Arksine / katapult

Configurable bootloader for Klipper
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Coexisting canboot.bin and katapult.bin in katapult/out folder #93

Closed Phil1988 closed 8 months ago

Phil1988 commented 8 months ago


I am following the voron canbus guide (see here) and want to flash the katapult (formerly CanBoot) bootloader to the mainboard.

The tutorial says I should flash like dfu-util -R -a 0 -s 0x08000000:force:mass-erase:leave -D ~/CanBoot/out/canboot.bin -d 0483:df11 and as the name meanwhile changed to katapult, I had a closer look.

In the out folder there is a canboot.bin and a katapult.bin: image Which is which and what should I use? I think that katapult.bin is right, but there might be a reason, why canboot.bin is there and it may be different.

Thanks for your help :)

NAPCAL commented 8 months ago

The changes will be: From ~/CanBoot To ~/katapult

From ~/CanBoot/out/canboot.bin To ~/katapult/out/katapult.bin

From ~/CanBoot/scripts/ To ~/katapult/scripts/

All of the switches like -q -u are the same.

I haven't had the free time to update my guides, but it is on my list.

Phil1988 commented 8 months ago

Thanks @NAPCAL

I know that, but my question is, why there are two -.bin files: canboot.bin and a katapult.bin

Are they currently similar/a copy to have backwards compatibility in the transition phase? If not, what is different between canboot.bin and a katapult.bin?


NAPCAL commented 8 months ago

They did this so users accustomed to CanBoot could transition over to Katapult.

They also created a symbolic link from to

If you currently have CanBoot firmware installed, you can use the deployer option and to update to Katapult on that device.

python3 ~/katapult/scripts/flashtool -f ~/katapult/out/deployer.bin -u UUID

Phil1988 commented 8 months ago

Ok, so it is a the same file.

Then I'll close this.

Would be nice if this could be documented somewhere of if there is a general "how to" section somewhere. I might not be the only one to appreciate that :)