ArnaudBuchholz / ui5-test-runner

A test runner for UI5 applications enabling parallel execution of tests.
MIT License
18 stars 9 forks source link

Support legacy UI5 project structure #18

Closed ArnaudBuchholz closed 1 year ago

ArnaudBuchholz commented 2 years ago

Legacy app structure :

+- src
    +- main
    |   |
    |   +- webapp
    +- test
        +- qunit
           > qunit.runner.testsuite.html (main file)
           > testsuite.qunit.html (mapped as ./test-resources/testsuite.qunit.html)

Legacy lib structure :

+- src
    +- namespace/lib
    +- test
        +- qunit
           > testsuite.qunit.html (main file)
ArnaudBuchholz commented 2 years ago

A simpler option would also be to provide ways to specify the testsuite.qunit.html (or equivalent) location and other mappings

ArnaudBuchholz commented 1 year ago

Version 2 supports URL and does not rely on internal server