ArkEcosystemArchive / ios-monitor

:anchor: iOS app to monitor your account
MIT License
11 stars 9 forks source link

Rewrite Version 2.0 #3

Closed Awalz closed 6 years ago

Awalz commented 6 years ago

This is a major rewrite of the project. It includes:

There are many more updates that went into this update. You will have to build it and check it to see them all. There are also several updates I would like to make in the coming weeks

This pull request has conflicts and will need to be resolved (plist and launch screen storyboard).

Note for building: The NotificationBanner library has not been updated to Swift 4.0. After updating cocoa pods, you will manually have to change the BUILD SETTINGS to use Swift 3.2 instead of Swift 4.0 for it (only for NotificationBanner).

vrlcrypt commented 6 years ago

@Awalz great job! Thanks for your PR! I merged one PR yesterday ( I believe that for this reason there were conflicts with master branch in this new PR. Can you resolve them?

vrlcrypt commented 6 years ago

@Awalz: Can you provide me your ARK address for bounty distribution?

Awalz commented 6 years ago

Yeah Ill resolve them,

Ark Address: AYdHH5TsZF796pv7gxVU1tK6DLkUxMK1VL

Awalz commented 6 years ago

Some weird issues with the merge. Might have to rework some settings stuff. Ill have a fix up in a little bit

Awalz commented 6 years ago

@vrlc92 Should be resolved. Had some problems with the SettingsViewController so I just ended up rewriting it. Might just need some testing with custom server settings as I don't have any to test with

vrlcrypt commented 6 years ago

Nice! It looks really great! Thanks @Awalz.

Awalz commented 6 years ago

@vrlc92 No worries. There is more to come!

sleepdefic1t commented 6 years ago

@Awalz Killer job on the update!!

You clearly have the hang of Swift. But you're welcome to check out my Swift wrapper as well.

Going hard on some IoT stuff ATM, but send/rec-payment, voting, Delegate registration, etc is planned for the next release.

sleepdefic1t commented 6 years ago


If you need access to Ark test servers.

Greendragon runs You should be able to use

@faustbrian also just released Ark Swagger Docs that uses as well.

Awalz commented 6 years ago

This is good stuff, thanks.

I have plans to rewrite the model/API. ARKKit looks pretty good. Ill look into integration after I finished my new UI release with feature enhancemenets

sleepdefic1t commented 6 years ago

@Awalz Anytime.

Nice! And thank you! Keep up the great work!!

p.s. these may be of use down the road.