Arlen22 / TiddlyServer

v2 - A static file server that can also save files and mount TiddlyWiki folders
MIT License
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Server Crashing with No Errors #101

Open ohare93 opened 4 years ago

ohare93 commented 4 years ago

At a loss here. I have had no issues with TiddlyServer running so far, after a few months of running it continuously. Now all of a sudden my server does not return data to a browser, with no errors in the command line.


You can see the 404 on Options and Head there, but those have always happened. Now a window going to the right ip, locally or not, will simply hang waiting for nothing.

Strangely I can get to the main page just fine, and even go and browse the image files being hosted in there. I even have another entirely separate TiddlyWiki being hosted on my server which is entirely empty (I had plans) and I can load this one fine, no issues!

This hang only occurs on opening my main TW. It haaaaaangs for about 3 mins, sometimes never loading at all.


When it completes it is all of a sudden, with no warning.


Note the 2.5 min at the bottom.

Then the whole TW freezes and crashes if I simply close that currently shown Tiddler "Anki", search "Anki" and click the result. The search bar does not go away, and nothing is clickable. Though the background still scrolls.

Seems like it is some content of my TW, but I have no idea what it could be. Any ideas what I should do? :sob:

ohare93 commented 4 years ago

Update: I have found a specific commit that is somehow the cause. I merged in a bunch of Tiddlers from another TiddlyWiki file I have into my main one, last night. Reverting this merge and restarting gets me a smoooth ship again. Though none of those Tiddlers should have overlapped, nor did I have any of them open, so I am rather confused how one could cause an error such as this :thinking: all I can think of is that those tiddlers came from an encrypted TiddlyWiki, and that my main one is not encrypted, but I first exported them to json before importing them, and confirmed they all opened fine. Total loss for how, but my wiki is running smooth again for now. Will attempt to find out which one of these files causes this, and post back here. But any ideas to help my search are still welcome!

Arlen22 commented 4 years ago

Browser problems are usually related to TiddlyWiki in general, not just TiddlyServer, so feel free to ask on the TiddlyWiki forums if you run into these kinds of problems in the future. It sounds like there was some kind of hang or infinite loop.