ArnoAnsems / CatacombGL

CatacombGL is a source port with OpenGL graphics for Catacomb 3D (1991), The Catacomb Abyss (1992), The Catacomb Armageddon (1992) and The Catacomb Apocalypse (1993).
GNU General Public License v3.0
147 stars 13 forks source link

Monster / secrets counter #34

Closed ArnoAnsems closed 3 years ago

ArnoAnsems commented 3 years ago

"it would be great if there was a monster counter like other source ports have, such as those for Doom, to appease the completionists. Maybe also a breakable wall counter like the secret counters of said ports"

Suggested by yasagani.

ArnoAnsems commented 3 years ago

The monster/secret/item counters were added to the automap in version 0.5.3.