Armitxes / VSCode_SQF

Visual Studio Code ~ SQF Language plugin
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'"BIS_" function should not be overwritten' warning #56

Open iAcolyte opened 3 years ago

iAcolyte commented 3 years ago

" The "BIS" function should not be overwritten. "BIS" is an reserved namespace for functions by Bohemia Interactive " It's very annoying warning showing up every time I use BIS_ function. I don't want to overwrite it. How can I disable it?

HansLuft778 commented 2 years ago

Late answer, but a way I found around it (if still relevant).

This seems to be the case when comparing a BIS-function return value to something, like

if ("taskGetAmmo" call BIS_fnc_taskState == "CREATED") then {

you can either switch both sides of the == to get rid if the error, or assign the return value of the BIS-function to a variable:

foo = "taskGetAmmo" call BIS_fnc_taskState;
if (foo  == "CREATED") then {

either way, the BIS-function has to be to the right of a qual sign.

oblivion049 commented 9 months ago

Do not use lowercase "bis" in uppercase