Arksine / moonraker

Web API Server for Klipper
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Unified camera support #178

Open ayufan opened 3 years ago

ayufan commented 3 years ago


I'm following for some time the klipper ecosystem and see a few missing features:



Camera configuration

[camera default]
type = mjpg / v4l / rtsp
snapshot_url = # used by mjpg
stream_url = # used by mjpg or rtsp
device = # used by v4l
fps = # can be provided in each case to transform the stream (?)
resolution = # can be provided in each case to transform the stream (?)
flip_horizontal = false | true
flip_vertical = false | true
proxy = false | true # indicates if the camera is accessed directly or via moonraker => a default is that Moonraker tries to expose direct access

[camera my_mjpg]
type = mjpg
snapshot_url = http://my-webcam/snapshot
# stream_url:
# set if available, then the adaptive `mjpg-streamer` is used
# that requests snapshots fps-times per second
stream_url = http://my-webcam/stream 
fps = 30

[camera my_v4l]
type = v4l
device = /dev/video0
resolution = 1920x1080

[camera my_rtsp]
type = rtsp
stream_url = rtsp://my-camera:12315/

Camera API

The frontend can request /server/camera/list that returns all available cameras with different access patterns as possible, so frontend can pick the most efficient one:

Snapshot Design

An intent of this feature is to attach to [history] and provide a post print capture of a print that can be accessed via [history] later:

camera = my_v4l
snapshot_delay = 5 # capture 5s after the print finishes

Timelapse Design

An intent of this feature is to create a timelapse and attach it to [history]. I guess quite similar to

camera: my_v4l
enabled: True
autorender: True
constant_rate_factor: 23
output_framerate: 30
output_path: ~/timelapse/
frame_path: /tmp/timelapse/
time_format_code: %Y%m%d_%H%M
pixelformat: yuv420p

Impact on History API

Each of the mentioned features extends History API with these informations. The only required change on frontend is to consume a camera key and show any of the requested data. Moonraker will happily serve that in a form where either <img> (for snapshot) or <video> (for timelapse) can be used.

We don't truly need any other configuration for frontend.

   "jobs": [
          "end_time": 1623432959.359852,
          "filament_used": 0,
          "filename": "wait_print.gcode",
          "metadata": {
             "size": 450,
            "modified": 1623173866.6310892,
            "slicer": "Unknown",
            "gcode_start_byte": 8,
            "gcode_end_byte": 450
          "camera": {
              "thumbnail_url": "/server/thumbnails/...jpg",
              "snapshot_url": "/server/history_snapshot/my-print-132153242.jpg",
              "timelapse_url": "/server/history_snapshot/my-print-321321312.mp4"
          "print_duration": 0,
          "status": "completed",
          "start_time": 1623432911.2004614,
          "total_duration": 48.258318522945046,
          "job_id": "000068",
          "exists": true
cadriel commented 3 years ago

This would be a fantastic addition.. 👍🏼

nlef commented 3 years ago

I've created telegram bot for this) i'm using opencv for capturing frames from cams ( mjpeg\h264 streams supported). i could try to move my codebase into moonraker as another plugin if someone is interested in it)

Suhanovd commented 3 years ago

Is there any progress in this direction? Is it possible to connect cameras via RTSP? And how are the cameras connected at the moment and which cameras are supported?

FrYakaTKoP commented 3 years ago

@Suhanovd since moonraker does not handle any camera related stuff (beside the timelapse component which is not yet in the master branch). It highly depends on the Os you installed moonraker on. As example MainsailOs uses mjpg_streamer which is the same as octopi uses, compatibility should be the same.

RTSP is a whole other story. Since Webbrowsers have no native support for rtsp which would need a special plugin embedded in the frontend (flash, activex, ....) or transcode the rtsp stream to something the brower accepts without any trickery. Problem with later is that it will introduce delay (big cpu overhead also). If your ipcam supports streaming to a html5

Btw. i would like to see something like a unified camera support controlled by moonraker, but afaik no body is working on it and i have other priorities.