Arquisoft / viade_en3a

Viade En3A
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Documentation Revisited #198

Closed oscar134 closed 4 years ago

oscar134 commented 4 years ago

I was having a look at the documentation and I found this things to update:

  1. Introduction and goals: No change except quality goal 4 (no mobile app)
  2. Architecture Constraints: No change.
  3. System Scope and Context:: Details in issue #152. Also check if BackEnd libraries are OK.
  4. Solution Strategy: Remove GPX.
  5. Building Block View: Check issue #153. Also things in the model have changed.
  6. Runtime View: Redo. Has changed.
  7. Deployment View: Update. No apps. Test environment OK.
  8. Cross-cutting concepts: Redo model (8.2) and update Navigation Map (8.3) to include groups. Maybe add link to Viadespec.
  9. Design decisions: Seems OK. Maybe add some new ones or things that we didn't have time to do and why prioritized others.
  10. Quality Requirements: Check we follow them and remove mobile app reference.
  11. Risks and Technical Debts: OK.
  12. Glossary: More terms? We only have 5.