I am trying to call the application created by the @inrupt/solid-react generator, and I managed to use it when both the client and the node server run on the same machine. However, I configured the network to be able to access the server from the Internet, and the result is consistently getting the following error:
"TypeError: Unable to get property 'trackSession' of undefined or null reference."
I still have not had the time to modify the source code of the generated app, so I asume that something must be misconfigured in the generator.
I am trying to call the application created by the @inrupt/solid-react generator, and I managed to use it when both the client and the node server run on the same machine. However, I configured the network to be able to access the server from the Internet, and the result is consistently getting the following error: "TypeError: Unable to get property 'trackSession' of undefined or null reference." I still have not had the time to modify the source code of the generated app, so I asume that something must be misconfigured in the generator.