Armitxes / VSCode_SQF

Visual Studio Code ~ SQF Language plugin
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Case sensitive commands #7

Closed jameslkingsley closed 8 years ago

jameslkingsley commented 8 years ago

For example foreach is highlighted as white whereas forEach is highlighted blue. Commands should not be case sensitive in SQF.

ryanwoodcox commented 8 years ago

+1 vote for this feature as SQF is case INsensative.

Armitxes commented 8 years ago

Case sensitive code looks more beautiful and is easier to read ^^ I took the wiki as reference where they are very careful with case-sensivity in their code. AswelI I planned to link the commands to the wiki at some point (Ryan had a similar Idea for BIS Functions), and the URLs are case sensitive. <- wrong <- right

But in the end you're right, case-insensitive code works and shall be highlighted/supported. Will look into the issue.

ryanwoodcox commented 8 years ago

I agree - I personally always code using pascal case or camel case - but sadly the SQF language is case insensitive. Their wiki probably just has case sensitive routing that doesn't redirect properly to the correct documentation page.

Armitxes commented 8 years ago

Will be implemented in v0.5.0 the next days

Armitxes commented 8 years ago

Implemented in the v0.5 released a few minutes ago :+1: check for extension updates in VS Code.