ArmaAchilles / Hephaestus

Hephaestus is a powerful, cross-platform wrapper around a builder for Bohemia Interactive's ArmA 3 using community made builders (armake) or the official AddonBuilder.
MIT License
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Awareness of being in a git tracked directory #17

Closed ghost closed 5 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago
CreepPork commented 6 years ago

This could get complicated because if it is placed in subfolders.

ghost commented 6 years ago

I'll explore a bit and see if it can be pulled off without tons of code or creating dependencies.

CreepPork commented 6 years ago

Dependencies could be ignored if they are bundled with the AddonBuilder itself.

ghost commented 6 years ago

Yes but then you also have to worry about the extra surface area for something to break when a major .net framework update gets released, performance concerns, author abandoning the work, quality. I try not to resort to using 3rd party libraries unless I have to. Plus I think it increases the size of the application.

CreepPork commented 6 years ago

That's all true but the project is locked to a certain version of .NET

ghost commented 6 years ago

You still have to deal with the bloat of having extra libraries.

CreepPork commented 5 years ago

Not applicable to version 2.