This includes pull request #47 updating scope handling.
States should be semi unique to each request per LinkedIn's documentation. This update changes when and how states are generated and how they are stored, maintained, and deleted.
State is no longer a parameter to the initialization of the package. Thus, states are not static (conforming to LinkedIn's documentation).
A state may be supplied to the authorize function in the Auth class by the client software or (if not supplied) generated for them.
A state is deleted upon a successful authorization matching.
This includes pull request #47 updating scope handling.
States should be semi unique to each request per LinkedIn's documentation. This update changes when and how states are generated and how they are stored, maintained, and deleted.
State is no longer a parameter to the initialization of the package. Thus, states are not static (conforming to LinkedIn's documentation).
A state may be supplied to the authorize function in the Auth class by the client software or (if not supplied) generated for them.
A state is deleted upon a successful authorization matching.