When user has Metrics settings but not Integration settings, cannot set cboLOE because it has not been populated yet
1 CA: 1 CAM expects Unique ID
1 WP: 1 EVT expects Unique ID
EVT vs Milestone EVT on >1 fiscal period
What does "WPs with budgets" mean - didn't you change that to "w/o"?
analyze EVTs pulls from old Metrics settings not DECM mapping; make clear that old settings are WP-level, and identify what the 'CustomFields' option is used for
allow analyze EVTs to run against either "EVT" or "Milestone EVT"
[x] 1. comment out the earlier line of code that tries to set the value, it happens later anyway
[x] 2. get user-selected field for CA and change from "contains" to "equals"
[x] 3. get user-selected field for WPCN/WP and change from "contains" to "equals"
[x] 4. maybe allow a Milestone EVT setting and use that as well as checking for a WP 0/100 w/ fiscal periods > 1
[x] 5. change the name
[x] 6. consolidate the mapping; make it feature-specific for what's required for that metric in the ValidMap dialog
[x] 7. add option for which to use (or include both?)
[x] upgrade to v6.0
[x] pick list values on frmIntegration should all be alphabetized by CustomFieldName
[x] assign this issue
[x] label the issue for enhancement or bug
[x] label the issue with codemodule (so fixes can be aggregated and hotfixed together)
[x] checkout appropriate branch and create topic branch
[ ] design, code and test
[ ] update codemodule x.y.z
[ ] update CurrentVersions.xml manually
[ ] commit changes prefix comment with Issue #XXX -
[ ] merge topic into appropriate branch(es) and push
branchIssue #XXX -
into appropriate branch(es) and push