Arnold-n / P1P2MQTT

Monitor and control Daikin/Rotex (hybrid/Altherma) heat pumps via the 2-wire P1/P2 thermostat interface with an ATmega328P, ESP8266, and electronics. The P1P2Serial library and P1P2Monitor program perform low-level bus operation, the P1P2-bridge-esp8266 program interprets data from/to MQTT supporting Home Assistant MQTT discovery. P1P2Serial may also be used for other Japanese Home Bus System based standards: DIII-NET (F1/F2) bus, Mitsubishi M-Net bus, Toshiba TCC-Link, Hitachi H-link, Panasonic/Sanyo SIII-Net, Haier, York, and others.
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MQTT settings lost during firmware update #99

Open Staacks opened 1 month ago

Staacks commented 1 month ago

I just updated both controllers to the latest firmwares (P1P2MQTT-bridge-v0.9.50-Daikin-E.ino.bin and P1P2Monitor-v0.9.46-Daikin-E.ino.hex via OTA, web and avrdude respectively).

After the update, the P1P2bridge tried to connect to an MQTT broker at with default P1P2 user and password instead of the 192.168.2.x IP and the user and password I had set. The Wifi credentials were still the correct ones from before the update, so it was correctly connected to my network with a 192.168.2.x address.

This made setting new MQTT credentials via webinterface impossible (no, but I could set them via telnet, so everything is fine for me.

Note that I updated from a prerelease v0.9.45rc30 (Arnold, you sent me that one in March), so if this is only an issue with this test rc version, the issue can be closed immediately.

BTW: The documentation you sent me mentions a B command to set up MQTT via telnet. This command was not available and I used P instead.

Arnold-n commented 1 month ago

Indeed that documentation is outdated, the B and I commands have been replaced by the more generic P command. I have tried to keep EEPROM (which includes MQTT settings) as much as possible from version to version but indeed sometimes this may have gone wrong especially for rc versions shared individually, sorry about that. And the only two options to recover from wrong MQTT settings is: -telnet as you did, and use the commands P7 IPv4-MQTT-server, and if necessary also P8 MQTT-port-nr, P9 MQTT-username and P10 MQTT-password -double-tap reset-button until blue LED lights up, and enter WiFi+MQTT credentials in AP (SSID/password P1P2/P1P2P3P4) via WiFiManager

Staacks commented 1 month ago

No need to be sorry, your work is much appreciated. Just wanted to avoid others to get stranded. So, if you think it is indeed rc version specific, this can be closed.

Arnold-n commented 1 month ago

I'll keep it open for a while for a few other rc users, and in case more people encounter it. I'll also add a few lines to the HA doc.