AronGahagan / cpt-dev

Code repository for the ClearPlan Toolbar
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cptMetrics - improve Staffing Profile - use Resume instead of subtracting actuals #373

Open AronGahagan opened 5 months ago

AronGahagan commented 5 months ago


If a user clears out actual work in the past (or has ActiveProject.AutoCalcCosts = False then data could be incorrect.


Use Resume (or Status Date) as the start date for Work instead of getting all work and then subtracting Actual Work instead.


AronGahagan commented 5 months ago's possible this was already fixed, and the vestigial subtraction code to subtract actuals isn't cough actually subtracting anything. The current code defaults to using Resume as the StartDate for TSVS if the task has an Actual Start (and no Actual Finish).