ArmaAchilles / Achilles

Achilles is a gameplay modification for Arma 3. It expands the Zeus real-time editor with many new additions as well as provides bug fixes.
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Ares_fnc_RegisterCustomModule not working as documented. #520

Open VileAce opened 4 years ago

VileAce commented 4 years ago

Arma 3 Version: 1.98 stable CBA Version: 3.15.1 stable Achilles Version: v1.3.1



Steps to reproduce: In the debug console or the Execute Code module enter code from example:

if (!isNull (getAssignedCuratorLogic player) && {isClass (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "achilles_modules_f_achilles")}) then
waitUntil {missionnamespace getvariable ["BIS_moduleMPTypeGameMaster_init", false] and {not isNil "ares_category_list"}};
    ["Module Category", "Module Name", 
        params [["_position", [0,0,0], [[]], 3], ["_objectUnderCursor", objNull, [objNull]]];

        systemChat str _position;
        systemChat str _objectUnderCursor;
    }] call Ares_fnc_RegisterCustomModule;


["My Category", "My Module",
    params [["_position", [0,0,0], [[]], 3], ["_objectUnderCursor", objNull, [objNull]]];

    private _selectedObjects = if (isNull _objectUnderCursor) then
        ["Objects"] call Achilles_fnc_SelectUnits;

    if (isNil "_selectedObjects") exitWith {};

    if (_selectedObjects isEqualTo []) exitWith 

        ["No object was selected!"] call Achilles_fnc_showZeusErrorMessage;

    systemChat format ["Position: %1 and Selected objects: %2", _position, _selectedObjects];
}] call Ares_fnc_RegisterCustomModule;

Close Zeus interface Open Zeus interface Look for Category and module Only Category is created.