335,"nanoOfSecond":503000000},"threadId":1,"threadPriority":5} , {"thread":"main","level":"ERROR","loggerName":"com.armedia.acm.scheduler.AcmScheduler","message":"Either bean with name arkcase-alfrescoSyncScheduledBean does not exist or does not implement com.armedia.acm.scheduler.AcmSchedulableBean.","thrown":{"commonElementCount":0,"localizedMessage":"No bean named 'arkcase-alfrescoSyncScheduledBean' is defined","message":"No bean named 'arkcase-alfrescoSyncScheduledBean' is defined","name":"org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException"},"endOfBatch":false,"loggerFqcn":"org.apache.logging.slf4j.Log4jLogger","instant":{"epochSecond":1642022335,"nanoOfSecond":590000000},"threadId":1,"threadPriority":5} , {"thread":"notificationTaskScheduler-1","level":"ERROR","loggerName":"","message":"Cannot send notifications to the users: null","thrown":{"commonElementCount":0,"name":"java.util.ConcurrentModificationException"},"endOfBatch":false,"loggerFqcn":"org.apache.logging.slf4j.Log4jLogger","instant":{"epochSecond":1642022368,"nanoOfSecond":802000000},"threadId":227,"threadPriority":5} , {"thread":"main","level":"ERROR","loggerName":"com.armedia.acm.service.identity.service.AcmArkcaseIdentityServiceImpl","message":"Couldn't set global identity. [Not implemented yet!]","endOfBatch":false,"loggerFqcn":"org.apache.logging.slf4j.Log4jLogger","instant":{"epochSecond":1642022397,"nanoOfSecond":640000000},"threadId":1,"threadPriority":5}

david-oc-miller commented 2 years ago

@toninhas , those errors wouldn't keep ArkCase from starting. Can you post the whole ArkCase catalina.out - should be at /opt/arkcase/log/arkcase/catalina.out?

toninhas commented 2 years ago

Hi @david-oc-miller
Please find attached the catalina file.

david-oc-miller commented 2 years ago

@toninhas ,

In the log I see this message:

com.armedia.acm.userinterface.angular.AngularResourceCopier - Could not copy Angular resources org.apache.commons.exec.ExecuteException: Process exited with an error: 127 (Exit value: 127)

Exit value: 127 may indicate a missing npm package; we did change the installer to fix this.

Can you try the following:

  1. vagrant ssh <-- to enter the VM
  2. sudo systemctl stop arkcase
  3. sudo su - arkcase -s /bin/bash <-- become arkcase user
  4. Edit the file ~/.arkcase/acm/log4j2.xml, search for "AngularResourceCopier", and change the associated login level to debug. In case the next step doesn't fix the problem, the debug log will tell us where to go after that.
  5. rm /opt/arkcase/log/arkcase/catalina.out <-- remove current log
  6. exit <-- revert to being the vagrant user instead of arkcase
  7. sudo npm install -g husky <-- install the husky package
  8. sudo systemctl start arkcase

Please let me know if ArkCase starts OK after taking these steps ... if not, please send me the catalina.out file from the new ArkCase startup.

Thanks, Dave

toninhas commented 2 years ago

@david-oc-miller Yes still not working.. .

david-oc-miller commented 2 years ago

@toninhas in the catalina.out that you just sent me, ArkCase didn't finish starting yet. It may still not be finished. If you still don't see the login screen now, please send me the new catalina.out.

toninhas commented 2 years ago

@david-oc-miller Please find the new file.

toninhas commented 2 years ago

@david-oc-miller Please find the new file.

toninhas commented 2 years ago


Seems like the error persist image

david-oc-miller commented 2 years ago

@toninhas ,

This is the error from the catalina.out:

^[[m^[[36m2022-01-13 00:15:13,005 [DEBUG] [Exec Stream Pumper] com.armedia.acm.userinterface.angular.AngularResourceCopier - error /home/arkcase/.arkcase/tmp/node_modules/@bower_components/summernote: Command failed. ^[[m^[[36m2022-01-13 00:15:13,005 [DEBUG] [Exec Stream Pumper] com.armedia.acm.userinterface.angular.AngularResourceCopier - Exit code: 1 ^[[m^[[36m2022-01-13 00:15:13,005 [DEBUG] [Exec Stream Pumper] com.armedia.acm.userinterface.angular.AngularResourceCopier - Command: husky install ^[[m^[[36m2022-01-13 00:15:13,005 [DEBUG] [Exec Stream Pumper] com.armedia.acm.userinterface.angular.AngularResourceCopier - Arguments: ^[[m^[[36m2022-01-13 00:15:13,005 [DEBUG] [Exec Stream Pumper] com.armedia.acm.userinterface.angular.AngularResourceCopier - Directory: /home/arkcase/.arkcase/tmp/node_modules/@bower_components/summernote ^[[m^[[36m2022-01-13 00:15:13,005 [DEBUG] [Exec Stream Pumper] com.armedia.acm.userinterface.angular.AngularResourceCopier - Output: ^[[m^[[36m2022-01-13 00:15:13,005 [DEBUG] [Exec Stream Pumper] com.armedia.acm.userinterface.angular.AngularResourceCopier - .git can't be found (see ^[[m^[[36m2022-01-13 00:15:13,005 [DEBUG] [Exec Stream Pumper] com.armedia.acm.userinterface.angular.AngularResourceCopier - info Visit for documentation about this command.

Can you run the command husky just to make sure it's installed OK?

I haven't seen the .git can't be found before. If you can run husky (which means husky did get installed), I'll have to engage some people that understand npm.

toninhas commented 2 years ago

@david-oc-miller I'm able to execute the husky command

Can you check if your external plugin component is proper installed the summernote (

You can also delete your node-modules folder and install angular dependencies again. you can use yarn install or npm install and I can try destroy de vagrant env and start again.

david-oc-miller commented 2 years ago

@toninhas, let's try vagrant destroy and then git pull, and send me the output of git status, and then vagrant up again. Be sure to export ARKCASE_WEBAPP_VERSION=2021.03 before vagrant up (or set ARKCASE_WEBAPP_VERSION=2021.03 if on Windows). We'll see what happens.

toninhas commented 2 years ago




david-oc-miller commented 2 years ago

@toninhas , thanks for this information. I believe the Git update to the common role, should include the husky installation. Let's see whether ArkCase starts...

toninhas commented 2 years ago

Hi @david-oc-miller,

Any update??

david-oc-miller commented 2 years ago

@toninhas , yes, I sent you an update on 14 January, which was:

"@toninhas , thanks for this information. I believe the Git update to the common role, should include the husky installation. Let's see whether ArkCase starts..."

At this moment I am waiting for you to vagrant destroy then export ARKCASE_WEBAPP_VERSION=2021.03 and then vagrant up.

At the end of this process, if ArkCase started OK then all is well, otherwise you'll send me another log file.

So, I am waiting to hear whether ArkCase did start, or for another log file.

toninhas commented 2 years ago

Hi @david-oc-miller

david-oc-miller commented 2 years ago

@toninhas ,

This file is after ArkCase has started, and no longer has the exceptions from the startup process, which would indicate why the web context didn't start.

Please try something like this:

sudo systemctl stop arkcase
sudo rm /opt/arkcase/log/arkcase/catalina.out
sudo systemctl start arkcase

Then wait a few minutes, and send me that catalina.out.

Also, please run these commands, to simulate what ArkCase does during startup:

$ vagrant ssh
Last login: Fri Jan 14 20:24:58 2022 from
[vagrant@arkcase-ce ~]$ sudo su - arkcase -s /bin/bash
[arkcase@arkcase-ce ~]$ cd .arkcase/custom
[arkcase@arkcase-ce custom]$ yarn install
yarn install v1.22.17
info No lockfile found.
[1/4] Resolving packages...
[2/4] Fetching packages...
[3/4] Linking dependencies...
[4/4] Building fresh packages...
success Saved lockfile.
Done in 4.69s.

The above snippet is output from my system. Please send me the output that you see.

Also, are you starting from a base VM created from the packer script in this repository? If not, can you send me what operating system and release you are using? Or, are you in a geographic location that may be subject to download restrictions (Syria, Iran)? Or, are you behind some corporate firewall that may be restricting traffic? Can you think of anything else that could cause any issues?

Also, your catalina.out is the only one I've seen that includes binary content. I have no idea why this happens but certainly it is very interesting.

I'm asking these questions since we installed ArkCase hundreds of times, and since fixing this latest husky issue, we can never duplicate the error your are seeing. So I'm asking anything I can think of that may help resolve it.

Thanks, Dave

david-oc-miller commented 2 years ago

@toninhas ,

Before restarting ArkCase, as the arkcase user please edit the file ~/.arkcase/acm/log4j2.xml, and edit the below line:

<Logger name="com.armedia.acm.userinterface.angular.AngularResourceCopier" level="warn" additivity="false">

Change the level warn to debug; save the file, and then restart ArkCase.

Thanks, Dave

fakhreddinetrifi commented 2 years ago

Hi @david-oc-miller,

I installed ArkCase on Center 7 using a Vagrantfile file (the configuration as you see in the screenshot below). image

I can access to all other services (Alfresco, Solr, Pentahol,...) without any problem, but when try to access to ArkCase webapp I faced issue "Proxy Error" (As in the screenshot below). issueArkCase

By the way I'm following all the steps you assigned here to resolve the issue but ArkCase still not working. You will find all the logs about ArkCase and Catalina here attached

Thanks, Fakhry

david-oc-miller commented 2 years ago

@fakhreddinetrifi ,

That is clearly the husky issue, since I see this output in the log file:

2022-01-19 15:51:51,107 [DEBUG] [Exec Stream Pumper] com.armedia.acm.userinterface.angular.AngularResourceCopier - /bin/sh: husky: command not found

Although you are using the most recent Vagrant box, it is still a very old version of ArkCase, since we stopped updating the Vagranthub boxes. Although I mean to start updating them again, it hasn't happened yet.

You can try following commands:

vagrant ssh    # to get into the VM
sudo systemctl stop arkcase
sudo npm -g install husky   # install husky
sudo systemctl start arkcase

These steps have resolved the issue for me before.

-- Dave

toninhas commented 2 years ago

Hi @david-oc-miller

I have followed all instruction but the problem with webapp arkcase still there. I'm in Mozambique we don't have any restriction. Yes I'm using the packer script in repository. My OS is window 11 pro 21H2 22000.466.


david-oc-miller commented 2 years ago

@fakhreddinetrifi , did installing husky globally resolve the issue for you?

david-oc-miller commented 2 years ago

@toninhas , the last you sent, the Angular resource copier was still running, so it didn't yet either start up successfully or have any errors.

The last line is this one:

2022-01-18 21:36:07,594 [DEBUG] [Exec Stream Pumper] com.armedia.acm.userinterface.angular.AngularResourceCopier - warning karma > chokidar > fsevents@1.2.13: fsevents 1 will break on node v14+ and could be using insecure binaries. Upgrade to fsevents 2.

Which tells me the startup is still in process.

I apologize for the amount of time this is taking. If the yarn install really didn't work for you, I may end up pushing a special build to Vagranthub with the newest ArkCase version having already started, and you can try out that one.

-- Dave

toninhas commented 2 years ago

Hi @david-oc-miller

Sorry about my late reply. please find attached the Catalina log.

david-oc-miller commented 2 years ago

@toninhas ,

I see the same old Husky error again:

^[[m^[[36m2022-02-03 07:54:30,223 [DEBUG] [Exec Stream Pumper] com.armedia.acm.userinterface.angular.AngularResourceCopier - error /home/arkcase/.arkcase/tmp/node_modules/@bower_components/summernote: Command failed. ^[[m^[[36m2022-02-03 07:54:30,223 [DEBUG] [Exec Stream Pumper] com.armedia.acm.userinterface.angular.AngularResourceCopier - Exit code: 1 ^[[m^[[36m2022-02-03 07:54:30,223 [DEBUG] [Exec Stream Pumper] com.armedia.acm.userinterface.angular.AngularResourceCopier - Command: husky install ^[[m^[[36m2022-02-03 07:54:30,223 [DEBUG] [Exec Stream Pumper] com.armedia.acm.userinterface.angular.AngularResourceCopier - Arguments: ^[[m^[[36m2022-02-03 07:54:30,224 [DEBUG] [Exec Stream Pumper] com.armedia.acm.userinterface.angular.AngularResourceCopier - Directory: /home/arkcase/.arkcase/tmp/node_modules/@bower_components/summernote ^[[m^[[36m2022-02-03 07:54:30,224 [DEBUG] [Exec Stream Pumper] com.armedia.acm.userinterface.angular.AngularResourceCopier - Output: ^[[m^[[36m2022-02-03 07:54:30,224 [DEBUG] [Exec Stream Pumper] com.armedia.acm.userinterface.angular.AngularResourceCopier - .git can't be found (see

Let's try to disable Husky completely.

In the file /opt/arkcase/app/arkcase/bin/, you should see a number of environment variables, e.g. NODE_ENV and CATALINA_OPTS. At the very bottom of this file, add a line like so:

export HUSKY=0

Then restart ArkCase: sudo systemctl restart arkcase

And we will see what happens.

Thanks, Dave

toninhas commented 2 years ago

Hi @david-oc-miller

Still not working.

kamezamw commented 2 years ago


I am also facing the proxy error, tried the suggested solutions but not working. Destroyed the VM several times but still facing the same proxy error.

however, on under my catalina.out file only show one error message "2022-05-16 04:00:00,349 [ERROR] [deleteExpiredUrlsScheduler-1]$LoggingErrorHandler - Unexpected error occurred in scheduled task."

setsanderson commented 2 years ago

Hi everyone!


I am facing the same issue, and i tried suggested instructions above but no luck. Did anyone managed to pass this issue.

This issue is reported on another issue, i will follow instructions there. Thank you.

srinivasagunturu commented 2 years ago

Hi kamezamw,

Could you please edit the file /home/arkcase/.arkcase/acm/log4j2.xml; find the line for AngularResourceCopier; and change the log level to DEBUG.

you can see like this Logger name="com.armedia.acm.userinterface.angular.AngularResourceCopier" level="debug" additivity="false"

Once changes done kindly take the arkcase restart using below command and share the catalina.out file to check further.

sudo systemctl restart arkcase

Log file path: /opt/akcase/log/arkcase/catalina.out

Thanks Srinivas|ARMEDIA

danb35 commented 1 year ago

I'm having what seems to be the same problem; here's what appears to be the relevant portion of catalina.out:

m2022-11-08 23:31:24,891 [DEBUG] [Exec Stream Pumper] com.armedia.acm.userinterface.angular.AngularResourceCopier - [4/4] Building fresh packages...
2022-11-08 23:31:26,457 [DEBUG] [Exec Stream Pumper] com.armedia.acm.userinterface.angular.AngularResourceCopier - error /home/arkcase/.arkcase/tmp/node_modules/@bower_components/summernote: Command failed.
2022-11-08 23:31:26,457 [DEBUG] [Exec Stream Pumper] com.armedia.acm.userinterface.angular.AngularResourceCopier - Exit code: 1
2022-11-08 23:31:26,457 [DEBUG] [Exec Stream Pumper] com.armedia.acm.userinterface.angular.AngularResourceCopier - Command: husky install
2022-11-08 23:31:26,457 [DEBUG] [Exec Stream Pumper] com.armedia.acm.userinterface.angular.AngularResourceCopier - Arguments: 
2022-11-08 23:31:26,457 [DEBUG] [Exec Stream Pumper] com.armedia.acm.userinterface.angular.AngularResourceCopier - Directory: /home/arkcase/.arkcase/tmp/node_modules/@bower_components/summernote
2022-11-08 23:31:26,457 [DEBUG] [Exec Stream Pumper] com.armedia.acm.userinterface.angular.AngularResourceCopier - Output:
2022-11-08 23:31:26,457 [DEBUG] [Exec Stream Pumper] com.armedia.acm.userinterface.angular.AngularResourceCopier - husky - .git can't be found (see
2022-11-08 23:31:26,457 [DEBUG] [Exec Stream Pumper] com.armedia.acm.userinterface.angular.AngularResourceCopier - info Visit for documentation about this command.
2022-11-08 23:31:27,662 [ERROR] [main] com.armedia.acm.userinterface.angular.AngularResourceCopier - Could not copy Angular resources
 org.apache.commons.exec.ExecuteException: Process exited with an error: 1 (Exit value: 1)

I've already tried to install husky (with sudo npm -g install husky); this error appears after doing this. The complete catalina.out is attached.

david-oc-miller commented 1 year ago

@danb35 , thanks for posting the log fragment.

I read this page,, referenced in your log output. In the VM's file, try adding a line export HUSKY=0. This file should be at /opt/app/arkcase/app/arkcase/bin/, or possibly at /opt/arkcase/app/arkcase/bin/

danb35 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the quick response; turns out it's at /opt/app/arkcase/bin/ I stopped arkcase (systemctl stop arkcase), made that change, and restarted arkcase. After waiting a bit, the login page came up, and I was able to log in as the default admin user. That leaves two questions:

david-oc-miller commented 1 year ago

@danb35 , husky apparently is a git accessory: "Modern native git hooks made easy". Our Git repository uses "conventional commits" and husky seems to be a tool to enforce proper commit messages. That is why the Husky page has so many different ways to disable husky in situations like this where we aren't writing new code, only trying to run ArkCase.

To summarize: you won't see any problems or limitations.

What SMTP server are you using? We had some issues with some servers in the past.

danb35 commented 1 year ago

What SMTP server are you using? We had some issues with some servers in the past.

I'm using an installation of Nethserver 7 as my mail server, which I believe uses Postfix. But despite how I set it (port 25/no encryption, port 465/SSL/TLS, port 587/STARTTLS, port 25/STARTTLS), I'm getting this error in catalina.out:

2022-11-09 11:26:22,939 [ERROR] [https-openssl-apr-] - SMTP Error, [Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?]
    at ~[commons-net-3.3.jar:3.3]
    at ~[commons-net-3.3.jar:3.3]

Including a little more context (grep -C 20 SMTP catalina.out) gives this:

2022-11-09 11:26:22,939 [ERROR] [https-openssl-apr-] - SMTP Error, [Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?] Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?
    at ~[?:1.8.0_222]
    at ~[?:1.8.0_222]
    at ~[?:1.8.0_222]
    at ~[?:1.8.0_222]
    at ~[?:1.8.0_222]
    at ~[?:1.8.0_222]
    at ~[commons-net-3.3.jar:3.3]
    at ~[commons-net-3.3.jar:3.3]
    at ~[commons-net-3.3.jar:3.3]
    at ~[commons-net-3.3.jar:3.3]
    at [acm-service-email-3.3.1-r1.jar:?]
    at com.armedia.acm.plugins.admin.web.api.EmailSenderConfigurationAPIController.validateSmtpConfiguration( [acm-admin-plugin-3.3.1-r1.jar:?]
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_222]
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_222]
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_222]
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_222]
    at [spring-web-4.2.9.RELEASE.jar:4.2.9.RELEASE]
    at [spring-web-4.2.9.RELEASE.jar:4.2.9.RELEASE]
    at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.ServletInvocableHandlerMethod.invokeAndHandle( [spring-webmvc-4.2.9.RELEASE.jar:4.2.9.RELEASE]
    at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestMappingHandlerAdapter.invokeHandlerMethod( [spring-webmvc-4.2.9.RELEASE.jar:4.2.9.RELEASE]
    at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestMappingHandlerAdapter.handleInternal( [spring-webmvc-4.2.9.RELEASE.jar:4.2.9.RELEASE]
    at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.AbstractHandlerMethodAdapter.handle( [spring-webmvc-4.2.9.RELEASE.jar:4.2.9.RELEASE]
    at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doDispatch( [spring-webmvc-4.2.9.RELEASE.jar:4.2.9.RELEASE]
    at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doService( [spring-webmvc-4.2.9.RELEASE.jar:4.2.9.RELEASE]
    at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.processRequest( [spring-webmvc-4.2.9.RELEASE.jar:4.2.9.RELEASE]
    at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.doPut( [spring-webmvc-4.2.9.RELEASE.jar:4.2.9.RELEASE]
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( [servlet-api.jar:?]
    at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.service( [spring-webmvc-4.2.9.RELEASE.jar:4.2.9.RELEASE]
Mhorneh2 commented 1 year ago


I am trying to install the arkcase-ce with Vagrant/Virtualbox. When the build is run I encounter the proxy error mentioned earlier in this thread however when I try to obtain additional logs from the command "sudo cp /opt/app/arkcase/log/arkcase/catalina.out it encounters a prompt for the sudo password for arkcase: In this field I've tried the @rKc@3e and vagrant which I have found as the passwords in the readme's and configuration files. Is there another documented location for this password so that I can obtain these logs?

The VM Build file in use is; Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "arkcase/arkcase-ce" config.vm.box_version = "3.3.1-r1-a" config.vm.box_url = "" "public_network", bridge: "Intel(R) Wireless-AC 9560 160Mhz" config.vm.hostname = "arkcase-ce.local"

disable the default synced folder

config.vm.synced_folder '.', '/vagrant', disabled: true end

Within this build I can access the Pentaho, Solr and Alfresco pages but not the ArkCase CE

Any further steps I could test or check that I have missed would be appreciated.

Thanks, Michael

srinivasagunturu commented 1 year ago

Hi @Laddergrowth ,

Thank you for contacting ArkCase Support, we will take a look into your issue and get back to you shortly.

Thanks & Regards Srinivasa Reddy G Armedia |ArkCase Application Support []

srinivasagunturu commented 1 year ago

Hi @Laddergrowth ,

Sorry for the delayed response; please see the attached document and follow the steps to install Arkcase on your local system. Steps for Arkcase-Ce local.docx

chr0sy commented 8 months ago

hi, i am having same issue and nothing of the above solutions seems to work. anyone can help me? i want to test arkcase if it's really suitable for my use case