Arnavion / k8s-openapi

Rust definitions of the resource types in the Kubernetes client API
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Add DSL-like methods #120

Closed dpc closed 1 year ago

dpc commented 2 years ago

This is an initial implementation of the idea described in #80

The goal is to make all these generated types much more usable directly in code in a semi-DSL way with decent ergonomics.

Since there were concerns about compilation time increase, everything here is behind a new dsl cargo feature flag. In my initial tests, enabling it increases the compilation time by around 10%.

You can read more about how I'm planning to use it and prototyping it:

The exact details of naming and APIs are yet to be determined. I welcome any feedback and ideas.

Some TODOs for me to remember addressing:

Arnavion commented 2 years ago

I would still like to know what these functions give you that just regular struct update syntax does not.

In the issue you had written:

It doesn't compose well.

let pod_spec = PodSpec::default()

vs ...

let mut pod_spec = PodSpec::default();
pod_spec.restart_policy = "Always".to_string();


The equivalent way is not what you wrote, but:

let pod_spec = PodSpec {
    restart_policy: "Always".to_string(),
    containers: vec![get_default_node_js_container_spec()],

Similarly, your rustshop discussion has:

ctx.add_service(app_name, |s| {
   s.metadata_with(|m| {
           .insert("some_extra_service_label".into(), "iamaservice".into());
   .ports_with(|ports| {
       ports.push(ServicePort {
           port: i32::from(common_app::DEFAULT_LISTEN_PORT),
.add_deployment(app_name, |d| {
   d.metadata_with(|m| {
           .insert("some_extra_label".into(), "some_extra_value".into());
   .template_with(|t| {
       t.spec().containers_push_with(|c| {

which could be:

ctx.add_service(app_name, Service {
    metadata: ObjectMeta {
        labels: Some([("some_extra_service_label".into(), "iamaservice".into())].into()),
        spec: Some(ServiceSpec {
            ports: Some(vec![
                ServicePort {
                    port: i32::from(common_app::DEFAULT_LISTEN_PORT),
            selector: Some(pod_selector.clone()),
.add_deployment(Deployment {
    metadata: ObjectMeta {
        labels: Some([("some_extra_label".into(), "some_extra_value".into())].into()),
        spec: Some(DeploymentSpec {
            replicas: Some(1),
            selector: Some(pod_selector.clone()),
            template: PodTemplateSpec {
                metadata: Some(ObjectMeta {
                    labels: Some(labels.clone()),
                    name: Some(app_name.clone()),
                spec: Some(PodSpec {
                    containers: vec![
                        Container {
                            image: Some("redis".to_owned()),
                            name: "main".to_owned(),

In particular, you've added builders for what seems to me an arbitrary set of operations:

Again, I know that fluent APIs exist, but I don't see what place they have in a language that has struct update syntax + a library where all fields are public.

dpc commented 2 years ago

which could be:

Note that your example always overwrites everything.

In my example:

ctx.add_service(app_name, |s| {

a can be arbitrarily pre-populated. Eg. the higher level library might have already added common-labels, readiness/liveliness probes etc.

Since the time of publishing I've abstracted away some general templates which then the specific code customizes

And there's also:


:roll_eyes: :shrug:

It is very un-Rust-y to take borrows when they will be converted to owned types. It means there will be a needless copy even if the caller had an owned value they were willing to give up.

You might be right. I'm open for refining all the APIs here. Right now I just prototyped something that I can build with, and get some feedback. Not sure how much I want to invest into it if you'd be vehemently opposed to include it, even under feature flag, and I need to validate that it makes sense myself. :)

And if one were to change them to .extend, why could I not use the existing Vec::extend and BTreeMap::extend instead of this builder?

Notably the method I'm introducing take care of add adding Some automatically. The sheer number of Optional fields is a total PITA when working with these types. :sweat_smile:

It is already not as simple as what you had hoped for.

I agree that it probably won't be perfect, but I'll take 90/10 whenever I can.

Arnavion commented 2 years ago

a can be arbitrarily pre-populated. Eg. the higher level library might have already added common-labels, readiness/liveliness probes etc.

Okay, that makes sense.

It is very un-Rust-y to take borrows when they will be converted to owned types. It means there will be a needless copy even if the caller had an owned value they were willing to give up.

You might be right.

Notably the method I'm introducing take care of add adding Some automatically. The sheer number of Optional fields is a total PITA when working with these types. sweat_smile

I don't think saving the user Some() is enough of a reason, and those Options are anyway still there when you need to get data out of the objects. I'd rather not abstract such fundamentals away.

I think it makes sense to add a "deep-merge" API that overrides None's with Some's and concatenates Vecs and Maps. I'm not convinced about the fluent API itself, unless you have any other reasons.

dpc commented 2 years ago

I think it makes sense to add a "deep-merge" API that overrides None's with Some's and concatenates Vecs and Maps. I'm not convinced about the fluent API itself, unless you have any other reasons.

Oh... actually, maybe that would work for me as well or even better!

It also has a nice property, that one could deserialize a bunch yaml to a given type, and then merge it back, allowing not only handy in-Rust-code updates, but possibly building all sorts of yaml based things (e.g. something read from a file, or opened in $EDITOR for user to modify) .

So for every type, we would define fn merge_from(&mut Self, other: Self) that would run merge_from recursively on all fields?

Does this seem OK, or do you have any other details in mind?

dpc commented 2 years ago

If you are more inclined to land such an improvement, please let me know if I should try to build it with the core code that I already wrote (I had to add some extra type-tracking to deal with optionals etc.) or possibly if you want to try to do yourself in some ways that more suits you (long term maintenance is the more important aspect here).

Arnavion commented 2 years ago

So for every type, we would define fn merge_from(&mut Self, other: Self) that would run merge_from recursively on all fields?

Does this seem OK, or do you have any other details in mind?

Yes, exactly.

Also it should be fine to not have a feature flag for the methods.

@teozkr @lfrancke Since you commented on the original issue, what are your thoughts?

If you are more inclined to land such an improvement, please let me know if I should try to build it with the core code that I already wrote (I had to add some extra type-tracking to deal with optionals etc.) or possibly if you want to try to do yourself in some ways that more suits you (long term maintenance is the more important aspect here).

You can start first. If I want to tweak it I can do that myself or discuss with you before merging.

lfrancke commented 2 years ago

Thank you for pinging me. I will let Teo comment on this. He's much more involved in this now.

dpc commented 2 years ago

@Arnavion @lfrancke @teozkr A WIP (but compiling) version of "deep merge" pushed in #121 .

Arnavion commented 1 year ago

Superseded by #121