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Correcting Frequency Separation Table #680

Open k5dvt opened 1 year ago

k5dvt commented 1 year ago

Not really a Bug, nor an feature. The Frequency spacing table under the procedure tab should probably reflect FCC limitations on where repeaters can be. For example 10 Meters is currently listed as 28.3 -29.7, although repeater operation by law is only 29.5-29.7 (And this makes sense with the given pairs.)

This is what 97.205(b) says: A repeater may receive and retransmit only on the 10 m and shorter wavelength frequency bands except the 28.0–29.5 MHz, 50.0–51.0 MHz, 144.0–144.5 MHz, 145.5–146.0 MHz, 222.00–222.15 MHz, 431.0–433.0 Mhz, and 435.0–438.0 Mhz segments. It's the same frequencies for "Auxiliary Stations" (repeater links and control). I know this may seem to cause a bit of consternation on how to actually put this in a table, so maybe a note on the website near the table will suffice? Perhaps the better solution here is to just have it as "10 Meters" or "6 Meters" etc. and leave the nuances like the above frequency gaps for somewhere else... It's a semantics issue, I know.

ae5au commented 1 year ago

If it weren't for the 70cm band, I would list the range since it would be a single range that just starts a little higher than we currently show. I think I would vote for making it list the wavelength of the band. If @JoshuaCarroll agrees, I can knock out the change.

JoshuaCarroll commented 1 year ago

Go for it.