Armitxes / VSCode_SQF

Visual Studio Code ~ SQF Language plugin
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Add HASHMAP comprehension #59

Open mwpowellhtx opened 3 years ago

mwpowellhtx commented 3 years ago

Such as useful feature with recent versions of Arma 3, the HASHMAP.

blackfisch commented 2 years ago

since this Repo hasn't been updated since december and no release for about 3 years, I created an extension forked from this one with support for commands from current Arma versions:

mwpowellhtx commented 2 years ago

@blackfisch Brilliant sir, brilliant. One of my interests there was to allow for users to specify command patterns. I do not know quite along the lines how much of that is possible, or even worth doing. But I think it is great, thank you, sir!