Arksine / katapult

Configurable bootloader for Klipper
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Enhancement] Guardrail to prevent flashing wrong MCU type. #86

Open Laikulo opened 10 months ago

Laikulo commented 10 months ago

I'm not entirely sure of the feasibility of this, as it relies on being able to reliably extract the MCU type from a klipper/deployer image to be deployed. Information about that should be readily available in the klipper .elf, but getting it out from .bin may be pain. This would probably best be an opportunistic check, that maybe prints an informative message if it can't determine the MCU type of a firmware blob.

Laikulo commented 9 months ago

It appears that it is not too difficult to extract a dictionary from a bin, since the zlib header is pretty recognizable. Here's an example of doing so with binwalk:

[aaron@warforged]~/vcs/klipper/out% binwalk klipper.bin

28856         0x70B8          Zlib compressed data, best compression

[aaron@warforged]~/vcs/klipper/out% binwalk klipper.bin -e

28856         0x70B8          Zlib compressed data, best compression 

[aaron@warforged]~/vcs/klipper/out% cd _klipper.bin.extracted
[aaron@warforged]~/vcs/klipper/out/_klipper.bin.extracted% zstdcat <70B8 | jq .config.MCU