ArkanosisNet /

Tools for Age of Empires II
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Cannot find the folder #4

Open LinMittens opened 1 year ago

LinMittens commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your work! People like you really make ditching Windows possible for people that do not working in tech. New user on Pop!OS and Linux in general. Installed Steam via Flatpak.

When I prompt 'cd ~/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d' I cannot find the folder or directory. Am I missing something?

Arkanosis commented 7 months ago

Hi @LinMittens !

Thanks for your question and sorry for not having answered earlier. Somehow I wasn't receiving any notification for issues opened on the repositories of my own organization… that should be fixed now.

I'm guessing from the date (July 2023) that you were trying to install one of my custom builds of Proton. If so, the good news is that it's most likely not needed anymore since Proton 8.0-4 (released in October 2023) fixes the issues with updates 87863 and later of the game. Again, sorry for the late news. The only case where you might still want to use a custom build of Proton is if your GPU does not support Vulkan 1.3, as newer official releases need it.

Now, to answer your question: the paths are slightly different when you install using Flatpak. I don't use Flatpak myself, but @megahello contributed an update for Flatpak last year, and back then, Steam files were in ~/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.local/share/Steam. The right location for custom build could therefore be ~/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.local/share/Steam/compatibilitytools.d, but that's just a guess. Possibly, you'd have to create the compatibilitytools.d directory, if it was not created before.

I'm going to let this issue open for a while, in case you still need help or can share your experience for other people who could have the same problem.
